Next Generation Sunshine State Standards

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................................... iii
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards................................................................................................. iv
Definitions ..................................................................................................................................................... v
Overview: ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Prizes: ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
How the C3 Challenge works? .................................................................................................................. 6
Goals of the Conservation and Climate Change Challenge:...................................................................... 6
About Us ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Step 1: Kick off the Challenge…School Registration & Team Building ......................................................... 7
Climate LEEDers ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Challenge Competition Announcement ................................................................................................... 7
Step 2: C3 Teacher Pledge Drive (Mandatory) ............................................................................................. 8
Take the C3 Challenge Teacher Pledge ..................................................................................................... 8
Timeline..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Share your story! (Mandatory) ..................................................................................................................... 8
On-site School Evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 9
Develop a Strategy to Help Spread the Word &Take Action ........................................................................ 9
Challenge Ideas ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Introduction to Classroom Activities ............................................................................................................ 9
Background Information ........................................................................................................................... 9
Classroom Audit Checklist....................................................................................................................... 12
High School Activities .................................................................................................................................. 13
Electricity/ Energy Conservation ......................................................................................................... 13
Solid Waste/ Recycling ........................................................................................................................ 16
Transportation .................................................................................................................................... 18
Water Conservation ............................................................................................................................ 20
Take the C3 Challenge Home ...................................................................................................................... 23
Challenge TIPS for Success: ......................................................................................................................... 24
School Waste Composition Chart ............................................................................................................... 25
School Assessment Recycling Sheet............................................................................................................ 26
Appendix A: C3 Challenge "Share Your Story" ............................................................................................ 27
Appendix B: C3 Site Assessment ................................................................................................................. 28
Matthew Anderson, Broward County Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality
Scott Strauss, Broward County Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality
Maribel Feliciano, Broward County Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality
Special thanks to:
 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency for allowing us access to their educational materials
 Broward County NatureScape Program
 Broward County Solid Waste and Recycling Services
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
This toolkit is aligned to support the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for
Grades 9 – 12: Body of Knowledge: Nature of Science and Life Science
Carbon Dioxide: A colorless, odorless noncombustible gas with the formula CO2 that is present in the
atmosphere. It is formed by the combustion of carbon and carbon compounds (such as fossil fuels and
biomass) and by respiration, which is a slow combustion in animals and plants, and by the gradual
oxidation of organic matter in the soil.
Carbon Footprint: The negative impact that something (as a person or business) has on the
environment; the amount of carbon emitted by something during a given period.
Climate LEEDer: The Climate LEEDer is the main school contact for the C3 Challenge. The role of the
Climate LEEDer is to support and guide students throughout the process. A collection of classroom
activities for all grade levels K-12 are available for Climate LEEDers and are designed to accompany the
® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design): LEED is an internationally recognized green
building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or community was
designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the metrics that matter
most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental
quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. The Challenge uses the LEED
acronym to illustrate the critical role Climate Challenge leaders play in educating others about the
importance of energy and water conservation, water efficiency and sustainability.
Greenhouse Gases (GHG): any of the gases whose absorption of solar radiation is responsible for the
greenhouse effect, including carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and the fluorocarbons.
Conservation and Climate Change Challenge
The Conservation and Climate Change Challenge (C3 Challenge) is an educational competition intended
to engage students, teachers, school administrators, staff, and parents in practical actions to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at school and home. Through improved energy efficiency, reduced
consumption, increased recycling, and changes in transportation behaviors, participants will learn how
simple actions, taken together, can create a climate of change. All educational activities are aligned
with Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and can be downloaded from the C3 Challenge
( website.
The C3 Challenge will be held from October 1, 2012-February 8, 2013. The school with the highest score
WINS!!! The score is determined by the highest percentage of participating classroom teachers, a Share
your Story submittal (by February 15, 2013), and an on-site evaluation. The winning school from each
level (elementary, middle, and high) will be announced in March 2013.
Sustainable School Plaque
C3 E-Certificates
C3 winning banner for school
Recognition from the Broward County Board of County Commissioners
Climate Change Collection Library (books, documentaries, movies)
Broward NatureScape Prize
Broward Waste and Recycling Prize
How the C3 Challenge works?
