Analysing industry convergence in probiotics Sabine Bornkessel* University of Applied Sciences, Oldenburger Landstr. 24, 49090 Osnabrück, Germany. E-mail: Stefanie Bröring University of Applied Sciences, Oldenburger Landstr. 24, 49090 Osnabrück, Germany. E-mail: Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands. E-mail: Onno S.W.F. Omta Wageningen University, P.O. Box 8130, 6700 EW Wageningen, The Netherlands. E-mail: * Corresponding author Abstract: The objective is analysing the conformation of industry convergence in probiotics. The paper combines the theory of industry convergence with the research field of chain and network analysis. We employ a literature and patent analysis of probiotics using 8,245 scientific publications and 2,082 patents. Thereafter, we analyse four bacteria strains with probiotics features using a netchain analysis. There are signs of industry convergence showed by the patenting behaviour of distinct industrial backgrounds leading to effects in the inter-industry relationships within the netchain. Insights in industry convergence delivered by bibliometric and netchain analysis may help to implement successful innovations. Keywords: Industry convergence; netchain analysis; patent analysis; functional ingredient; probiotics 1 1 Introduction Since almost four decades the idea of converging industries fascinates researches and practitioners alike. By the description of convergence in the area of the computing and telecommunication systems first mentions in literature can be found in the late 1970s (Farber and Baran, 1977). Subsequently, with the growing interest in this research field many scientific as well as popular scientific publications can be found focussing the overlapping segments reaching to the new industry field of information and communication technology (ICT) (e.g., (Henderson and Clark, 1990), (Katz, 1996), (Prahalad, 1998), (Bröring and Leker, 2007)). Another current example of convergence can be found in the nutraceuticals and functional food sector which emerges at the borderline between the food and the pharmaceutical industry (Bröring et al., 2006). Related to that phenomenon, a growing number of different functional ingredients is available on the food market especially within the last decade (Ares et al., 2008). Thereby, the food ingredient category of probiotics presents a rather young group beside the more classical functional ingredients like vitamins and minerals. Concurrently, food products containing probiotics are of a high relevance for the rapidly changing food market (MarketsandMarkets, 2010). These fast modifications within the food market force companies to search for a strategy which is successful within the highly competitive environment. Because of that, the knowledge of the competitive environment along the supply respectively value chain is very important to establish a competitive advantage (Porter, 1985). Beyond that, extensive literature deals with analyses of chain and network sciences (Omta, 2004) leading to a concept called “netchain analysis” combining horizontal layers of firms within a particular group and the vertical arrangement of these layers in a sequentially chain referring to a classical supply chain (Lazzarini et al., 2001). As the tool of netchain analysis focuses on the consideration of interdependencies between companies, it seems to be a useful approach to scrutinise industry convergence. Therefore, the aim of this paper is first of all to analyse signs of an industry convergence process and secondly to describe the configuration of this process. Thus, we use patent data of probiotics in general as a quantitative measure and a netchain analysis based on different bacteria strains to describe the structure more detailed (qualitative measure). In doing so, patent analysis starts from the front end of the supply chain within the research and development (R&D) contrary to the netchain analysis commencing from the back end of the chain. Within the netchain analysis different commercialised bacteria strains are scrutinised considering the industrial background of the processing as well as the developing firm. We use probiotics as one example for the emerging area of nutraceuticals and functional foods at the borderline of foods and drugs to show patterns of industry convergence and focus especially on collaborations between different industry sectors. In line with the setup of the paper consisting of two parts, we try to answer the following two research questions (RQ): RQ1: Are there signs of industry convergence in the area of probiotics? RQ2: Does industry convergence have an effect on the (inter-) industry relationships in the netchain? The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the next section we will describe the concept of industry convergence showing the different research streams in the literature. Thereby, we give a short overview on patent analysis as one tool to scrutinise industry convergence. Secondly, we focus on the theory of chain and network sciences in general as well as the concept of netchains in detail, both in close relation with the concept of industry convergence and the coherent challenges. Thirdly, we will present our results including a patent analysis as well as a netchain analysis about the functional ingredient category probiotics in the area of the emerging industry segment of nutraceuticals and functional foods. 