Links Scholarship Application Access the Application and required forms at Email the completed Application, Recommendation Forms and Photograph in a single attachment by February 24, 2015 to Request your school’s registrar to email a copy of your official transcript to by February 24, 2015 Attention: Scholarship Committee Save the Date: April 25, 2015 for a Scholarship Reception. Scholarship Winners and a parent/guardian are required to attend. If you have any questions, you may contact Mrs. Dorothy Williams, Co-Chair, Scholarship Committee (253) 405-5201 1 Eligibility Requirements 1. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen of African descent pursuing an undergraduate degree or technical training. 2. Applicant must be graduating from high school, continuing his/her educational training, or be attending a college or university in the United States during the current year. 3. Applicant must be registered at an educational institution on a full-time basis as defined by the institution. 4. Applicant must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.7 or higher. 5. Applications must be typed; handwritten applications will not be accepted. Application Requirements 1. The Application and required forms may be found at 2. The Application, three Recommendation Forms and Photo must be emailed in a single attachment to by no later than February 24, 2015. 3. Type your first and last name in the subject line of the email, e.g., Ann Smith. 4. Applicant must request that the school registrar submit by email a copy of his or her official transcript to by February 24, 2015. The transcript must be submitted by the registrar’s office. 5. Recommendation Forms: Applicant must submit three Recommendation Forms. Two of the three Recommendation Forms must be completed by a teacher, counselor, or principal. The Recommendation Forms must be signed by the author. A handwritten or electronic signature is acceptable. 6. Writing Requirement: You must submit a paragraph and an essay on the topics below. Your writing samples must be emailed along with your application to: a. Write a paragraph of not more than 250 words explaining “Why this Scholarship is Important to Me” AND b. Write an essay of not more than 1000 words on one of the following three topics: “ Why Education Is Important to Me” OR “How Technology Has Impacted My Life” OR “Ways of Expressing Opposition—How I Make My Voice Heard” c. Use your own words. Include a bibliography if appropriate. Your writing samples must be typed in 12-point font and double spaced. Use either Times New Roman or Arial font. 2 7. Photograph: You must provide a 3x5 or 4x6 frontal facial photograph of you with no one else in the photo, e.g. a school photo. Please be sure your photograph is clear and appropriate for reproducing in the program booklet featuring scholarship recipients. 8. Scholarship recipients are expected to volunteer a minimum of three (3) hours to assist the Links’ adopted elementary students and/or its teachers with a school project. The volunteer hours must be completed by May 31, 2015. Additional information about the project will be available at the time of the scholarship award. 9. The scholarship committee may require additional information and/or may request a personal interview. 10. Incomplete applications will result in an applicant’s ineligibility. General Tips The Application You may access the application at If you have any questions, please call Mrs. D. Williams, Scholarship Committee at (253) 4055201. Complete the application using Times New Roman or Arial font, size 12. Proofread your application thoroughly and ask at least two people to review your essay. Include your first and last name in the subject line when you email the application. Scholarship recipients will be asked to submit to the scholarship committee before November 1, 2015 an official, sealed notification from their college/university Bursar’s Office confirming they are enrolled and attending the institution before the award is issued. Recommendation Forms Request recommendation forms from people with whom you are well acquainted. Two of the Recommendation Forms must be from a teacher, counselor, or principal. Notify your recommender of your deadline and collect them in time to send electronically with your application packet. E-mail your application and all materials in a single attachment to no later than February 24, 2015. Provide the recommender a copy of your résumé and other documentation of your strengths. Communicate to the recommender the kind of information you would like included on the form. Contact your recommenders if you do not receive their forms at least one week before the deadline to submit your application. Remember to send “thank-you” notes. 3 Scholarship Application All application materials must be completed electronically. 1. Name: ________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last 2. Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Number Street ________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code 3. Phone: Home __________________ Cell ___________________ Other __________________ 4. E-mail Address: ___________________ 5. Date of Birth: ______/______/_______ 6. Ethnicity: __________________________________________________________________ 7. Gender: Male ____ Female ____ 8. U.S. Citizen: Yes ____ No ______ 9. Have you applied for any other scholarships? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, please list below. _________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Name of Father/Guardian: _________________________ Occupation: __________________ 11. Address of Father/Guardian: _______________________________________________________ 12. Father/Guardian’s Phone: Home _________________ Work _________________ Other ___________________ 13. Name of Mother/Guardian: _________________________ Occupation: ___________________ 14. Address of Mother/Guardian: ______________________________________________________ 15. Mother/Guardian’s Phone: Home ________________ Work __________________ Other ___________________ 4 Financial Data 1. Annual Family Income $____________ Number of Dependents (including you) _______ Number of Siblings in College ________ 2. Have you applied for financial aid? