Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Mrs. Bergmann – US History Period: ____________ Theodore Roosevelt Webquest Webpage #1 a. What years were Theodore Roosevelt’s birth and death? ________________________ b. What number president was Theodore Roosevelt? ______________________ c. Theodore Roosevelt guided the nation into a new century of _______________ and ____________. d. What was Theodore Roosevelt most famous for? _________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. e. What lasting legacy does Theodore Roosevelt still carry? ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. f. On what national memorial was Roosevelt’s likeness carved in 1927? ____________________________ Webpage #2 a. What obstacles did TR overcome? b. List some of the many “hats” he wore: Webpage #3 a. Scroll through the various pictures of Theodore Roosevelt and select the picture that you feel best represents the man he was. Picture # b. Describe why you chose this Webpage #4 – “CBS News: Harry Smith interviews historian David Brinkley,” interview airs August 16, 2009. a. What happened on February 14th 1884? b. According to interview, what distinguished America from Europe? c. According to historian Douglas Brinkley, why would TR be upset with current state of things in terms of our national park system? Webpage #5 - a. How did TR handle his wife’s death? b. What was Alice (Roosevelt’s daughter) like? Webpage #6 Choose your favorite TR quote from this website and explain what it means: Quote: Explanation/Significance: Finally, on your own…find a website that has Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” speech. Read his speech. Below, compose a 4 sentence description of what Roosevelt’s speech was about. You will need this for class tomorrow.