Meeting with SFB Deputy Director General in discussion of issues included in ECCT 2011-2012 Asset Management Papers and related issues Date: 21st Mar 2012 Time: 3:00pm – 5: 10 pm Venue: SFB office Company Name Member Name I. Attendance (ECCT side): Attendant Name Ms. Francine Wu Schroder Investment Management (Taiwan) Ltd. Ms. Francine Wu Mr. Rick Chen FIL Securities (Taiwan) Ltd. Mr. Rick Chen Mr. Wade Chou Allianz Global Investors Taiwan Ltd. Ms. Rita Hsu Ms. Carol Wang AllianceBernstein Taiwan Limited Mr. Derek Yung Ms. Jenny Liu Deutsche Far Eastern Asset Management Co., Ltd. Ms. Jenny Liu Mr. Kite Lai ING Securities Investment & Trust Co., Ltd. Mr. Ashwin Mehta Ms. Silvia Chang Invesco Taiwan Limited Ms. Silvia Chang Mr. Ronnie Chang ECCT Mr. William Huang ECCT II. Summary: Topics Discussion and Outcome 1. Restrictions on fund managers 1. Both SFB and FSC share the Committee’s view on this issue of relaxing the restrictions on fund managers. 2. SFB is now drafting a proposal for further discussions at the FSC. 3. The rule to relax the restrictions on fund managers is expected to be promulgated within 6 months. 4. In SFB’s proposal, fund managers are allowed to be assigned as an investment advisor for both onshore and offshore institutions. 2. Full delegation of portfolio management The committee’s proposal is not in line with government/FSC’s policy of establishing a Taiwanese financial services and investment platform. SFB will not consider the committee’s proposal in the short term. 3. Allowing mutual funds to be denominated in both NT dollars and foreign currencies 1. The SFB share the committee’s view on the issue and already contacted CBC on this issue. However, CBC still have the concern over the FX management once a mutual fund can be denominated in different currencies. 2. SITCA is now collecting comments from the fund and financial services industry so as to draft a proposal for further study. 1 Topics Discussion and Outcome 4. Signing of the 2nd stage MOU with foreign financial supervisory authorities 1. SFB noted that there is no reply from Luxembourg and Ireland already refused to continue the discussion on the MOU due to the situation of its domestic financial market. 2. SFB reminded the committee that Luxembourg will be benefitted from the signing of the 2nd stage MOU with Taiwan. SFB suggested that the committee could communicate with Luxembourg CSSF via the ECCT or member companies. 3. Progresses have been made on the signing of the 2nd stage MOU with Hong Kong. Currently, SFB is working on the regulatory mapping and the detail of financial supervision with the HK counterparty. 5. Restriction on derivative investment cap in fund portfolios 1. SFB note that they want a more conservative approach on the derivatives finds but they are willing to review the exemption of 40% cap of derivatives investment in a fund portfolio on a case-by-case basis, providing that firms have a prudent risk management in place. SFB also ask SITCA to study the possibility of establishing a review panel/committee to accelerate the approval process. 2. It is suggested to ask SITCA to study the possibility of revising calculation by including long and short positions. 3. The method adopted in Taiwan for calculating the percentage of derivative in fund portfolios is based on Ireland’s approach. If there is a change in the calculation formulation, or there are other methods adopted by other jurisdictions might be suitable for Taiwan financial market, it is suggested that the Committee could provide them to SITCA for a discussion. 6. Self-directed pension scheme SFB have no objection on the Committee’s view but reiterate that the Council of Labour Affairs (CLA) plays a key role on this issue. SFB suggested that the Committee need to discuss and exchange opinions with CLA to resolve the issue effectively. 7. Internal guidelines for 1. SFB will notify SITCA if there is any updated guideline applying to the fund approval and fund application onward operating 2. The SFB want to slow down the market for high yield bonds. For procedures onshore funds, high yield bonds could not be continuously issued within one year by an identical SITE. For offshore fund, no application will be approved if there is any high yield bond available in the market issued by an identical master agent. However SFB will monitor the market and adjust the above said guideline accordingly. 3. In Principle, the review periods for the approval of onshore fund and offshore fund are 2 months and 60~80 days respectively depending on the complexity and the quality of application documents. SFB do not recommend that firms start sales training before their application is approved. 8. Increasing the number 1. In SFB’s view, financial institutions are excluded when calculating the of qualified offeree for number of qualified offerees of a private placement. 2 Topics Discussion and Outcome Private placement of 2. SFB noted that it is necessary to amend the Securities Investment Trust onshore and offshore and Consulting Act to increase the maximum number of offeree of a fund private placement. It is recommended that the committee could propose an amendment of existing law through SITCA. 9. Extending the public announcement by master agent from 3 calendar days to 10 business days upon occurrence of events listed in the Article 12 of Regulation Governing Offshore Funds 10. Disclosing the portfolio of discretionary account to head office for risk control purpose 1. SFB mentioned if the deadline of the “3 day public announcement requirement” falls on weekend or national holidays, the deadline will be automatically extend to the next business day as stated in the Administrative Procedure Act. 2. SFB noted that the compulsory part for translation and public announce within 3 days are those event listed in the Article 12 of the Regulation Governing Offshore Funds. It is not necessary for master agent to translate the all prospectus. SFB will clarify this issue in their Q&A. 1. SITCA have been studying this issue since last October and have already presented the proposal to Ministry of Justice for comment. SFB suggested members provide information such as the practice adopted in other jurisdiction to support SITCA’s study. 2. SFB reminded the Committee to be aware of the PDPL. There are legal risks for disclosing the investors’ portfolio to the third party without a consent letter from investors. 11. Allowing management It is suggested by SFB that the fund issuer could create different share fee of SITE funds classes for different types of customer since providing any rebate to rebate to legal person customers may violate the current regulation. investor for the purpose of preventing double charge 12. Adjustment of Currently, SFB is reviewing the draft rule provided by SITCA on Mar tolerable range for the 14. SFB will publish the new regulation if no further concern is raised. miscalculation of fund’s net asset value 13. Building Taiwan as an 1. CBC reiterated that the prerequisite of issuing onshore RMB offshore RMB centre denominated onshore funds is to establish a currency settlement system. by including RMB 2. Once the TWD-RMB settlement system is established, the existing denominated products. onshore funds could be denominated in RMB by revising the contract and providing a different share class. 14. Recommending SFB to advise a reasonable range of transaction fee for securities transaction via securities firms SFB reiterated that the purpose of EB’s review on the transaction fee is to protect the interest of investor. EB usually ask firms to regularly review their fee structure to protect investors, however they do not place any limit on the fee. Therefore it is advised that firm should conduct a regular review on the transaction. If the Committee encounters any difficulty on this issue, it is suggested to organise a separate meeting with FEB. 3