2 Finally, we will discuss our findings and their implications for academics and practitioners alike, before concluding with an outlook on future research possibilities. 2 Industry convergence Multifaceted definitions of industry convergence are used in the extensive literature about this phenomenon. The common idea within this concept is summarised by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as follows “the blurring of technical and regulatory boundaries between sectors of the economy” (OECD, 1992). This implies that formerly distinct industry areas start to produce similar products in an emerging field of new approaches. This phenomenon of blurring boundaries between formerly distinct industry areas can be observed for instance from the telecom industry and camera technology developing the new segment of camera phones (Hacklin, 2008) or the segment of cosmeceuticals on the borderline of personal care and food & agriculture sector (Bröring, 2005). A major future trend whose progress has already started is the development of intelligent buildings. Thereby, building technologies and information technology contribute to each other (Hacklin, 2008). But also between the food and pharmaceutical industry signs of industry convergence delineate (Bröring, 2010, Curran et al., 2010) showing different patterns for example in the area of the two functional ingredients probiotics and phytosterols (Bornkessel et al., 2011). In line with the convergence of technologies being one driver of industry convergence the underlying technological platforms of the formerly distant industry sectors become more alike (Gambardella and Torrisi, 1998, Fai and von Tunzelmann, 2001). Following this reasoning one can also assume that application areas (as detailed in patents) of the commonly used technology platforms are becoming increasingly broad as they build the basis of product development for two different industries. Therefore, the first hypothesis to be tested with the patent data can be derived: H1: If industry sectors converge, the application areas of the developed technology become more versatile. Concurrently to the upcoming versatility the stretch of resources to serve the adjacent industry resp. emerging inter-industry segment might lead to competence gaps of the involved firms. Therefore, industry convergence processes imply that competence gaps might arise. Several literature sources describe industry convergence as a process (e.g., (Curran, 2010)), whereas there are multifaceted attempts to scrutinise this process by dividing it into different steps (Hacklin, 2008). One possibility is the description of the consecutive steps: science, technology, market and industry as an idealised time series of events leading to a complete convergence. The initial step implies that distinct scientific disciplines begin to cite each other in interaction with first collaborations of scientific disciplines. Decreasing the distance between applied sciences and technology development is defined as the second step. The subsequent arising of new product-market combinations is called market convergence. The final step of industry convergence incorporates fusion of firms or industry segments (Curran et al., 2010). Therefore, the second hypothesis to be tested with the data on scientific publications and patent documents arises: H2: If industry sectors converge, a time lag between the first increase of scientific publications and patent documents designate the first phase of industry convergence. Beside the distinction of consecutive steps also different levels are described. Therefore, industry convergence is discussed to occur in any combination at three different levels: firstly product-market level, secondly technology level and thirdly firm level (Duysters and Hagedoorn, 1998). Bröring enhanced this view of different levels with the aspects of 3 regulations as well as standards and institutions (Bröring, 2005). As the promise of convergence is not only associated with opportunities and growth (Hacklin, 2008), it seems to be important to differentiate between a substitutive and complementary process (Bröring, 2005). By that means, a substitutive process leads to industry fusion, two distinct industry sectors become one (“1+1=1”). A substitutive relation implies the replacement of the conventional approaches proceeds. On the contrary, a complementary process is highlighted by the creation of a new sector emerging between the old ones leading to an inter-industry segment (“1+1=3”). Considering that industry convergence is highly relevant for researchers and practitioners alike the question arises: How to describe and to measure industry convergence? First approaches using patent data to analyse industry convergence indicate that patent analysis is a useful tool to scrutinise industry convergence processes (Curran et al., 2010). Patent analyses with their specific statistics allow measuring the inventiveness of different actors like countries, regions or firms of different