Document - Snowsport England

Notes from Technical Panel Meeting 17th July 2013
Attendees: Tim Fawke (TF), Julia Parker (JP), Richard Barbour (RB), John Shedden (JS), Tomasz
Ondrusz (TO), Mike Hammond (MH), Chris Exall (CE), Ryan Grewcock (RG)
Apologies: Mike Barker, Ian Findlay
1) TOR for TP
TF outlined the objectives of the Technical panel going forward, new terms of reference to
be considered. TF to circulate and get comments.
2) Chair/Secretary Role
TF indicated that he would be stepping down from the role of chair and nominated RB as
replacement with RG supporting in secretary role. Both agreed unanimously by the panel.
3) 2013 Courses and looking ahead for 2014
JP to report back to next membership with regard to Geographical List – TO offered support
with regard to issues with Database and information that is extracted from FUSE.
Map beginning to be developed to show current Tutors and location with regard to slopes to
be available at next meeting.
Closed courses to be shown on UK snowsports website.
JP also to evaluate income from refreshers.
Discussions followed regarding revalidation and its purpose.
Feedback from courses – JP to look at online questionnaire and try different approach in
order to get responses. JP to also speak to Martin Carr and the Freestyle feedback following
TF and JP informed the panel that better links by involving the office in meetings at site in
order to build up better communications was taking place over the next few months.
4) Level 3 / 4 Course 2013 and Plans for 2014
RB stated that all went well with 2013 and better organised than before. 2014 progressing
well plans in process with JP to market the 2014 courses.
5) Level 1 Resource
Discussions were held with regard to the replacement of the log book, when the new
resource goes out the log book will still be sent at present. Currently issues with printer but
new resource should be with Tutors by the end of the first week in August.
TF updated on the courses that had been run and positive feedback from the courses.
Currently Level 1 Freeski, Alpine and Snowboard are being delivered and level 2 Alpine and
Snowboard. Still developing level 3. Relationship with SSS and BASI developing although
some delays in getting course up and running has frustrated some people.
Discussion around how the 2 pathways fit together and the requirements for the different
courses. Decided that this needs to be done with flip chart/bits of paper to see where they
fit together as maybe opportunity to offer UKCP coaches access to level 3 or 4 development
coach. Action for everyone to read up on website info and for mapping exercise to be on the
agenda at next TP meeting. TF to circulated UKCP alpine documentation.
7) Level 0 – next steps.
Demand is there for courses. An overview to be developed CE, RB and TO. Will be Over 14
to U18. Future meeting to establish who can deliver.
8) Snowboard
Plans in progress with James Pitcher rewriting resources – TF liaising. James to be invited to
next meeting. (James meeting with Vickie and Jay start of September)
9) CPD
Discussions on different ways this can be developed including “Evening With…”, Sportscoach
courses to be is discussed further at next meeting.
10) New Tutors – being reviewed annually by RB, CE and TF during 2012 quite a few Tutors were
not reengaged as they had not been delivering courses. Tutor is no longer included on
11) Microsite – some of the panel had not seen the site so link was re given any comments to be
passed to CE – future work still to be done regarding Snowboard and Freestyle but this site is
very much work in progress. Domain name to be changed by adding Coaching to end of the
name distinguish from the main SSE website. CE to investigate suitable add on
12) Marketing of Courses – various suggestions were made regarding involving development
officers trying to establish how many instructors involved at a site,n what level where they,
do they link to snow. TF asked the panel to think about ways of Marketing at shows and the
courses we run.
TO – discussion was held with regard to Mary Ondrusz
RB – Slopes, discussion was held with regard to slopes and which courses could be held well.
JP/TF to start list of slopes and then develop a master list with help of Technical Panel as to
what can be held where.
JP – Would like to start a Tutor newsletter possibly issued quarterly to keep all current
Tutors engaged and pass on any information required.
JP – Current Tutor list to be placed on website so sites are available to see who is currently
able to Tutor which courses – due to Data Protection laws, JP to contact Tutors to ensure
their permission to add Name and email address as contact if no contact details then to be
diverted back to the office.#