File - Jessica`s e Portfolio

Code of Ethics and Conduct |1
Jani-Kings Code of Ethics and Conduct
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Jessica Prawitt
Salt Lake Community College
Business 1040
Code of Ethics and Conduct |2
Most companies have a code of ethics policy for the employees to follow. This assignment gave
me the opportunity to create one for my own company, Jani-King. The information in the policy
will include subjects on drugs and alcohol, violence and harassment, conflicts of interests,
relationships with customers and clients, and sharing company information. With the code of
ethics I also included Jani-Kings resources should any questions arise regarding the policy.
Code of Ethics and Conduct |3
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to welcome you to work beside me and be able to see what this company
stands for. We stand for the best customer satisfaction and in order for use to provide the best
customer satisfaction we must follow some basic ethics rules to gain the customers trust. Top
quality service was once explained by Michael LeBoeuf as “A satisfied customer is the best
strategy of all” (Birch, 2011). To continue to keep our customers satisfaction, we must have
great communication, respect, trust, and work efficiency and effective.
Some of the subjects that the code of ethics and conducts covers will help you exceed to
have a great reputation. Some of them are drugs and alcohol, violence and harassment,
conflicts of interests, how to deal with customers and clients, and sharing company
When you have a concern or a problem in regards to the policy or questions please refer
to the resource section. Jani-King is a team business, should you have suggestions to improve
the policy please do not hesitate to contact management.
Let’s all commit to a workplace that sets with a great attitude to be the best. Thank you
for choosing to be a part of the Jani-King team.
Jessica Prawitt
Jessica Prawitt
Code of Ethics and Conduct |4
Code of Ethics and Conduct
We are built on having strong values and integrity. We do what is right and what we think
is right for ourselves and for the company. This code defines what is expected and what the
responsibilities are for the company.
Customer Satisfaction
Top quality service provided to meet the
Trust is important to keep the customers and clients
expectations of the client. Properly maintain a
satisfied and continue business with Jani-King.
professional relationship.
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Maintain and provide open communication with
Associates who work efficient and effective can
customers, colleagues, and managers to meet the
achieve goals for themselves and for the company.
needs of the company.
The relationship is respect to the company, clients,
and customers. We strive for those privileges and to
keep them.
Code of Ethics and Conduct |5
Controlled Substances and Drugs
The company does not tolerate any use of controlled substances or drugs. This includes
buying, selling, using and possession especially while on the job. Controlled substances can be:
Any illegal narcotics or drugs
Prescriptions that you are not prescribed
Materials or unlawful substances
Alcohol is prohibited when you are on company time. Being under the influence of drugs
and alcohol while on the job is prohibited and will be grounds for termination. If necessary the
company is allowed to conduct a drug and alcohol test if suspected.
Being under the influence of drugs and alcohol in the work place can be dangerous for
you and the people around you. There are a lot of hazards in the work place and we
want the employees to be alert and cautious while working (for your own safety and for
safety of others).
Jani-King does not offer any controlled substance or alcohol treatment programs. We
encourage you to seek treatment and help if necessary.
We encourage employees to report if any drug or alcohol use is noticed on company
Code of Ethics and Conduct |6
Violence and Harassment
Jani-King policy prohibits any harassment of any kind. We all must report if any violence
or harassment is present. We prohibit any violence or harassment to and from coworkers,
towards you, visitors, or anyone on the property of the place of employment in any way.
Unlawful harassment can include:
Verbal conduct such as slurs or unwanted sexual advances, derogatory comments or
jokes, or invitations or comments that are unwanted.
Visual conduct such as derogatory or sexual oriented posters, photography, drawings or
Physical conduct such as unwanted touching, assault, or blocking movement.
Threats or demands
If you question that you have been harassed contact your supervisor or management with
details to determine if unlawful harassment has occurred. All employees are encouraged to
report any and all harassment to management.
Conflicts of Interest
Avoiding conflicts of interest are encouraged. Conflicts of interest are when your own
personal interest interferes with the company’s interest. Avoiding conflicts of interest can be
part of our core values of the company’s trust and respect. Conflicts can include but not limited
Code of Ethics and Conduct |7
Accepting money of gifts of any sort from clients or any employees of Jani-King (direct or
Having or participating in a romantic, sexual or any personal relationship with any JaniKing employee or clients of Jani-King.
Agreements and Contracts with Competitors- for example outside employment with
local cleaning companies.
Conflict of interest may not always be clear, if you are unsure of what might be acceptable or
unacceptable to the company policy, please contact your management with these concerns or
Use of Time, Equipment and Assets
Use of company time, equipment and assets that belongs to Jani-King or clients is not to
be abused. Some examples can be:
Using company time to make personal phone calls or using client’s phones to make
personal phone calls.
Borrowing equipment that belongs to a client or Jani-King.
Using assets that don’t belong to you for personal use, for example: computers, cleaning
equipment, or any other assets.
If you believe you observe other people abusing company time, equipment or other
assets please contact a Jani-King supervisor or management.
Code of Ethics and Conduct |8
Non Public Information
Jani-King employees are required to avoid disclosing non-public information within or
outside the company. Some confidential information may include:
Information on other employees and clients.
You may accidentally hear information that may be confidential, Jani-King requires you
to keep the information private and confident.
Relationships with Customers/Clients
Customer relationship is one of the highest values of the company. We encourage that
all employees treat our customers with the upmost respect and the way you would want to be
treated. Remember to never promise a customer anything. We want to meet the guidelines of
our contracts and provide excellent service.
If you are unsure of what you/someone else is doing is against the ethics policy please
ask yourself a couple questions.
Is this legal?
Is it against co. policy?
Could the action cause loss or harm to anyone?
If everyone I knew saw me, would I feel uncomfortable?
If you feel like you cannot determine if something is against Jani-Kings ethics policy or have
questions regarding the ethics policy here is the contact information:
Code of Ethics and Conduct |9
Jessica Prawitt
6167 south 4390 west
Salt Lake City, UT 84118
Phone# (801)530-9977
Phone# (801)898-6035
I have read and understand the Code of Ethics for Jani-King. I will comply and enforce the
policies of Jani-king. I understand that by not following the Code of Ethics of Jani-King will be
grounds up to and including termination of employment. Jani-King can and is allowed to change
the policy at any time for any reason. By signing this Code of Ethics and Conduct I am
acknowledging that I have read, understood and will follow the code of ethics.
Employee Signature
Employee Name (printed)
C o d e o f E t h i c s a n d C o n d u c t | 10
Birch, P. (2011). Ethiconomics. London, UK: Live It Publishing
Brown, J. (2009, May 29). Ten Writing Tips for Creating an Effective Code. Retrieved from
Ciulla, J., Martin, C., & Solomon, R. (2007). Honest Work. Oxford, New York: Oxford University
Press, Inc.
Drinan, H. (2001). Code of Ethics Toolkit. Retrieved from
Duhinsky, J. (2011, Jan. 31). Code Redux Part One: Updating Your Corporate Code of Conduct.
Retrieved from
Hyde, W. (1892). Practical Ethics. New York, NY: Henry Holt & Co
Lupfer, T. (2005). Suggested guidelines for writing a code of ethics/conduct. Retrieved from
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