industrial backgrounds as well as the mapping of certain aspects of the dynamics of the innovation process (OECD, 2008). Thereby, patent propensity rate is a potentially valuable indicator inter alia for innovation activities and varies between different industry sectors (Arundel and Kabla, 1998). Several theoretical concepts can be witnessed within the literature using patent data to analyse processes and trends. One important concept is the application of the technology life cycle to a “patent life cycle” ((Ernst, 1998) ref. Figure 1). The patent life cycle can be divided into the three sections of emerging, consolidation and market penetration (Ernst, 1998). There are multifaceted reasons for using patent data for technology life cycles, e.g., the information about the technological development itself and that the information is available before the product life cycle starts (Haupt et al., 2007). Because the attractiveness of different markets influences the technology life cycle and consequently also the patent life cycle (Haupt et al., 2004), different life cycles occur in distinct markets. Therefore, the concept of patent life cycle appears to be a useful tool to interpret results according to the phenomenon of industry convergence. Figure 1 Theoretical life cycle of patents adapted from (Ernst, 1998) Patent application I Emerging II Consolidation III Market penetration Time Beside the several descriptive methods also different statistical methods can be applied to patent data. In the context of these statistical methods the establishment of patent indicators is essential and can be divided into different types according to attribution and purpose (Tseng et al., 2011). To summarise the theoretical aspects considering the phenomenon industry convergence and patent analysis as a tool to describe industrial developments, extensive literature about the phenomenon of industry convergence as well as about patent analyses shows a long history of research interest. Although first approaches using patent data to identify signs of industry convergence can be found in recent years (e.g., (Curran et al., 2010)), there is still a lack of empirical evidence. 4 3 Chain and network sciences to analyse industry convergence Chain and network sciences are of a high relevance for structural analysis of industries and industry developments (Omta et al., 2002). The differentiation between supply chains, value chains and network analysis as well as their definition is an essential basic requirement for chain and network analyses. Thereby, supply chain is commonly defined as “a set of sequential, vertically organized transactions representing successive stages of value creation” (Lazzarini et al., 2001). The most common definition of value chains from Kaplinsky and Morris (Kaplinsky and Morris, 2000) also used by the FAO defines a value chain as “the full range of activities which are required to bring a product or service from conception, through the different phases of production… delivery to final consumers, and final disposal after use”(Kaplinsky and Morris, 2000). Within the broad field of network analysis originated in social sciences, networks can be defined as follows: “All of the actors within one industrial sector, or between related industrial sectors, which can (potentially) cooperate to add value for the consumer.” (Omta, 2004). This definition of network highlights the close connection and the relevance of network analysis with the concept of industry convergence. In terms of industry convergence different value chains start to build areas of overlap in the area of nutraceuticals and functional foods. However, the incumbent industry sectors food and pharmaceuticals remain and do not fade away. Therefore, the case of nutraceuticals and functional foods delivers an example for a complementary convergence (1+1=3) resulting in a new inter-industry segment (ref. Chapter 2). Moreover, literature distinguishes the process of convergence (ref. Chapter 2) on the basis of two main orientations: input-side and outputside convergence (Bröring and Cloutier, 2008). On the one hand, the input-side is defined as the application of technologies across different industries and on the other hand, the outputside convergence is observable in market-pull orientation to satisfy several needs in one transaction (Bröring and Cloutier, 2008). Within the example of nutraceuticals and functional foods both orientations can be witnessed: Biotechnology Genomics showing the input-side and the trends towards preventions (Gray et al., 2003) demonstrating the output-side (Bröring and Cloutier, 2008), (ref. Figure 2). Figure 2 Emerging value chain of nutraceuticals and functional foods (Source: (Bröring and Cloutier, 2008)) Combining the above described theory concepts of supply chains, value chains and network analysis, Lazzarini et al. introduced the concept of netchain – “a set of networks comprised of horizontal ties between firms within a particular industry or group, such that these networks (or layers) are sequentially arranged based on the vertical ties between firms in different layers” (Lazzarini et al., 2001), (see Figure 3). In an example of a generic netchain, the four vertical layers include suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and consumers showing the same conformation as a classical supply chain. Within the different layers, there can be different kinds of relationships reaching from cooperative work to fusion of organisations. 