Clay Snyder Chapter 6 - Blood Worksheet 1. What are the three formed elements in the blood? 2. What are the three functions of the blood? State whether the following characteristics describe rbc, wbc, or platelets: 3. also known as leukocytes __________ 4. has an average life cycle of 120 days __________ 5. also known as erythrocytes __________ 6. donut shaped, biconvaved __________ 7. contains hemoglobin to transport Oxygen __________ 8. form from stem cells in red bone marrow __________ 9. fight infection in the immune system __________ Match the following types of white blood cells to their function: 10. neutrophils a. lack a lobed nucleus 11. albumins b. important for blood clots 12. globulins c. include basophil and eosinophil 13. fibrinogen d. important in fighting disease-causing pathogens 14. granular e. phagocytes, respond first to infection 15. agranular f. most common and important plasma protein 16. Type A blood carries: a. A antibodies, and A antigens b. A antibodies and B antigens c. B antibodies and A antigens d. None of the above 17. Type B blood carries: a. B antibodies and B antigens b. A antibodies and B antigens c. B antibodies and A antigens d. None of the above 18. Type AB blood carries: a. A antibodies, B antibodies, no antigens b. A antigens, B antigens, no antibodies c. A antibodies, B antibodies, A antigens, B antigens d. None of the above Clay Snyder 19. Type O blood carries: a. A antibodies, b antibodies, no antigens b. No antibodies, A antigens, B antigens c. No antibodies, no antigens d. None of the above 20. Which blood type is the universal donor? Why? 21. Which blood type is the universal recipient? Why?