Marzano Domain 1 Video Overview Independent Study Professional Development Work File Name _________________________________________ (Please Print) Employee ID __________________ Phone Extension ______________________ Work Center # ______________ Work Center ________________________________ Activity # ____________________________________________________ Teacher Signature _________________________________________ Supervisor Signature ______________________________________ Videos are available 24 hours a day. You may complete this learning opportunity at a time that best meets your schedule prior to May 1, 2012. In order to receive Professional Development points, all work must be completed and submitted via courier to ESC-RTTT-Karen Ponder no later than May 1, 2012. SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #1: Providing Clear Learning Goals Read the Protocol for Providing Clear Learning Goals and Scales on the following page. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view three of the Protocol Videos listed below to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Providing Clear Learning Goals. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Video 3: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #4: Establishing Classroom Routines Read the Protocol for Establishing Classroom Routines. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view the three Protocol Videos to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Establishing Cllassroom Routines. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Video 3: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #6: Identifying Critical Information Read the Protocol for Identifying Critical Information. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view the three Protocol Videos to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Identifying Critical Information. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Video 3: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #10: Processing of New Information with Students Read the Protocol for Processing of New Information with Students on the following page. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view three of the Protocol Videos listed below to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Processing of New Information with Students. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Video 3: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #14: Reviewing Content Read the Protocol for Reviewing Content. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view the Protocol Videos and the Design Question #3 to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Reviewing Content. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #19: Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes Read the Protocol for Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view the Protocol Videos to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Practicing Skills, Strategies, and Processes. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Reflect on Design Questions #3 Video: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #24: Noticing & Reacting when Students are not Engaged Read the Protocol for Noticing & Reacting when Students are not Engaged. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view the Protocol Videos and the Design Question #3 video to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Noticing & Reacting when Students are not Engaged. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Multi-Media Segment 1: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #34: Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules & Procedures Read the Protocol for Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view the 3 of the protocol videos to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Applying Consequences for Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Video 3: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom. Protocol Review Worksheet for Indicator #41: Probing Incorrect Answers with All Students Read the Protocol for Probing Incorrect Answers with All Students on the following page. Pay special attention to the teacher and student evidence and to the scale (rubric) for evaluating instructors in the classroom. Now, view the Video and Multimedia Segment for Design Question #9 video listed below to determine the teacher and student evidence related to Probing Incorrect Answers with All Students. Write this evidence in your own words for each of the selected videos. Video 1: Video 2: Finally, give examples of how you will incorporate the effective use of this indicator in your classroom.