5 Figure 3 An example of a generic netchain (adapted from (Lazzarini et al., 2001)) Suppliers Manufactures Distributors Consumers As the assessment of interdependencies in a given inter-organisational setting can be the first analytic step (Lazzarini et al., 2001) to scrutinise industrial structures, it can be a useful tool to analyse industry convergence by employing a netchain analysis. Once can assume that due to increasing competence gaps of the single actors in industry convergence resulting in a higher need for collaboration, netchain relationships are becoming increasingly complex within a context of convergence. This leads us to the following hypothesis: H3: The higher the degree of industry convergence, the more complex are netchain relationships. Knowing the design of interdependencies gives first hints to formulate inter-organisational strategies (Lazzarini et al., 2001). As competing in related industries with coordinated value chains may lead to a competitive advantage (Porter, 1985), consideration of chains and networks in terms of industry convergence is very important. 4 Sample and methodology Against this background, the study at hand aims to identify signs of industry convergence as well as relationships of different industrial backgrounds in converging industries. Based on quantitative and qualitative data the study at hand follows a mixed-method approach (Latcheva, 2011, Johnson and Onwuegbuzie, 2004). Thereby, data on patents deliver quantitative measures following a confirmative approach verifying the two hypotheses H1 and H2 derived from literature. Qualitative data is generated by the netchain analysis testing hypothesis H3. Both data sets focus on the functional ingredient category of probiotics emerging at the borderline of foods and drugs – an example for an area of industry convergence. The directions of data collection and analyses are contrarily (see Figure 4): On the one hand, patent analysis starts from the front end of the supply chain as patents are one indicator for research and development of companies. On the other hand, the netchain analysis starts from the market, therefore the end of the supply chain as the considered bacteria strains are available in existing products within the market. Figure 4 Study procedure General supply chain Research and development Patent analysis Backwards analysis Production Commercialisation Consumer Netchain analysis Forecasting 6 a) Literature and patent analysis In line with earlier research stressing the importance of scientific literature and patent analysis, we analyse 8,245 scientific publications as well as 2,082 patent documents published worldwide considering the functional ingredient probiotics. Thereby, for both document types the duplicate entries as well as non-company entries are excluded. In case of scientific publications the top 50 organisations are included leading to 629 considered scientific publications and 527 considered patents. We evaluate a time frame between 1990 and 2009 using the Thomson Innovation software tool. Thomson Innovation is a platform that facilitates analysis of intellectual property, scientific literature and business data (Thomson Reuters, 2011). It draws upon the DWPI (Derwent World Patents Index), a database which categorizes patent documents using a classification system for all technologies. Thus, the first indicator of our research strategy is the publication type whether it is a scientific publication or a patent document. To classify scientific publications as well as patents, they are scrutinised regarding their application areas using their keywords from title and abstract of each publication. By that means, the considered application areas are pharmaceuticals, personal care and food & agriculture, whereas the remaining scientific publications which do not match into one of these groups are summarised in the category “rest”. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are used to analyse the industrial background of the patent filing companies. By this means, SIC is a United States government system that indicates the company’s type of business (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2011). We focus on the four industry segments on the subject of the analysis of patents: pharmaceuticals, chemicals, personal care and food & agriculture (ref. Table 1). To scrutinise the chronology of industry convergence we use the concept of the patent life cycle by Ernst (1998) as well as the description of the mainly four steps of industry convergence introduced by Hacklin (2008) and Curran et al. (2010). Table 1 Overview of used indicators Measure SIC (industrial background) IPC (application area) Characteristics Pharmaceuticals Chemicals Personal care Food & agriculture Pharmaceuticals Personal care Food & agriculture Rest Publication type Scientific publication Patent b) Netchain analysis Based on the report “Global Probiotics