New Media Arts Email

Ariyanna first email to everyone December 20th
Hey ladies I just got an email from Kimberly about homecoming starting at the beginning of next
semester. This email will be a bit lengthy but I wanted to get the information to you all before we went
separate ways for the break.
If we participate in all the events we are entered in a drawing for $200. It would be awesome if we won
because that would be $750 more towards our 10 year anniversary Formal next year. So in order to
make things for smooth next semester at our next chapter meeting I’m gonna pass around a sign up for
people that are interested in being on the homecoming committee. These people would be going to
most of the homecoming events. AND we need people for the homecoming court. Someone for each
level and then the Duchesses. If you have questions about what is required of you talk to Bailey. She ran
on the court last year and had a lot of fun. (Even though she got sick the last day of the event)
The theme for the semester is Las Vegas
The events that we have so far are pretty much all the basketball games between January 25 and
February 2. There’s also the Kick-Off party with free food which is great if you are broke like me and on a
broke college student budget. The school will probably have a bunch of hamburgers and hotdogs and
those crack cookies.
Then we have the Green Hornet event where you will wear green on campus and if they see you
wearing green you can get some limited edition SPSU swag cause lord knows our school won’t be here
for much longer.
The Chalk off, we are going to need a few people to come up with designs for this event. And the school
provides chalk and normally lets us just keep the extra. Keep in mind the theme is Las Vegas. Then there
is going to be a comedian that night. They haven’t announced who it is yet…
They aren’t sure when voting will be yet. But I’m sure we should get a campaign together for the people
we have running for the homecoming court.
Here’s some exciting news for Steph, Kate and Heather ( and anyone else interested) there will be a
student vs faculty volleyball game and dodgeball game for fun.
I’ll be sure to keep you guys in the loop as they finalize stuff and I’ll get that sign-up sheet made for
Chapter on Wednesday.
Follow up email or Facebook message from Ariyanna after chapter this is sent to the volunteers:
Suzanne, Kate, Sana, Sarah, Zuri, Chelsea, Kaeli, Hollie, Stephanie, Jackie, Niki, Olivia, Maddie.
December 30th
Hey ladies, thanks for expressing interest in Homecoming this year. I figured facebook would be the
easiest way for us to communicate in real time. And share ideas. Also. You guys always check facebook.
Not so much your email. Anyway.
I really appreciate it. To get things started we will have to come up with a few designs for the banner
and figure out when we can sketch it out and paint it. I guess if you guys could send me a few designs
over the next week we can then figure out which to use or parts we like from each other’s designs.
There are a few requirements, our mascot and the other schools mascot ( Barons ), It has to say SPSU
Homecoming and be Vegas themed.
A few pictures from sisters are submitted. January 4th
Sana’s rough draft
Sana-So as you can see from my sketch I’ve got our mascot on top of a limo and the other schools
mascot running after the limo. I had Katy perry in mind when I did this her song waking up in vegas. But
what do you guys think of it so far. I’m not sure if I want to put a casino in the background or landmarks
like the Eiffel tower and statue of liberty.
Hollie- I like it so far. And I’m not too good at sketching but what if we did more of a mural type of
banner vs doing a scene with action. Like have all the landmarks like the Eiffel tower and lady liberty
some other stuff. And then the spsu homecoming logo that they have been using all week on top of it
with the two mascots and some poker chips. Possible marquee boarder you kow. Add some bling.
Niki- I like that idea. From what I’ve heard a few other organizations are doing like a hangover theme so
it would be good to keep it original. Maybe a bond theme?
Zuri- I like your idea Hollie. Paition is actually at the house right now hanging out so maybe she can help?
And Niki you have a good point. You should sketch up a bond themed banner. We could use out left
over ideas for the chalk off?
Ariyanna- That’s a really go idea. No need to reinvent the wheel. But remember one is chalk and the
other is paint. So we might have to take some things out of the chalk one.
Niki- How does look just a rough sketch I did in class just now
Ariyanna- lol Niki you should be on Facebook in class. But It looks good.
Niki- I know. Its just a boring class.
Zuri- I like it a lot I just think we should actaully do something with the other schools mascot to make
him seem like a loser. He’s just kinda floating there right now. Other than that I like it.
Kailei- I like the ideas so far. Here’s one I did at work earlier today. If you don’t like it whatever. Just
trying to help. I’m actaully getting sick so I don’t know how much I’ll be able to help. But heres an
attempt. Work in progress.
Ariyanna- Yeah. Yours is pretty basic. But thanks for the help. I hope you feel better.
Zuri- Paition just finshed her sketch!!! Check this out. I think it’s awesome. And we can simplfy it a bit
Niki- wow wow wow. I like that a lot.
Hollie- yep I like that one. Lets go with that
Niki- do we want to use a hornet head instead to make it look ike a head to head match it’s kinda weird
to have a head for one and body for another
Zuri- Yeah. But it’s the actually mascot logo. I mean I think it looks good this way too
January 8th
Ariyanna- No one has said anything for a few days so it sounds like we are going go with Paitions design.
Zuri, is se still there can you tell her thank you?
Zuri- Yeah. Shes gonna be here a bit longer if you want to see her! She misses you!
Ariyanna- Sweet. Would you guys be free Wednesday night to work on the sketch?
Zuri- Maybe for a little bit. I can’t sketch too well. I can color inside the lines
Hollie- Your in college I would hope so.
Zuri- Smart ass…..
Hollie- I love you!
Ariyanna- I was looking at the calendar. I think we would be able to break up the painting over a few
weeks since we have stated getting everything together early. This way we won’t pull an all nighter
painting. But how does January 12th and January 19th after chapter sound? That give us that last week to
worry about the events for the week vs the banner and all that other stuff too. Tell me if you can’t make
it. Also. If you know any other sisters that are interested in helping just let them know the time and
date. Just message me personally if you can’t make it.