Teachers are encouraged to become classroom “Climate LEEDers” and help recruit other teachers to
sign up and take the Challenge to educate students about ways to reduce their carbon footprint. The
role of the Climate LEEDer is to oversee the Challenge Pledge Drive in the school and recruit other
teachers to participate in the Challenge. The Climate LEEDer is encouraged to use the activities provided
within this toolkit to educate students on various issues pertaining to climate change: energy efficiency,
transportation, waste/recycling, and water conservation. The C3 Challenge website includes guidelines
on how to implement the Challenge, tips and resources, and other supporting materials.
Educate students about climate change and actions to reduce their carbon footprint;
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in schools and within the community;
Encourage student leadership and empowerment;
Foster a community of teachers/students working together to engage the community to reduce
their carbon footprint; and foster a new generation of environmental advocates.
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Goals of the Conservation and Climate Change Challenge:
Conservation and Climate Change Challenge
About Us
The Conservation and Climate Change (C3) Challenge was developed by the Broward County Pollution
Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division (PPRAQD). The C3 Challenge aims to inspire and
motivate students, teachers, and school administrators to think globally but act locally on climate
change. At the heart of the C3 Challenge is the philosophy that big changes start with small steps, and
that taken together, individual actions create a world of difference. This educational competition
supports the Master Partnership Agreement between the Broward County Public Schools and the
Broward County Board of County Commissioners.
Step 1: Kick off the Challenge…School Registration & Team Building
A teacher (Climate LEEDer) registers their school by e-mailing This will allow
Broward County to establish a main liaison for each participating school in order to discuss competition
progress, answer any questions, and share additional resources. The Climate LEEDer will also help build
a team within their school by recruiting participants to take the C3 Challenge. Teams can be built by
soliciting participation from fellow teachers and school administrators.
Climate LEEDers
The Climate LEEDer is the main school contact for the C3 Challenge. The LEEDer is responsible for
registering their school (by e-mailing and recruiting additional teachers to
take the challenge and submit their pledges by February 8, 2013. The Climate LEEDer is also responsible
for submitting the “Share Your Story” article for the school. Please remember each school MUST submit
a "Share Your Story" article (minimum 200 words) to by February 15, 2013 to
be eligible.
Challenge Competition Announcement
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To help promote the C3 Challenge at your school, the Air Quality program has created the C3
announcement flyer for you to download and post throughout your school. To download the flyer
please visit
Conservation and Climate Change Challenge
Step 2: C3 Teacher Pledge Drive (Mandatory)
Take the C3 Challenge Teacher Pledge
Each teacher who accepts the C3 Challenge will need to take the Teacher Pledge
( The pledge helps teachers educate students about actions
they can take to reduce their carbon footprint at school and home. This is a part of your total score.
The winner from elementary, middle, and high school will receive:
 Sustainable School Plaque
 C3 E-Certificates
 C3 winning banner for school
 Recognition from the Broward County Board of County Commissioners
 Climate Change Collection Library (books, documentaries, movies)
 Broward NatureScape Prize
 Broward Waste and Recycling Prize
Cool Ideas
To motivate students and teachers to participate, create signs, posters, or other fun visuals to
place in each classroom that takes the pledge, so other students and teachers know who in the
school is committed to protecting the climate and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
You can send out weekly e-mails with climate ‘tips’ on ways to protect the planet.
You could also post each classroom’s audit results and students’ activities in a highly visible
location, so everyone who uses that classroom can be aware of the C3 Challenge and see the
actions the students, teachers, and parents are taking.
The Challenge will be held from October 1, 2012 thru February 8, 2013. The Climate LEEDer should
encourage as many teachers as possible to participate by submitting the Teacher Pledge. The steps
taken by the participants as a part of the challenge should be actions that can easily be incorporated
into their daily lives so that the positive impact of the Challenge can continue long into the future.
 October 1, 2012- C3 Challenge begins and Climate LEEDer registers the school
 October 1- February 8, 2013- Schools implement the C3 Challenge (follow toolkit, implement
projects, collect and/or enter pledges) at their school.
