IN YOUR SHOES (IYS) Sports & Activity Scholarship Application General Program Information In Clinton County, childhood obesity and poverty rates are higher than national averages. The In Your Shoes program was developed to reduce childhood obesity rates in Clinton County by encouraging physical activity and participation in extracurricular sports and activities. The purpose of the In Your Shoes program is to promote physical activity, teamwork, volunteerism and leadership through funding extracurricular sports and activities for children in Clinton County. In Your Shoes pays for the registration fees and equipment needed for approved applicants to participate in extracurricular sports and activities. As a condition of accepting this award, each student must complete 10 hours of volunteer work in the community. Volunteer work can be done with IYS, the extracurricular organization, the United Way, or any other charitable organization within Clinton County, PA. The In Your Shoes Sports & Activity Scholarship Applications are valid for 1 school year for a maximum award of up to $175 per student. All fees are paid directly to the extracurricular organization for registration fees and all equipment you request from IYS will be provided by In Your Shoes. No money will be paid to any parent or child directly, and no refunds will be issued for payments made to the organization prior to approval. Requirements To be eligible for a scholarship, each child must: □ □ □ □ Attend a school in the KCSD or reside in Clinton County, PA Be registered or plan to register for an organized sport or extracurricular activity. Completing this application DOES NOT register the participant in the activity. Be between the ages of 5 and 18 at the time of application. Agree to do 10 hours of volunteer work in the community. Determination of Eligibility Priority may be given to youth proving to meet one or more of the following criteria: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Receiving assistance from programs such as: Food Stamps, Medicaid, Free/Reduced Lunch Children Living in Foster Care or Government Housing Disabled Children Families suffering from a recent tragic event or an immediate financial hardship Body Mass Index measurement above the 85th percentile with documentation signed by the school nurse or family physician Families with multiple children involved in multiple activities Written recommendations by school representatives, Clinton County Children & Youth or other social service representatives First time applicants meeting any of the above criteria Prior participants meeting any of the above criteria who have completed their volunteer hours with IYS Important to Know Any organized youth sport or activity in Clinton County can be funded by an IYS scholarship. Meeting the above criteria DOES NOT guarantee that you will be awarded funding from In Your Shoes. All scholarships will be awarded based on demonstrated need, available funding and meeting all deadline/application requirements. Approval one year DOES NOT guarantee approval every year. A new application is required to be completed each school year for each student. Scholarships are limited to 3 awards per family/per address per year provided that funds are available and requirements are fulfilled. If you receive funding from IYS for an activity and you quit that activity, you must notify IYS within 7 days and return all purchased equipment. Quitting an activity may reflect negatively on the status of your future IYS applications, especially if you fail to notify us and/or to return any equipment that was purchased or issued by In Your Shoes. Failure to complete your volunteer hours or to return your volunteer log to IYS will lead to a denial of all future applications until those hours are completed and submitted to IYS. Approval of a scholarship DOES NOT register the participant in the activity. You must contact the extracurricular organization to get registered for the desired sport or activity. Fees are paid directly to the organization where the student is registered. To have payments and equipment delivered on time, contact IYS at least 2 weeks prior to each registration event and when your equipment is needed. To Apply □ □ □ Fully and accurately complete the IYS Sports & Activity Scholarship Application □ □ Read, sign and submit the IYS Rules & Responsibilities Agreement Submit documents that prove eligibility (i.e. pay stubs, Medical Assistance, UC, BMI results, referral letter, etc.) Return the Application, the Agreement and the Eligibility Documents to In Your Shoes at PO Box 367, McElhattan, PA 17748 at least 2 weeks prior to activity. Call IYS at 570-295-1293 at least 2 weeks in advance to request cleats or any other needed equipment. For prior IYS Participants: □ Your Volunteer Log from the previous year(s) must be completed and submitted to IYS before a new application for funding will be considered. If you have not already done so, include your Volunteer Log with this application. For more information, call IN YOUR SHOES at 570-295-1293. IN YOUR SHOES AWARD APPLICATION Contact Contact Information Information Student’s Name: Age: Height: Required School: Weight: Required Parent or Guardian’s Name Street Address City, State, Zip Phone (Home and Cell) E-Mail Address Availability Acceptance of this grant from In Your Shoes requires student commitment to volunteerism. For each grant awarded, the student/parent must complete ten (10) volunteer hours with In Your Shoes or the extracurricular organization. ____ Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials Are you able to fulfill these volunteer requirements? ______Yes ______No Where will you do your volunteer work? _____In Your Shoes _____Participating Athletic Organization _____Another Community Organization Would you like to receive calls, texts or emails regarding volunteer opportunities with IYS or the CC United Way? _____Yes _____No _____Call _____Text _____Email Interests Tell us in which activity you would like to participate. ___ Football Youth or MS/HS ___ Basketball Youth or MS/HS ___ Baseball League?