Market” by Marketsandmarkets in 2010 (MarketsandMarkets, 2010) and scientific literature about probiotics (e.g., (Siezen and Wilson, 2010)) as well as further desk research the creation of a list of bacteria strains currently available on the global market is established. There out, four bacteria strains namely Lactobacillus Caseii DN 114001, Bifidobacterium Bb12, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus are chosen to illustrate the connections within a netchain, therefore following the vertical axis of the supply chain and the horizontal axis of the interactions between the companies on the different layers. Information about the industry behind the product and manufactures is obtained from academic articles and consumer websites. This data builds the basis for the elaboration of the netchain. 5 Main findings The following section is structured as follows. In the first three parts results from literature and patent analysis are shown, including firstly the consideration of the industrial background, secondly the results according to application areas and thirdly the timely elaboration including 7 the application of Ernst’s concept of patent life cycles and the idealised time series of industry convergence to the probiotics case. The fourth part deals with the netchain analysis with an illustration of the netchain including the analysis of four bacteria strains with probiotics features. 5.1 Results according to the industrial background of the active companies Generally, there is an increase of the total amount of scientific publications as well as patent documents in the research field of the functional ingredient category of probiotics. The active industrial backgrounds are the food & agriculture, the pharmaceutical, the personal care and the chemical sector. Thereby, the pharmaceutical and chemical sector are summarised within Figure 5 and Figure 6 due to their overlapping business models. The first increase in publications starts three years earlier (1997) than the raise in patent documents (2000). The amount of scientific publications by the food & agriculture sector outnumbers those from the other sectors. The high number of scientific publications by collaborations shows the interest of distinct industry sectors in the area of probiotics and therefore gives first evidence for industry convergence processes. Due to the low number of scientific publications about probiotics published by the personal care sector this division can be neglected within the further description and discussion. Applying the patent life cycle introduced by Ernst (Ernst, 1998) also to scientific publications, the three phases can be shown in case of the food & agriculture sector: firstly, the emerging phase from 1995 to 2002, secondly, the consolidation phase from 2002 to 2004 and thirdly the market penetration phase from 2004 to 2006. As there is only a short consolidation phase it seems that the consolidation phase does not start until 2005. Therefore, future data is needed to give a more detailed interpretation. In case of the pharmaceutical & chemical sector as well as collaborations the consolidation phase starts from 2007. Figure 5 Number of scientific publications according to the industrial background of the active companies Number of scientific publications 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Personal care Food & Agriculture Collaborations Overall, one can observe an increase in the total number of patents over the time whereas the first notable increase starts in the year 2000. As Figure 6 illustrates with the number of patents according to the industrial background of the filing companies, there is a clear dominance of the food & agriculture sector although there is a slight decrease in the total number of patents from 2003 to 2005. The dominance of the food & agriculture sector might be due to the different application areas in feed and food. One reason for the reiterated increase (2007) in the food & agriculture sector might be the new regulations in Europe considering the prohibition of antibiotics in feed. In interpreting the findings considering the personal care sector, we have to take into account that only two companies of this sector are active in the area of probiotics. Moreover, especially in the later years the number of patents filed by collaborations increases. These collaborations include intra-firm as well as inter-firm collaborations. The presence of both kinds of collaborations can be seen as one sign for the process of industry convergence. Applying Ernst’s patent life cycle to the line of the food & agriculture sector, the first three 8 phases can be shown: firstly, the emerging phase from 1998 to 2002, followed by a consolidation phase from 2003 to 2005 and thirdly the market penetration phase from 2005 on. Concurrently, the pharmaceutical & chemical sector shows an increase up to 2005 followed by a decrease possibly presenting the consolidation phase relating to Ernst’s patent life cycle. Figure 6 Number of patents according to the industrial background of the filing companies 70 Number of patents 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Pharmaceutcials & Chemicals Personal care Food & Agriculture Collaborations Regarding the number of patents per company the data shows that there are a few major players followed by a large group of companies which filed less than 10 patents in the area of probiotics within the chosen time frame of 19 years. These major players are characterised by a high activity in patenting right from the first increase in patent documents, therefore the first interest in this topic. The earlier starting point of these major players also explains their higher total number of filed patents. 