Native American Diorama Project Instructions

Native American Diorama
What is the project?
Use a shoebox or other cardboard platform to make a diorama of a Native American Region. You may
choose to do a diorama of one of the following regions: Arctic (Inuit), Plains (Pawnee), Southeast
(Seminole), Southwest (Hopi), Northwest (Kwakiutl), Plateau (Nez Perce)
What do I need to include in my diorama?
You need to have some representation of:
The land-For example, if you do the Arctic, I must see ice. If you do the Plains, I must see open, flat
land with tall grass.
The Housing-For example, if you do the Hopi, I must see a representation of an adobe house.
The Food-For example, if you do the Plains Indians, I might see a Buffalo.
Clothing-For example, if you do the Arctic, I might see mittens.
Where can I go to get ideas?
Use your notes and ideas from class. Use your Social Studies book. Get help from your parents to visit
websites related to your topic. Books are a great resource.
What materials can I use?
Be creative! Some suggestions are construction paper, markers, yarn, crayons, pictures you cut out from
magazines, etc.
Is there anything I can NOT use?
YES, please do not glue pre-made plastic animals or toys on the project. I would like for this to be
made from ‘scratch’ as much as possible. For example, don’t buy a plastic tipi. You need to either use
a coloring page or create one from sticks and cloth.
What role should parents play in this project?
Parents may help gather supplies, brainstorm ideas, and offer assistance getting to the websites or
using hot glue, but they may not complete any part of the project.
Do I need to write a paragraph?
YES!! You will need to write a paragraph of 7-9 sentences telling about this Native American Tribe
and Region. Glue this to the BACK of the diorama. You will read this aloud to the class.
Is there anything else I should know?
Take a small piece of paper, such as a half of an index card and write the below information on it. Glue it to the
front of the box.
Your Name
Name of Native American Tribe
Region of the US where tribe is located
DUE DATE _________________________
Due to space restrictions in the classroom, please do not bring your project in until the due date.
The display is
attractive and wellorganized. The
items are neatly and
securely attached to
the display. The
display is visually
The display has all
of the required
elements for the
region, clothing,
housing, and food.
The display is
attractive and wellorganized. The
items are neatly and
securely attached to
the display.
The display is
organized. The
items are securely
attached to the
The display is not
organized OR the
items are not
securely attached to
the display.
The display has
most of the required
elements for the
region, clothing,
housing, and food.
The display has
none of the required
elements for the
region, clothing,
housing, and food.
The paragraph is
neatly written with
proper indention,
spelling. It includes
factual information.
Student showed
great enthusiasm
and focused on the
The student was
able to accurately
explain all the
elements in the
Shows proper
spelling in most
areas. It includes
mostly actual
Student showed
some enthusiasm
and was focused on
the task.
The student was
able to accurately
explain most of the
elements in the
The display has
some of the
required elements
for the region,
clothing, housing,
and food.
Shows proper
spelling in a few
areas. It includes a
few examples of
factual information.
Student did work,
but lost focus or
became frustrated.
The student was
able to accurately
explain some of the
elements in the
The student had
trouble explaining
the elements in the
Number of items
Knowledge Gained
Lacks proper
spelling in most
areas. It lacks
factual information. .
Student often lost
focus or became