Audrey Garrett Elementary Student Advisory 2014-2015

Audrey Garrett Elementary
Student Advisory 2014-2015
What is the Audrey Garrett Elementary Student Advisory?
Our Student Advisory is a group of students who come up with ideas to make our school
better. The students at our school elect Advisory Members who they think will represent
them best. Each member of the Student Advisory gets the opportunity to actively
participate in school wide activities, make decisions, and see democracy in action.
Who is on the Advisory?
One student from each grade classroom elects a classroom representative (and an
alternate as a backup). Also, all grades (K-5) may vote for the school's President, Vice
President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who must be 4th and 5th graders. Students may
only serve on the Advisory board 1 time each grade span of K-2 and 3-5. Ms. Bailey and
Ms. Ammann are the advisors.
Why is this good for students?
Elected student leaders gain responsibility, experience working as a team, increased
pride in their school, and a chance to interact with their fellow students in making
decisions and debating issues. This is the ultimate chance to become an excellent citizen.
What does the Advisory do?
The Advisory chooses its own goals after discussing ideas with the classrooms they
represent. The Advisory might create publicity about school events, promote school
pride, start volunteer programs and projects or other school events and activities.
What does the Advisory President do?
The President of the Student Advisory represents the Advisory at different events and
facilitates the meetings. They work closely with the advisors and take on other
important school duties, such as greeting and accompanying guests when they come to
our school. They also can break a tie vote among Advisory Members.
What does the Vice President do?
The Vice President fills in when the President is absent. They also participates in the
Advisory meetings and may assist the President, too.
What does the Secretary do?
The Secretary writes down what goes on at the meetings (taking minutes), reports at
each meeting what happened at the previous one, and keeps track of attendance.
What does the Treasurer do?
The Treasurer keeps a written record of money earned and spent by the Student
What do the Classroom Representatives and their alternates do?
The Classroom Representatives attend Student Advisory meetings. They bring ideas and
suggestions from their class members to the meetings. They report information back to
their class. They also help with projects for the Student Advisory and the school.
Audrey Garrett Elementary
Student Advisory 2014-2015
When and where does the Student Advisory meet?
The Advisory would like to meet 1 day a month before school. They may also potentially
meet during the school day. Meetings will tentatively be held in the K/1 Kitchen.
Members may also be called upon to work on various projects or activities, which will
usually be outside of class time.
What do I do if I want to run for a Classroom Representative position?
If you are in K-5, you may run for an Advisory Representative position. Your teacher will
decide if you need to write a letter or a speech explaining why you would be a good
Advisory Representative, or your teacher may limit who may run for the position based
on who he/she thinks deserves it the most. Your teacher will hold an election for
Classroom Representative in class on Friday, December 12.
What do I do if I want to run for President, Vice President, Secretary, or
If you are in 4th or 5th grade, you may run for President, Vice President, Secretary, or
Treasurer. This year, however, we will only allow one candidate from each homeroom
for each position. So on Friday, December12, your teacher will have your classroom
nominate four people - one for President, one for Vice President, one for Secretary, and
one for Treasurer. You will then have all weekend (plus Monday) to do three things:
create a poster (normal size), write a 30-second speech about why you should be elected,
and bring the permission form back, signed by your teacher and parent. You will turn all
three things in on Tuesday, December16, to Ms.Ammann. If they are not both turned in
by the end of the school day that Tuesday, you will no longer be eligible and your class
will not be able to nominate someone else for that position. You will get your speech
back so you can practice, and then you will speak on the announcements on Friday,
December 19. The school-wide election will be Friday, December 19.
Can a person lose his/her position?
It is up to your teacher, Ms. Bailey and Ms. Ammann to decide if you are able to keep
your position. If you are disruptive in class or during Advisory Meetings or are falling
behind in your work, for example, you may lose your position.
If I am elected but I don't like the job, can I quit?
When you decide to be on the School Advisory, you are making a commitment. It is for
the entire school year. Make sure before you run for the position that you are sure it's
something you'll want to do all year long.
What do I do when I miss classwork?
That is up to your teacher. However, most teachers will require that you find out
whatever work or lesson you missed and turn it in the following day. If you don't think
you can keep up with the extra workload, this job is not for you.
Audrey Garrett Elementary
Student Advisory 2014-2015
Election Rules
1. If a student wishes to run for any position, including classroom representative, he
must have homeroom teacher approval and 2 completed recommendation forms.
2. The student must be a good citizen, as judged by his/her teacher.
3. The student must complete any additional activity that their teacher may require for
running in the election.
4. Students must make up all work that they miss in their class while participating in
Advisory activities.
5. If a candidate misses a deadline or breaks an election rule, they may be disqualified
from running for an office.
All Students in grade 4 and 5 who run for Official Leadership role (Pre, VP, Secretary, or
Treasurer) are not allowed to run or serve as a classroom representative.
Additional Rules for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
1. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer must be in 4th or 5th grade.
2. Candidates for President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer must submit their
name on the attached sheet with parent and teacher signature, a speech (maximum 30
seconds long), and a poster by the due date. Don't attach pieces of paper together to
make a larger than normal poster, as that would not be fair. The posters will be hung up
in a fair way so that no one gets a better spot than another.
3. Candidates must run their campaign in a fair and honest manner. They may not put
down other candidates. If a candidate has a question about whether he/she can do
something, check with Ms. Bailey or Ms. Ammann.
4. Candidates may not have buttons, extra posters, flyers, etc. They may not promise
things that cost money, or give out candy, gum, etc.
5. Candidates may be disqualified from running if they break a rule.
Audrey Garrett Elementary
Student Advisory 2014-2015
Election Schedule
Friday, December 12-NOMINATIONS
 Class Representative Election-Each homeroom must nominate 1 representative
and 1 alternate. Grade Levels will agree upon method to conduct nominations
and elections. Teachers may decide what students can run for the position based
upon work habits, behavior, etc. Some grade levels and teaches may have
students give speeches; write essays, debate school issues, etc. before conducting
a classroom vote. The runner up is the Alternate and will attend meetings only
when the Representative is absent.
Individual 4th and 5th grade Classes will nominate individuals for the following
school wide office: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Those
nominees get an Application and Permission Form to take home.
 Speeches, Posters, and Permission Forms Due. Candidates running for an office
as President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary must turn in their
speeches, posters, and permission forms with parent signatures to and 2
completed teacher recommendations to Ms. Ammann, by 2:30. No late
submissions will be accepted. Speeches will be screened, and then returned to
student on December 17.
Thursday, December 18-SPEECHES AND ELECTIONS
 Speeches for Office Candidates (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and
Secretary) will have no more than 30 seconds to deliver their speech on the
intercom during the Morning Announcements.
homeroom. An Advisory Representatives and Alternate Representatives will be
elected in each homeroom for grades K-5.
SCHOOL WIDE ELECTIONS-Voting booths will be set up at the end of each hall.
Flex Lab will be available for online voting. Students can vote throughout the day for
President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Friday, December 19
 Results will be announced over the morning announcements.
Monday, January 5
 The new members of Audrey Garrett Elementary Student Advisory officially
begin their duty. Induction Ceremony will be held in January.