Resources for Pregnant Teens in Winston-Salem & Forsyth County

Resources for Pregnant Teens
Winston-Salem and Forsyth County
The School Social Worker for Teen Mothers and Their Children
- Winston Salem Forsyth County Schools
Program Info:
601 N. Cherry Street
WInston-Salem North Carolina 27101
Phone: 336-748-4034
Primary Contact:
Faith Lockwood
Social Worker for Teen Parents and Their Children
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Government
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Program Objective: Assists clients with completing high school and promoting their awareness
of the health and developmental needs of their babies
Services Offered: Helps students accessing appropriate child care, parenting information, tutors,
counseling, transportation, emergency assistance, etc.
Service Category: Advocacy, Primary and Secondary Education, Referral, Transportation
Forsyth Adolescent Health Coalition
- Forsyth County Department of Public Health
Program Info:
799 North Highland Avenue
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27102
Phone: 336-703-3269
Fax: 336-748-3292
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Government
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Program Objective: To provide our community with opportunities to share, develop, and
implement ideas and/or strategies that will reduce teen pregnancy rates in Forsyth County
Services Offered: Advocacy
Service Category: Advocacy
Healthy Start/ Baby Love Plus
- Forsyth County Department of Public Health
Program Info:
Resources for Pregnant Teens
799 North Highland Avenue
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27102
Phone: 336-703-3188
Fax: 336-748-3292
Primary Contact:
Patty Goodrich
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Government
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Residents Served: All Residents in Forsyth County, All pregnant women, New Mothers, Other
Basic Needs
Program Objective: To help improve interconceptional health, maximize positive future birth
outcomes, and address racial disparities in infant mortality of post-partum women.
Services Offered: A Public Health Social Worker provides home visits, support, education, and
advocacy while empowering women to develop healthy life skills and make informed choices.
Service Category: Advocacy, Community Education, Healthcare Service, Organizational
Support, Support Group, Other Direct Service
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North Carolina
- Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North Carolina
Program Info:
3708 Mayfair St.
Durham North Carolina 27707
Phone: 919-226-1880 ext 105
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Non-profit
Geographic Areas Covered: North Carolina
Program Objective:
To support North Carolina communities in preventing adolescent pregnancy through advocacy,
collaboration and education
Services Offered: Advocate for strong public policy and funding for effective programs;
Collaborate with partners at the local, state, and national levels; Educate the community about
pregnancy prevention, evidence-based prevention strategies, effective sexuality education, and
other critical prevention tools.
Service Category: Advocacy
Planned Parenthood Health Systems, Inc.
Program Info:
3000 Maplewood Avenue
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27103
Phone: 336-768-2980
Resources for Pregnant Teens
Fax: 336-275-3127
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Non-profit
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Program Objective: to provide accessible, high-quality health care and information to clients
and to serve as advocate and educator to the community on responsible human sexuality.
Services Offered: Free education programs in the community tailored to meet the needs of the
group. Topics include puberty, self-esteem/values, peer pressure/decision making, healthy
relationships/teen dating violence, pregnancy prevention, STD/HIV prevention, sexual
responsibility, diversity, media influences, parent-child communication. Also offer STD/HIV
testing; birth control; abortion.
Service Category: Community Education and Healthcare
Catholic Social Services
Program Info:
627 W. Second Street
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27108
Phone: 336-725-4263
Primary Contact:
Kimberly Howard Green
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Non-profit
Geographic Areas Covered: North Carolina
Program Objective: Provides mentoring and supportive services to teens who are pregnant or
parenting for the first time.
Services Offered: Assist young mothers in postponing a second pregnancy, having healthy
babies, learning and using good parenting skills and achieving educational and career goals.
Adoption information.