______________________ ___ Wrestling MatTown or MS/HS ___ Softball League?______________________ ___ Bandfront ___ Cheerleading Youth or MS/HS ___ Other (Please specify): Has the student participated in this activity in the past? ____YES ____ NO Has the student ever quit this or any other activity? ____YES ____ NO Has this student ever received funding from IYS? ____YES ____ NO What are the required fees for participation in this activity? ________________________________________ When and where does payment need to be sent?__________________________________________________ What equipment do you need IYS to provide for this activity?_______________________________________ List sizes of cleats, shoes, pants, etc. needed. ____________________________________________________ Financial Qualifications In Your Shoes grants funding for extracurricular sports and activities based on financial need. Please submit the following information as it relates to your family size and your household income. Please provide documentation (copy of pay stubs, W-2, tax returns, etc.) and send along with application. # of adults living in your household? # of children living in your household? How many family members contribute to your household income? What is your total annual household income? ____ ____ ____ ____ Less than $10,000 $10,000-$15,000 $15,000-$20,000 $20,000-$25,000 ____ $25,000-$30,000 ____ $30,000-$35,000 ____ $35,000-$40,000 ____ $40,000-$45,000 ____$45,000-$50,000 ____ $50,000-$55,000 ____ $55,000-$60,000 ____ Greater than $60,000 Summarize In a short paragraph, tell us why you should be granted funding from In Your Shoes for this activity. Agreement and Signature By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am approved for funding, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in immediate rejection of this application. In Your Shoes will review applications and determine eligibility based on both the needs of the applicants and the availability of In Your Shoes funding. Funds will be granted on a year-to-year basis, and your approval is not guaranteed from year-to-year. Applications must be submitted each year. All participant applications will be reviewed and all grant allocations will be determined by In Your Shoes. Student’s Name (printed) Student’s Signature Date Parent’s Name (printed) Parent’s Signature Date Our Policy It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability. Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in In Your Shoes. Please send completed application and proof of income to: In Your Shoes P.O. Box 367 McElhattan, PA 17748 In Your Shoes will contact you regarding your application status. Please allow 1-2 weeks for the application review and approval. If you have any questions regarding this application or your approval status, please contact Tammy Miller at 570-295-1293. TO BE COMPLETED BY IN YOUR SHOES STAFF MEMBERS ONLY Reviewer (Printed Name) Reviewer’s Signature Date Approval Amount Awarded Participating Organization Date Payment Sent ____ Approved ____ Denied Explain: In Your Shoes Rules and Responsibilities Contract Because I am accepting funding from In Your Shoes I understand the following: I am required to complete 10 hours of volunteer work for the In Your Shoes program, for another community organization (like a church, a fire dept. or the Clinton County United Way) or for the participating extracurricular organizations for which I am approved. I understand that volunteer hours must be completed by the end of the school year in which I am receiving funding and the form must be completed and returned to In Your Shoes. I understand that In Your Shoes is providing funding for registration fees and required equipment only and any optional purchases would be my responsibility. I will obey all rules and fulfill all requirements required by the participating extracurricular organization, including any fundraising requirements. I will notify the In Your Shoes organization within 7 days of quitting an In Your Shoes funded activity to allow for In Your Shoes to collect any possible refunds; and I will return any provided equipment. I understand that school and homework are my number one priorities, and I will strive to maintain good grades and regular attendance. I understand that I must complete a new In Your Shoes application for each school year, and I understand that funding is not guaranteed from year-to-year. I understand that the maximum annual award per student per school year is $175. In turn, In Your Shoes agrees to treat you with kindness and respect. In Your Shoes agrees to pay all registration fees and provide any required equipment. In Your Shoes agrees to maintain confidentiality of your application, your financial information and any other information you disclose without your permission. In Your Shoes will not disclose your participation in the In Your Shoes program to anyone outside of In Your Shoes and the participating extracurricular organization. If I fail to abide by these rules, I understand that In Your Shoes can and will take away privileges as appropriate, which may disqualify me from any future funding from In Your Shoes. By signing this agreement, I certify that the information provided to In Your Shoes is true and accurate, and I agree to fulfill all requirements as set forth in this contract. Student’s signature Date _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s signature Date In Your Shoes Representative’s signature Date