
Current 2015-2016: Renee Rettler, & Jennifer Zimmermann,
Predecessor 2012-15: Gayle Kagen, & Susan Wolf,
Date: ____May 2015____________
The Recording Secretary shall record accurate minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Local Organization, the
Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee; and keep current records of the organization. In addition, act as
Historian and preserve in a permanent file all records and letters of value to the Local Organization and its officers.
Record accurate minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Local Organization, the Board of Directors, and the
Executive Committee; and keep current records of the organization. In addition, she shall act as Historian and preserve
in a permanent file all records and letters of value to the Local Organization and its officers. The co-Secretaries will
handle Corresponding and Recording Secretary duties.
Monthly Board Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of each month
1 week prior to board meeting:
 Wednesday: Send reminder to board for agenda items, request RSVPs for meeting—due by Friday PM
 By Monday AM : Create agenda and send to co-Presidents for review & approval
 By Tuesday AM: Send agenda with past months meeting minutes, Treasurer’s report and any other
attachments to Board members
 Find replacement to take notes if not able to attend
 Save all documents in Dropbox and/or flash drive for permanent record
Monthly Members Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month (except July and December)
3 weeks prior to member meeting:
 Collaborate with VP of Programs to get member meeting details to include on the invite, due by the 4th
Wednesday of the month
 1st day of the month: create Constant Contact e-vite; send event link to website chair to post on website
 1st Monday of the month: first emailing of the Constant Contact e-vite
o Provide option to purchase meal punch cards in the e-vite
o Provide choice for vegetarian meals and heart healthy meals
 2 Monday of the month: second emailing of the Constant Contact e-vite
1 week prior to members meeting;
 Wednesday: Send reminder to board for announcements to be included on the agenda handouts, due
by Friday PM
 Friday: third/final emailing of the Constant Contact e-vite urging everyone to register by Monday
 By Monday AM : Create agenda and send to co-Presidents for review & approval
 By Monday early afternoon: call in the meal count to the Radisson Catering department
o Keep track of all special meals and call the number into the Radisson catering
 By Tuesday AM: Send agenda with past months meeting minutes and any other attachments to
 By Tuesday PM: Send copy of registration list to VP Membership, Welcome Committee Chair, and
Treasurer prior to meeting (online registration cuts off at midnight Tuesday)
 Find replacement to take notes if not able to attend
 Save all documents in Dropbox and/or flash drive for permanent record
E-Mail Correspondence:
Gmail E-mail inquiry guidelines:
 Respond to all questions and inquiries within 2 business days: inquiries and questions should be
forwarded to the appropriate board member or to the co-Presidents by default
 Set a standing ‘out of office’:” Thank you for your e-mail, Mid-Day has received your email/inquiry and
will respond within 2 days to your request.”
 Check the gmail account daily during the business week, and on Monday morning for the weekends
Expectations for E-mail notices that board members would like to have sent out:
 All notices should be drafted as they are to be sent out, including the subject line
 Notices should be sent to the G-mail account with a subject line letting us know a notice needs to be
sent (Subject Line: Notice for board members or Notice for membership)
 Notice should be formatted without any tables or boxes (standard word Doc format preferred)
 Notice will be sent within 2 days of receipt
 MDWA sponsored events only: if a member/board member has their own event to promote, they may
do so using the newsletter and/or website calendar and announcement page on the website
Constant Contact events: to be used only for MDWA events requiring payment; all other events communications to
members should go via email from our MDWA gmail account
 1 week notice required for event request to be sent
 List all of the items needed for the event notice (may be more, just a quick list)
o Date(s), Time(s)
o Fees
o Detail of event
o Registration deadline
o Event close date
o Main contact person
o Who it should be sent to (membership/ all guests/past members)
 If questions come into the gmail account for this event, forward on to the event contact
 If additional one-off invites are needed for the event the event, give the contact a link to send to new
 Send event link to website chair to post on our website
 Send final counts to event contact at close of event
Possible changes for the future:
Goals for 2015-16: