Encountering Public Space (6 HEC)

PhD course in Urban Studies and Urban Theory - Encountering
Public Space (6 HEC)
Course responsible: M. Lieberg, SLU Alnarp & C. Listerborn, Dept. of Urban Studies, MAH
Course type:
Time schedule:
Landscape Planning/Urban Studies
Subject course
Block I: 28 Feb – 2 march 2011
Block II: 21-24 March 2011
Block III: 11-13 April 2011
The equivalent of 120 Swedish university credits
Aims: The interdisciplinary approach to analysing public space will provide an understanding
of the complexities and relations of public spaces as it has been analysed within urban studies
and urban theory. The course aims to enable individual postgraduate students to view their
own projects in an urban theory perspective, including both social and physical aspects.
Objectives: On completion of the course, the postgraduate student will be able to describe
and analyse examples of the various urban expressions related to public space, based on urban
theory. The postgraduate student will have acquired knowledge of how different perspectives
and concepts can be used to understand public space.
Examination: Active participation in lectures and seminars. Performing and presenting a city
walk. Presentation of an individual paper consisting of analysis of one’s own postgraduate
project. Critical assessment and oral opposition of a paper by another course participant.
The course is divided into three blocks. The first block consists of lectures, seminars and an
introduction to the city walk. The lectures will present and discuss fundamental aspects of
contemporary theories on public space based on empirical research. The second block consists
of lectures, seminars and workshops on city walks, included independent team work. The
third block comprises the concluding seminars, with reporting and discussion of course
participants’ independent work.
Comments. The course is given by the Research School APULA at SLU in collaboration
with Malmö University, with professor Mats Lieberg and associate professor Carina
Listerborn as course directors. The course will be held in Malmö, at the Department of Urban
Studies. The course is limited in size to 20 participants.
Application: Send e-mail to course coordinators no later than November 1, 2010.
Course Coordinators:
Mats Lieberg
Dept of Landscape Architecture, SLU Alnarp
Tel: +46 40 415443
Carina Listerborn
Dept of Urban Studies, Mah
Tel: +46 40 6657315