5.2 Results according to application areas of patents Considering the application areas of the different patent documents in relation to the industrial background of the filing companies it can be shown that the sector of food & agriculture is most active in its own application area (i.e. food & agriculture). But this sector also shows activity in other areas than its core business, e.g., in scope of pharmaceuticals. On the contrary, the personal care sector is only active in its own application area (ref. Table 2). Collaborations of companies – inter- as well as intra-company collaborations – are active in all application areas. The activity of the food & agriculture sector with patents in more than one application area shows a higher versatility than the other industry sectors for the probiotics case. Considering the proportion of patents in own application areas and extern areas, the personal care sector shows the lowest rate of extern areas (4,6 %). On the contrary, the food and agriculture sector presents the highest rate (38,8 %) followed by the pharmaceutical industry (33,3 %). These rates can be used as one indicator for the versatility of distinct industry sectors in certain research fields. Table 2 Number of per industry sectors and application areas Industry sector Personal care Food & agriculture Pharmaceuticals Chemicals Collaborations Personal care Food & agriculture 21 0 0 175 0 9 0 32 17 17 Pharmaceuticals None of the three Application in more than one application area 0 0 36 18 46 7 30 4 18 4 1 57 7 19 9 Total amount 22 286 69 85 65 Application area 9 5.3 Results according to the chronology Applying Ernst’s concept of patent life cycles (Ernst, 1998) to scientific publications as well as all patent documents and patents filed by collaborations differences can be shown (see Figure 1, Figure 7). Firstly, in case of scientific publications the emerging phase leads roughly to 1998, followed by a short consolidation phase to 2000. The next phase is characterised by an increase and lasts roughly 6 years up to the year 2006. After 2006 the number of scientific publications remains almost constant. Secondly, examining all patent documents the emerging phase is characterised by slight increase (2001-2003) reaching an intense increase from 2003 on. A consolidation phase cannot be shown by the patent data. Thirdly, patents filed by collaborations show an increase from 2004 on. The slight decrease in the number of patents from 2007 to 2008 might be seen as a short consolidation phase leading to a strong increase (market penetration phase). The starting point of the life cycle differs between the three considered publication types whereas a first time shift from scientific publications to all patent documents lasts roughly 3 years. The second shift from the life cycles of all patent documents to patents filed by collaborations takes also about 3 years. By means of the above presented data the four main steps of industry convergence science, technology, market and industry (Hacklin, 2008, Curran et al., 2010) can be seen in the case of probiotics. Firstly, distinct scientific disciplines show R&D output in the field of probiotics indicated by the activity in publishing scientific articles (ref. Figure 7). Secondly, the distance between applied sciences and technology development decreases shown by the increase of activity in patenting (ref. Figure 6, Figure 7). Thirdly, taking Ernst’s patent life cycle as a basis, the market phase with an increasing number of patents can be shown. Fourthly, focusing at the inter- and intra-firm collaborations of the active companies also the last step of industry convergence is in evidence. Figure 7 Comparison of trendlines of scientific publications and patents 120 y = 0,0091x4 - 0,2758x3 + 3,0062x2 - 11,12x + 10,679 R² = 0,9801 100 Total number 80 60 40 y = 0,0003x4 + 0,0028x3 + 0,0961x2 - 0,6441x + 1,231 R² = 0,9921 20 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 y = 0,0004x 4 - 0,0088x 3 + 0,0633x 2 - 0,1734x + 0,192 R² = 0,8648 Scientific publications Patents Patents from collaborations Overall, the trendlines of scientific publications, patent documents in general and patents filed by collaborations show a continual increase. Thereby, a timely shift can be shown whereas the curve of scientific publications increases earliest with the highest steepness, thus, happens to be positioned in front of the curve of all patents. The shift between all patents and patents filed by collaborations is more obvious. The incline of the scientific publications trendline is 10 highest followed by the incline of all patent documents whereas the lines show first an almost parallel progress before within scientific publications the consolidation phase is reached. The incline of patens filed by collaborations is lower. That might be due to the fact that the collaborations are supposed to be right at the beginning of their increase. 