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, list the amount of financial aid received $_____________________ 3. List scholarship awards you have received. ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Academic Data 1. High School Attending ________________________ Graduation Date _____________________ GPA ______ 2. Do you plan to attend a college or university? _______ Major field of study ________________ 3. Vocational Institution Attending _____________________________________________________ Major field of study __________ 4. Indicate if you are attending community college, continuing your education, or a graduate student, and the name of institution. ______________________________________________ Major _____________________ Minor __________________ 5. List academic and other special awards or honors received. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. List extracurricular activities and community/church involvement. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. List leadership positions held. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 5 8. Applications for college admission have been submitted to: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Essays 1. Write a paragraph of not more than 250 words on “Why this Scholarship is Important to Me.” 2. Write an essay of not more than 1000 words on one of the following topics: “Why Education is Important to Me” or “How Technology has Impacted My Life” or “Ways of Expressing Opposition: How I Make My Voice Heard.” 3. Use your own words. Prepare a bibliography if appropriate. The essay must be typed in 12-point font size and double spaced. Use either Times New Roman or Arial font. Pledge I pledge that all information submitted in this packet is accurate. I realize I may be disqualified should any portion be found inaccurate. I agree that the Scholarship Committee may use my photograph to showcase the winners in a program booklet, in a video presentation during the awards presentation, or for other marketing purposes. Handwritten or electronic signature is acceptable. Applicant’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date _______________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________ Date _______________ 6 Recommendation Form This section is to be completed by applicant. List the names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three people who will complete your recommendation forms. Name: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________ E-mail: Name: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________ E-mail: Name: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________ E-mail: Three Recommendation Forms must be completed; however, letters of recommendation may be included in addition to the Recommendation Forms. Recommendation Forms must be included with your application by February 24, 2015. Please use the checklist (included) to ensure your application has been properly completed. Be sure to email your completed application and materials as a single attachment to Be sure to place your name (first name, then last) in the subject line of the email. 7 Tacoma Links Application Checklist To Applicants: Use the following checklist to ensure you have completed all requirements for your application. It is important that you use and follow it carefully. All of the following, with the exception of a copy of your official transcript, must be submitted as one application packet via a single email attachment. Please be sure you are able to check off each item before submitting your application. 1. All sections of the application have been completed. Nothing is left blank. 2. Pledge is signed by both parent and student (handwritten or electronic signature). 3. Recommendation forms and letters are typed or word processed, and each contains the handwritten or electronic signature of the person making the recommendation. You are responsible for securing handwritten or electronic signatures and for including signed forms with your application. 4. Your name is on your essay. 5. Your essay has a title. 6. An appropriate photo accompanies the application. A school yearbook picture (head, neck, and upper shoulders) is ideal for meeting this requirement. Your name is written lightly on the back of your picture. Pictures of scholarship recipients will appear in our souvenir program. ______ 7. A copy of your official transcript is E-mailed to by the registrar at your school by February 24, 2015. Applicants may not submit the copy of their official transcript. 8 Tacoma Links Recommendation Form (This form is to be completed by the recommendation writer and returned to the student for emailing as a single attachment with the application materials). Please submit typed recommendations to the requesting student before the February 24, 2015 due date. We are unable to accept handwritten forms. In addition to this mandatory recommendation form, you may choose to submit a one-page letter of recommendation. Please include the student’s name and your name and relationship to the student. The student’s proposed program of study should be considered in comparison with his or her academic ability and potential capabilities. Traits such as industriousness, responsibility, respectfulness, honesty, kindness, initiative, and leadership are considered significant. Student’s Name Last First M.I. Rate the student on the following qualities using the scoring range from 1 – 5. 1. Weak 2. Below average 3. Average 4. Above average 5. Superior Communication Skills ________ Diversity of Extracurricular Activities _____ Ability to Follow Through _______ Cooperation and Leadership ________ GPA & Quality of Course Selection _____ Reliability and Trustworthiness ______ Initiative and Commitment ______ Personal Growth and Goals ________ List the subjects/activities in which you observed the student’s participation. How well did this student demonstrate respect for adults and peers? Why do you consider this student to be a worthy candidate for a scholarship? Describe how the student has set examples in his/her personal lifestyle and values. Name of person submitting recommendation Relationship to student E-mail address Signature Telephone Date Handwritten or electronic signature is acceptable. 9 ______