Mary Kuck case study

Mary Kuck
My name is Emma and I would like to tell you a story about my beautiful, intelligent and funny
Daughter called Mary.
The story begins when I went into premature labour at 27 weeks. I started contracting and decided
to phone the hospital. They asked me to come straight in and hooked me up to a baby monitor. It
showed I was contracting and they warned me that I could be giving birth to my daughter today!
The Drs and nurses were wonderful and gave me drugs to stop the contractions and steroid
injections to develop Mary’s little lungs ready for delivery. Thankfully, the contractions disappeared
and I left hospital a week later – very upset but relieved at the same time.
Mary did not want to come on her due date and, ironically, she was born 2 weeks overdue! I had a
difficult birth, but eventually, after 13 hours of labour and an emergency C Section, Mary was born –
beautiful and healthy.
Mary’s development was on track (or so I thought), until she was about 6 months old. I noticed that
Mary would not lie on her front for ‘tummy time’ and never played with her feet like other children.
She did not sit up or roll around on the floor. I expressed my concerns to Mary’s Doctor and Health
Visitor but they kept saying that she was lazy and she would sit in her own time. Mary could still not
sit up independently by the age of one and I was becoming increasingly concerned – call it Mother’s
intuition – but I knew that there was something wrong. Eventually, Mary was referred to a
Paediatrician who recommended Mary attend Physiotherapy. This started just after her 1st Birthday
and it was wonderful. Within 3 months, Mary was sitting independently, but was still unable to
stand, crawl or walk.
Another 6 months passed and Mary was still not progressing so she was referred to a Neurologist at
the University Hospital Wales. He was convinced Mary had a Neurological condition but wanted to
confirm this via an MRI scan. He advised us that they did not like any child under 2 to have it done
so we had to wait another 6 months.
The day finally arrived (just after her 2nd Birthday). Both Dan (Mary’s Daddy) and I were so nervous
and scared because Mary needed a general anaesthetic. Mary, on the other hand, was in high spirits
and did not seem worried at all! I cried and cried for the duration of the examination, all I wanted to
do was protect her. The MRI was successful and they advised we would need to wait about 4 weeks
for the results and the Neurologist would contact us. I have to be honest and say they were the
most agonising 4 weeks of our lives.
The day of the results appointment had arrived, but, unfortunately Mary had caught Chicken Pox so
Dan had to stay at home with her. I attended the appointment alone. I walked into the
Neurologist’s room and sat down. In front of me was his computer with MRI scans of Mary’s brain. I
did not know what to look for and he explained everything in a lot of detail. He advised Mary had a
‘Neurological Abnormality’ – in other words Cerebral Palsy.
He explained to me that there was an area of brain damage which would affect Mary’s mobility in
her legs. It was highly likely that Mary would never walk independently and would eventually need a
wheelchair. I cried and cried until I could not cry anymore. My beautiful, intelligent and funny little
girl was disabled and I could not do anything about it. Even though we were convinced Mary had CP,
the realisation of everything was very hard to accept.
Mary continued to have Physiotherapy and was then fitted for DAFO splints to help keep her feet
and ankles straight. At 2 and a half, Mary was given a walking frame to help her become more
mobile and independent. This was definitely a turning point for Mary. Since having the frame, she
has become so much more confident and it has given her the independence she so desperately
Mary’s Physio advised us that she thought Mary would benefit from block therapy at Bobath
Children’s Centre in Cardiff. I had heard of them before but did not know much about what they did.
Both Dan and I researched information about Bobath, and after reading all the case studies of
Children with CP and how much they had helped, we could not wait until Mary’s therapy started.
Mary finally attended Bobath in February 2014, where she attended 1 hour sessions over a 4 week
period. Bobath had written to us before Mary’s first session and asked us what our concerns were
and if there was anything we would like help with. We were concerned that Mary could not stand or
walk independently and she was unable to dress and undress herself.
Mary worked very closely with Sue (Occupational Therapist) and immediately fell in love with her.
She trusted her straight away and they formed a wonderful bond over the 4 weeks. It was apparent
that Mary had grown in confidence overnight and she was so excited to attend her next sessions. I
asked her one day “what would you like to do today as a special treat?” – thinking she would say “Go
to the beach Mummy” or “go to McDonalds Mummy!” Instead she said “I want to go to Bobath
Sue made us feel so welcome and was there to answer any questions we had with regards to Mary’s
CP. She was so experienced and knowledgeable and it was refreshing to meet someone who really
cared for Mary and understood her condition.
Since attending Bobath, Mary has taken 6 steps independently, she can get dressed and undressed
with minimal support and she can stand for short periods of time. This progress has occurred after
only a few hours of therapy! We are so grateful for everything Bobath has done for Mary and our
Mary is determined to walk independently and we really believe this will happen. This is all down to
the support and encouragement we have received from Bobath. Dan and I are now looking forward
to the future and we really hope Bobath becomes a part of it.