Lowndes County Public Schools LESSON PLANS Teacher: Adrienne Boykin Date: November 9-13, 2015 Subject: Science Block: 3rd Grade Alabama CCSS: standards Science 3.3 Describe ways energy from the sun is used. 3.7 Describe the life cycle of plants, including seed, seed germination, growth, and reproduction. *Classifying plants according to their features 3.8 Identify how organisms are classified in the Animalia and Plantae Kingdoms. SL.3.1b Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). W.3.2b Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: KWL Survey First Word Word Splash Possible Sentence Concept Map Word Map Frayer Model Anticipation Guide Think-Pair-Share Vocabulary Overview Daily Language Practice (DLP)___________________ Engagement Strategies: - Collaborative Group Work - Questioning Techniques Technology Integration: * Camera Smart board COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: - Writing to Learn - Scaffolding Text * Document Camera * IPADS Lecture Reading Model Graphic Organizer/VLT Pictograph Diagram Hands-on Mind Map/Visual Guide - Literacy Groups -Classroom Talk Mac Books Clickers Poem, Rhymes, etc. Acronyms/Word Other: Video Other:_____________________ * Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Digital/ Video ACCESS Computer Program:___________ Other: YouTube This Week’s Vocabulary: amphibian, backbone, bird, fish, mammal, reptile, vertebrate, invertebrate, arthropod, endangered species, extinct species, fossil, habitat PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Chapter 2 Lesson 3 Essential Question Objective Preview (Before) Instruction (During) (After) Monday Day 5: How can we identify and describe common invertebrates? Tuesday Day : How can we identify and describe common invertebrates? Wednesday Day : How can we identify and describe common invertebrates? Thursday Day 1: What is a fossil and what living things made them? Friday Day25: What is a fossil and what living things made them? Students will identify and describe common invertebrates. Students will classify invertebrates by their physical characteristics. Students will identify and describe common invertebrates. Students will classify invertebrates by their physical characteristics. Students will identify and describe common invertebrates. Students will classify invertebrates by their physical characteristics. Invertebrates Video/ Group Discussion (EQ) Name Groups of Invertebrates (review) AMSTI TRAINING SUBSTITUTE Students will describe fossils and classify the living things that made them. Students will know that fossils provide information about extinct animals. Students will explain why some species of animals are endangered. Introduce the LessonAnimals of Long Ago Video (Partner Talk) KWL Chart Students will describe fossils and classify the living things that made them. Students will know that fossils provide information about extinct animals. Students will explain why some species of animals are endangered. Extend the Lesson- KWL Chart (add new ideas) Turn and Talk (EQ) Close Reading, “Extinct Animals” pp. A56-A61 Introduce Vocabulary (Words in Context) Which Animals Lived Long Ago Study Guide Continue Close Reading, “Extinct Animals” pp. A56A61 Ask and Answer Questions Fossil Worksheet HOLIDAY Continue Close Reading A46-A47 Vertebrates and Invertebrates Quiz Extension/ Refining Homework Assessment (formal or informal): * class work notebook * homework quizzes tests computer activities collaborative work project based Other:___ Summarizing: 3-2-1 * Ticket out the Door The Important Thing Cue Cards * Teacher Questions * Student Summary Other: ____________________