5.4 Results netchain analysis Analogue the described netchain analysis (Lazzarini et al., 2001) the vertical axis is divided into the classical steps of a supply chain, in particular research & development (technology developers), production (processing company), market outlets (product category) and consumers (see Figure 8). Starting from the four bacteria strains Lactobacillus Caseii DN 114001, Bifidobacterium Bb12, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus as examples of bacteria with probiotics features the distinct arrows describe the way of the four different strains through the netchain. The different forms within the layers show the industrial background of the active company (e.g., a circle for companies from the food & agriculture industry). Thereby, the classification is analogue the patent data according to SIC codes (Food & agriculture, Pharmaceutical, Personal care and Chemical). The number within the distinct forms indicates each for one company in order to visualise the activity of certain companies on different levels within the value chain. Products containing probiotics are sold on B2C (Business-to-consumer) as well as on B2B (Business to business) markets in case of the four considered bacteria strains through the distributions channels as follows: supermarkets, drugstores and feed retailers. Figure 8 Netchain analysis according to four different bacteria strains Food & Agriculture Lactobacillus Caseii DN 114001 Bacteria strains Technology developers Pharmaceuticals Chemicals Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 3 Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 Lactobacillus Rhamnosus 2 1 3 ? 1 1 1 Research organisation Personal Care 2 Processing company Market outlets 4 1 1 2 4 5 5 Food 4 Food 1 Supermarkets Consumer segments 3 1 Food 3 Food 5 Food 6 Food supplement 1 Cosmetics 1 Food 2 Food supplement 2 Drugstores Health oriented consumers B2C Supplement taking consumers B2C Feed supplement 1 Feed retailer Farmers B2B Companies from different industrial backgrounds show distinct activities on the different layers of the netchain. In that context technology developers are from all four industrial backgrounds whereas the processing companies are dominated by the food & agriculture sector. Consequently, food products dominate within the layer of market outlets the 11 commercialised goods. Consumer segments can be roughly divided on the one hand into B2C and B2B as well as on the other hand into the three major groups of health oriented consumers, supplement taking consumers and farmers. Furthermore, collaborations can be seen on the level of technology development as well as on the processing layer. These collaborations are formed by companies from different industrial backgrounds active on different levels in the value chain. Considering the four bacteria strains, pharmaceutical companies are always involved in the development and market launch of supplement products. 6 Discussion and conclusion The results from patent and netchain analysis show an increasing interest in the functional ingredient category probiotics from different industrial backgrounds. Thereby, the food and agriculture sector is dominant, especially on the level of processing. Discussing the value of patent analysis in terms of industry convergence, generally one needs to take into account that on the one hand patent analysis is closely linked to technology development as patents give a close link to inventions. But on the other hand not all inventions are patented with the result that patents do not cover all existing inventions. As patent documents contain detailed information and are quite readily available they deliver a useful information source. This information also includes the industrial background of the filing company. That is one reason for the usefulness of patent analysis in case of industry convergence. As the interest of different industrial backgrounds, e.g., the pharmaceutical & chemical industry increases over the considered time frame revealed by the increase of filed patents first signs of an ongoing process of industry convergence are evident (ref. RQ1). Especially the huge increase of patents filed by collaborations in the later years confirms this phenomenon. As not the single bacteria strains are patented but their application within e.g., a food product the affinity to the common technology platform of probiotics of companies from both industries can be shown. Another sign for industry convergence in case of probiotics is given by the fact that the filed patents reveal distinct application areas. That implies that companies also promote research in areas outside their core business. They increasingly involve in application areas in the adjacent industry area, leading to the emergence of a new inter-industry sector – a result of convergence. On that account, hypothesis H1 stating that application areas become more versatile in terms of industry convergence