Service Category: Healthcare Service
Pregnancy Care Management
- Forsyth County Department of Public Health
Program Info:
799 North Highland Avenue
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27102
Phone: 336-703-3243
Fax: 336-748-3292
Primary Contact:
Robin Macklin 336-703-3243
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Resources for Pregnant Teens
Structure: Government
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Residents Served: Emotional disorders/mental illness, Substance abuse/addictions, Early
Childhood, All Residents in Forsyth County, All pregnant women, New Mothers, Pregnant
and/or parenting adolescents. Other Basic Needs
Program Objective: Improve birth outcomes in NC by providing evidence-based, high quality
maternity care to Medicaid patients.
Services Offered: Care management services provided by a nurse or social worker; help to
identify your needs and make a plan to address them by working closely with you and your
doctor to understand your need: helping to arrange transportation to medical appointments, if
needed; helping to manage any medicines; work hand in hand with you to help you have a
healthy baby. Childbirth and parenting classes.
Service Category: Advocacy, Healthcare Service, Support Group, Transportation, Other Direct
Teen Mother Program
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
Program Info:
107 Westdale Avenue
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27101
Phone: 336-724-7993
Fax: 336-724-5779
Primary Contact:
Rebecca Edwards
Vice President, Programs and Operations
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Non-profit
Geographic Areas Covered: North Carolina
Residents Served: Adolescent, All Residents in Forsyth County, New Mothers, Pregnant and/or
parenting adolescents
Program Objective: Provides a supportive relationship with the encouragement needed for the
teen mom to stay in high school and graduate.
Services Offered: The staff provides necessary support, information and coaching that will help
teens chart the best course for their families so that future generations are empowered to break
negative generational cycles.
Service Category: Basic Needs, Other Direct Service
Family Planning - Teen Clinic
- Forsyth County Department of Public Health
Program Info:
799 North Highland Ave. Clinic 1
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27101
Resources for Pregnant Teens
Phone: 336-703-3324
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Government
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Program Objective: For young women who wish to receive or learn more about birth control
methods. Counseling and health education services (including Abstinence education) are also
Services Offered: Access to reproductive health services. Interpreter for non-English speaking
Service Category: Community Education, Healthcare Service
Imprints for Expectant Families
- Imprints for Families
Program Info:
502 North Broad Street
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27101
Phone: 336-722-6296
Fax: 336-722-7321
Primary Contact:
Julia Toone
Project Manager
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Non-profit
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Residents Served: All Residents in Forsyth County, New Mothers, Other Basic Needs
Program Objective: This series of home visits is designed specifically to teach first-time
parents about what to expect during the first few months after the baby is born.
Services Offered: 6-8 home visits. All visits include a discussion of infant care issues
lactation/feeding, sleep and reading baby’s cues), infant massage, developmental characteristics
of infants at each stage of development and book sharing
Service Category: Community Education, Support Group, Other Direct Service
My Brother's Keeper
- Family Blueprints of North Carolina, Inc.
Program Info:
1501 North Patterson Avenue
Winston-Salem North Carolina 27105
Phone: 336-505-8231
Primary Contact:
Resources for Pregnant Teens
Katisha Blackwell
Founder/Executive Director
Sector: Economic Self Sufficiency
Structure: Non-profit
Geographic Areas Covered: Forsyth County
Residents Served: Adolescent, All Residents in Forsyth County, Male, Person needing financial
education, Other Basic Needs
Program Objective: Pregnancy prevention and school dropout prevention.
Services Offered: Pregnancy prevention education, mentoring, entrepreneurship and financial
literacy education, creative expression through art, and leadership skills development to
economically disadvantaged, adolescent males age 13-18.
Service Category: Advocacy, Community Education, Professional Development, Other Direct
Salem Pregnancy Care Center
Program Info:
1342 Westgate Center Drive
WInston-Salem North Carolina 27103
Phone: 336-760-3680
Fax: 336-760-3674
Primary Contact:
Dottie Powers
Sector: Physical & Mental Health
Structure: Non-profit
Services Offered: Pregnancy counseling, referrals for approved ultrasounds, abstinence
education, parenting programs, post abortion counseling, and adoption counseling to women,
men and families.
Document prepared 7/17/2014
Resources for Pregnant Teens