Year A Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Topic People Who Help Us Keeping Healthy Magnificent Monsters Food Glorious Food Growing Plants Going on a Journey English Writing opportunities Visits Visitors Maths Using and applying Science Geography History Art DT PSHE RE Music Continuous Recounts of visits, letters to visitors, stories about getting lost, poetry on the theme of dark/light, labels and captions about people who help us, instructions for keeping healthy. Wellington Fire Station Paramedics/police officer From topic work Dragon Poetry, dinosaur stories, simple instructions –recipes, captions and labels for fossils, recount of Mary Annings life. Letter to Ben in Taiwan Museum in your School – Fossils and Dinosaurs Cadbury World ? Chinese Restaurant From topic work Jack and the Beanstalk Tattybogle letters Poetry –summer/journeys/ seaside Light Keeping Fit and Healthy Changing Materials Plants UK focus Mapping our local area through visits to Police station, fire station etc. Locating London on a map Fire of London Florence Nightingale Collage/paint Fire of London pictures Mixing colours, creating 3d effects World focus Where does our food come from? Contrasting Locality- China and Taiwan UK focus Planning a journey in Shropshire Travelling to the seaside World Focus – flying around the world Seaside holidays in the past Moving pictures shadow puppets Dinosaur or dragon toys – sewing Vehicles RSE – Hygiene RSE Choices and challenges Healthy eating Eat Better L1 & 2 Crossing the road and railway safety Swimming and water safety Who am I? How do people express their beliefs through worship and celebration? Why do people’s beliefs and practice differ? Year B Hinduism Year D Sikhism Music Express Year 1 programme Who are my neighbours? How should I lead my life? Why do people’s beliefs and practice differ? Year B Islam Year D Judaism What do people believe about God? Where do people’s beliefs come from? How is belief expressed through symbols and actions? Year Year B Islam D Judaism Mary Anning, Fossils and dinosaurs Dragon Art Varied media approaches Cosford- Let’s Fly workshop From topic work Botanical drawings - Work of William Morris, printing and clay tile making Weather and seasons Cooking Geography mapping related to children’s own experience. Famous person of the week. PE Move More /multiskills Year B Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Topic Light Houses Marvellous Machines Houses and Homes Princesses, Knights and Castles All About Animals Habitats English Writing opportunities Visits Visitors Sea stories and poems, Space stories and poems, Recount visit to Engenuity, Describing toys that move- how do they work? Poetry – seasons Fairy tales including Three Little Pigs Mini beast stories Engenuity Attingham Park, Acton Scott or Blists hill Ludlow Castle or Stokesay From Topic work Zoo or animal man visit Sculpture park From Topic work Maths Using and applying Science From Topic work Forces and Movement /Floating and Sinking Electricity Properties of Materials including Sound Ourselves and Other Animals Habitats Geography UK focus- lighthouse mapping World focus- our world as a planet, Columbus’s journey UK focus- mapping where we live World Focus - Homes around the World World Focus- Animals around the world Contrasting locality- Arctic Tundra UK focus- native animals and their habitats Space travel – the moon landing Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus Homes in the Past Castles Famous people - Charles Darwin Sea paintings –creating movement and texture Hokusai’s wave, Turner Light houses –winding up Art in Buildings- Gaudi Mosaics – Portuguese and Roman buildings Houses Work of David Shepherd Animal sculpture Safe us of electricity RSE Choices and challenges Where do I belong? Why do people’s beliefs differ? Year A Judaism Year C Islam Eat Better L3 & 4 RSE Changes L1-5 Has science got all the answers? How do people express their beliefs about truth? Year A Hinduism Year C Sikhism How should we relate to others and the natural world? How do people make sense of life and death/hardship and suffering? Year A Hinduism Year C Sikhism History Art DT PSHE RE Music Continuous Music Express Year 2 programme Weather and seasons Cooking Geography mapping related to children’s own experience. Famous person of the week. PE Move More/ multiskills