Zuri- Sounds good Ari =D
January 15th
Maddie- Soooooo Not trying to burst anyone’s bubble but are we doing the parade as well and do we
have a truck to decorate for that?
Ariyanna- Good question Maddie. Zuri and I were talking last night and we figured we would skip that
event. No on typically shows up to it and it’s more of a hassle than its worth. Just cause we would have
to find a truck and then buy more things to build a float on it =/
Maddie- I guess that makes sense. Do we get points off for not doing it?
Ariyanna- You can only earn points for showing up to events. You can’t lose points. So really we have
nothing to lose. Just save a bunch of money.
Maddie- Okay. Thanks!
January 15th
Zuri- So Sana, Hollie, Sarah, Kate, Ariyanna. I need to take photos of you all for the advertisements
around campus. I was thinking Monday January 20th. Take a few pictures of you all dressed cute around
the houses. What would that work for you all? If so what time?
Sarah- I have class and work all day. So it would have to be in the morning. My first class is at 11.
Zuri- lol. It’s MLK day campus closed.
Sarah- So yeah… I’ll be free all day =D
Ariyanna- I’m free after 12. I’m getting my hair done. So it works out.
Kate- I’m good I don’t have a life until 6
Sana- I’m free after 3
Hollie- Free all day. Just let me know the time and place
Zuri- So can we meet at 3? It shouldn’t take more than an hour if you show up ready to go.
Sana- So what is everyone wearing to look cute for the shoot? Lol, I need ideas
Sarah- I was thinking pink blouse skinny jeans and cute brown shoes or boots
Kate- I was going to ask the same thing. I was thinking a dress and scarf
Hollie- I was going to wear a grey dress.
Ariyanna- Should we all match?
Zuri- I don’t think that’s super necessary
Sana- I agree with Zuri, we are all in the same group for the homecoming court. But we are all kinda
running individually. “Together complete, individually unique”?
Ariyanna- I guess when you word it like that I guess that makes sense. Anyway. I was thinking of
something similar to what Sarah is wearing.
Zuri- So I’ll leave it to you guys to figure out what your wearing. I’ll see you Monday =D
January 20th
Zuri- Don’t forget about pictures are at 4 today.
Zuri- Well that went well I think. I threw some stuff together really quick for the campus ads. Let me
know what you guys think. Here’s the one for Facebook for you all to share with everyone.
Hollie- Looks good. Are you going to send us the individual photos as well? I might want to you know….
Use mine as my new LinkedIn photo.
Zuri- Yeah. Just remind me later. I’m about to get lunch.
Kate- YAY! I love it big!
Zuri- =D
Ariyanna- I like it. Do you know who to send it to?
Zuri- Yeah. It’s just right?
Ariyanna- Yep
January 27th
Hollie- Have you guys seen the advertisements. They look pretty sweet. Hopefully we win. Also the other
banners that people have done look pretty good. Two groups did Hangover themed banners. Glad we
didn’t take that approach.
Niki- Did you get a picture of it?
Hollie- Yeah. I’m about to put them on our facebook group for everyone else to see them
NIki- thanks. I’m gonna be heading to the student center around 5 for the free food if anyone wants to
meet me there.
Ariyanna- that could work for me.
January 28th
Ariyanna- Just got an email from Kimberly. They are canceling the chalk off because its too cold and wet
Zuri- Thank god. I wish she had told us sooner. I mean she could have checked the weather…. Anyway… I
had bought dounuts for whoever showed up to caulk. But since we aren’t doing it anymore I’ll just leave
them in my room for us ( the people in this message) since we have been the most involved with
homecoming. Thanks again you guys.
January 29th
Sana- it’s voting day! I’m so nervous!!!!
Zuri- I’m sure you guys will do fine. Just spam all your friends with your ads reminding them to vote for
Ariyanna- Everyone know who you are Sana. Seriously you will be fine.
Kate- Does anyone know how long people have to vote?
Ariyanna- I think Kimberly said until Friday night And then at spots around campus. But I think they are
just going to have a computer / tablet so you can punch in your student ID number and vote
Stephanie- I finally have something to say on here. I’m pumped about the Volleyball game tonight! The
teachers are going down.
Kate- I’m excited too. Who won last year?
Stephanie- We won last year. We almost lost but we came up from behind in the third game and kicked
ass. It’s just general students playing against faculty. =D I texted a few other people and they are
coming too.
Kate- Awesome!
Zuri- Great job tonight ladies you kicked ass =D
Kate- I know I’m so excited!
Ariyanna- I’m glad we got second place on the banner too! We are doing really well this year with
Homecoming =D
January 30th
Kate- Are any of you bored and want to watch the dodgeball game tonight?
Zuri- maybe. Depends on how I feel after this class….
Kate- but big. Come hang…. What class?
Zuri- writing for new media blah blah blah
Kate- sounds boring. Come hang!
Ariyanna- I’ll be there!
Kate- See even your roomie will be there
Zuri- alright alright.
February 1st
Zuri- You guys excited to see who won the homecoming court?
Sana- I’m super nervous!
Sarah- Nope. I just want to stay at home.
Zuri- come on you guys! We worked hard. We have a pretty good shot at getting an award.
Ariyanna- I’m having trouble getting a hold of my escort…
Kate- Osei?
Ariyanna- Yeah. Does anyone have Alex’s number to call him and see if he’s in the room?
Sana- I do! I’ll call him now.
Zuri- I’ll see you guys there!
Zuri- We got second overall for the week and won $500 and Sarah and Sana won for their class.
Everyone did great
Kate- =( I wish I won
Ariyanna- its only your first year. Next year will be better babe!