 February 8, 2013- C3 Challenge concludes
 February 15, 2013- Deadline to submit your Share Your Story
 March 2013- Results of the Challenge are released
Share your story! (Mandatory)
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Broward County PPRAQD is asking that you share your school’s experience with the C3 Challenge. The
Climate LEEDer is responsible for submitting a “Share Your Story” article for their respective school. Each
school MUST submit a "Share Your Story" article (minimum 200 words) to by
February 15, 2013 to be eligible. You may also submit your article via fax to 954-519-1495 utilizing the
“Share Your Story” Template provided to the school Climate LEEDer. Schools that do not submit a story
will not be included when determining the winning schools. See appendix A at the end of the toolkit
for the template.
On-site School Evaluation
Staff from Broward County will be visiting the top elementary, middle, and high schools based on the
percentage of classroom teachers that participated and submittal of the Share Your Story to perform an
on-site evaluation on what the school has done as a direct result of the C3 Challenge.
Develop a Strategy to Help Spread the Word &Take Action
Spend some time thinking about how to maximize participation in the Challenge. A lot of the actions
we can take to protect the environment are fairly simple, such as turning off the lights or unplugging
machines that aren’t being used! What are some ways you can motivate and inspire other teachers and
students to actively participate in the Challenge?
Challenge Ideas
Kick off the C3 Challenge with a school assembly, highlight on the morning announcements, rally,
public announcement, or other event or announcement, so that everyone at the school knows
about the C3 Challenge and how they can participate.
The school principal can offer a prize or other reward to the teachers that submit the most pledges.
Give special consideration to incentives that are eco-friendly.
Organize a school-wide education campaign to increase awareness about climate change and the
various ways students, parents, and teachers can take action. The campaign could include posters,
daily announcements, articles in student publications, speaking at faculty meetings, coordinating
behavior-changing activities, such as a recycling drive, or a Carpool or Bike-to-School Week, etc.
Introduction to Classroom Activities
Background Information
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The Conservation and Climate Change Challenge includes a collection of classroom activities for grade
levels K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 designed to support the promotion of the C3 Challenge at your school and
educate students in a variety of ways. Lessons focus on the relationship between energy use,
transportation, waste, water conservation, and global climate change. Each activity is aligned with the
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (see page v). Additional activities can be found in the
Character Education Science FCAT Newsletters at
Electricity/Energy Conservation
The electricity used by schools for lighting and powering computers, televisions, and other devices
contributes to emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas. Reducing the amount of electricity
used will lower CO2 emissions.
Most classrooms are lit by overhead light panels, commonly equipped with 32-watt fluorescent bulbs.
You can look for the number and type of bulbs powered by each light switch, as well as, for any other
lights that might be in the classroom (such as desk lamps). If you cannot find the wattage of the bulbs,
use 32-watts as your default, or check with your custodian. Also find out how many hours the lights are
kept on during a typical school day.
Energy “Vampires”
Lights aren’t the only devices that use electricity. Take a look around the classroom. In addition to
classroom lights, what else is using electricity? Are there any computers, TVs, or DVD/VCR players? A
lot of appliances suck up energy even when they are not being used – which is why they are sometimes
referred to as “energy vampires.” Vampires include devices with digital clocks (like DVD players), or
internal remote control sensors (like some televisions), which draw energy just from being plugged in.
Reducing vampire loads is as easy as plugging the appliance into a power strip and then turning off the
power strip when not in use. If no power strip is available, simply unplugging the electrical device is just
as beneficial. Because computers and other electronics are usually put to good use during school
sessions, this exercise only focuses on what happens to electronic equipment after school hours to see
how much energy is being wasted. Take an inventory of the different electric devices and find out
whether they are left on in “active” mode overnight, put to “sleep” or turned completely off. If devices
are plugged into a power strip, find out whether the power strips are actually turned off at the end of
the day.
Waste Reduction/Recycling
Since 1992, the Broward County School Board has offered a comprehensive recycling program for public
schools to benefit from recycling. Recycling your waste is not only good for the environment, but it can
also save your school money. How so? Through avoided disposal or paying a cheaper rate to recycle
materials instead of throwing it away as garbage.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, each pound of waste produces roughly 1.75
pounds of greenhouse gas pollution as it journeys from your trash can to the landfill. Fortunately, there
are many ways to shrink your waste – and greenhouse gases – by reducing, reusing, and recycling.