can be adopted (ref. Table 2). Considering the timely development both the concept of Ernst’s patent life cycle as well as the idealised time series introduced by Curran et al. (2010) indicate an industry convergence process. With regard to these idealised descriptions of the development researchers and practitioners alike are enabled to anticipate the expected following steps to face the challenges within converging markets and therefore derive a competitive advantage. Another reason for the possibility to anticipate future trends is that patent information is available before the product is on the market. Although a previous study on the functional ingredient category phytosterols show a consolidation phase within the number of filed patents (Curran, 2010) this phase cannot be shown for all industrial backgrounds within the probiotics case. A time lag between the first increase of scientific publications and patent documents can be shown in the probiotics’ case (ref. Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7) referring to described idealised time series of industry convergence. Because of this time lag the first phases of an industry convergence process are evident and hypothesis H2 can be adopted. Regarding the qualitative measure – the netchain analysis of the four bacteria strains, we also find evidence for industry convergence. This is because companies of different industrial backgrounds are active on the distinct layers of the netchain. Collaborations can be also 12 shown by this analysis, hence, another hint for industry convergence. The netchain analysis in the probiotics’ case shows effects on the inter-industry relationships in terms of industry convergence (ref. RQ2) with a certain complexity. As there are signs for industry convergence in the first phases, the complexity of the netchain relationships is not yet fully developed (ref. H3). The complexity is supposed to increase in the coming years concurrently with the process of industry convergence. As the data on the bacteria strains is only gathered through publicly available sources it is not possible to detect all connections and therefore collaborations. That implies that there are several more ongoing collaborations not shown in the netchain diagram. These supposed additional collaborations indicate also for industry convergence processes. Following a retroperspective point of view there is only a status analysis possible leading to suggestions for future trends. The number of connections of companies as well as the activity on different layers within the netchain indicates for a strong network. Benefiting from a strong network companies might be able to establish a competitive advantage. As both tools – patent and netchain analysis – include the above described advantages and drawbacks, the analysis of industry convergence might benefit through a combination of both methods. Patent analysis deliver a nearly holistic view on co-operations between different companies but the complexity of collaborations cannot be shown in patent data. Therefore, netchain analysis can complement patent analyses by the information of complexity. If signs of industry convergence can be observed within the first step of patent analysis, a deeper elaboration of a limited amount of firms within a netchain analysis delivers information on the complexity. Applying this mixed-methods approach, strengths of an additional method overcome the weaknesses in another method by using both. To summarise the results on patent and netchain analysis there are clear signs of industry convergence in case of probiotics. Both analyses turn out to be good indicators to show industry convergence processes, especially the combination of the distinct tools. Nevertheless, more work is needed to enlarge and structure the knowledge about industry convergence in the area of nutraceuticals and functional foods. Therefore, future research could concentrate on other functional ingredients to establish the usefulness of the two measures – patent analysis and netchain analysis. We contribute to the existing body of literature by shedding light on the underlying dynamics and rationales of converging industries using patent and netchain analysis. More particularly, we extend Ernst’s tool of patent life cycles to the domain of scientific publications. Consequently, the literature on convergence is complemented by empirical findings leading to a deeper understanding of the influencing factors on its dynamics. While the theoretical contribution revolves around the explanation of convergence characteristics, practical contributions lie in the transferability of the employed methodology to other areas of (potential) convergence and their easy applicability. Managerial implications arise from the high strategic importance of industry convergence, enabling firms to prepare for changes in demand structures, technological shifts, and future competitors. The combination of potentially anticipatory bibliometric and patent analyses with the market oriented netchain analysis enables practitioners to effectively examine their relevant industry sectors and technological fields. 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