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Common Operating Modes for Electrical Devices
 “Active” – The device is on and serving its primary function. (Example: a DVD player playing a
movie or a computer running a program.)
 “Sleep/Standby” – The device is in low-power mode. (Example: DVD player is on, but not playing
a disc; computer is on, but in power-save/sleep mode.)
 “Off”- The device is turned off, but still plugged in and ready for action. (Example: DVD player is
turned off, but could be activated by remote. Digital displays will be visible.)
 “Power strip/Unplugged”- The device is plugged into a power strip, which is turned off at the
end of the day or the electronic device is unplugged. (Example: DVD player is receiving NO
power. Digital display is NOT “on” and cannot be activated by remote.)
Look at how much trash each classroom generates in a week. Also examine whether wasteful habits are
in practice – such as, using only one side of paper for printing/copying; drinking bottled water or coffee
from a paper cup, instead of using a reusable container; using brown bags for lunch instead of reusable
lunch boxes. Does the classroom recycle? Americans use roughly 60 billion plastic bottles every year nearly 7 million an hour - yet only one bottle out of every five is recycled. Filling a reusable water
container or bringing your own mug helps reduce waste, saves resources, and cuts down on greenhouse
gas emissions.
How ‘carbon-ated’ is your commute? Different ways of getting to and from school affect our climate
differently. Some options, such as driving alone in an inefficient vehicle generate more carbon dioxide
emissions than others, such as riding a bike, taking the bus, or walking. The Classroom Audit Checklist,
located on page 15, focuses on how the students and teachers get to and from school each day,
including distances traveled in their commutes. Have students ask their parents what their commute
distance and vehicle economy (MPG) is. If they aren’t sure, ask for the year, make, model, and
transmission type (manual/automatic) of their car and look it up at
Air Conditioning
Keeping schools cool when it is hot outside uses a lot of energy, which in turn generates CO2 emissions.
Measuring these emissions and finding ways to reduce them can be challenging and depends on many
variables. For example, the number of windows, the amount of direct sunlight entering a classroom, the
quality of insulation, and the age and location of the school building all figure into energy use and
related CO2 emissions. Students and teachers have no control over many of these variables. However,
students and teachers can adjust classroom temperature, if there’s a controllable thermostat in their
classroom. But what if my class has no control over the air conditioning settings? Classrooms without
controllable thermostats cannot do much to influence how much energy they use for air conditioning,
but there are other ways to save CO2 through simple behavioral changes. For example, closing and
opening windows or doors can help teachers reduce the amount of energy their classroom uses.
Conduct an Audit
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Now that your C3 Challenge team is assembled and ready to start reducing emissions at your school, the
next step is to conduct an audit to identify possible sources of CO2 emissions or wasteful habits that can
be changed to help reduce the school’s carbon footprint. You’ll begin by checking off actions or
measures that can be taken or have been taken to be more efficient in relation to the classroom
electricity use, waste generation and recycling, transportation, and water conservation. You’ll then use
the Classroom Audit Checklist on page 7 to identify possible inefficiencies in the classroom and around
the school that can be corrected to reduce your classroom’s and school’s overall carbon footprint. The
information gathered in the audits will be used to help identify which actions would be most beneficial
to your classroom and/or school as you pledge to take part in the C3 Challenge.
Classroom Audit Checklist
School/Facility ______________________________ Date________________
Teacher:____________________________ Classroom #:________
Completed By____________________________
Check mark if classroom is currently doing
Mark an X if not being followed
_______Electronic equipment (TV, VCR, computer monitor) off when not needed
_______Computers OFF at the end of the day, not just in sleep mode
_______Stop vampire power by unplugging TVs and computers whenever possible
_______Window coverings to block sun where needed
_______Thermostats/return air vents not blocked
_______Thermostats turned up after occupied hours (78° F) (if possible)
_______Exterior doors and windows closed
_______Recycle paper in the classroom/school
_______Recycle aluminum cans in the classroom/school
_______Teacher purchases classroom materials made from post-consumer waste recycled materials
_______Only use reusable water bottles or cups instead of using individual water bottles
_______Use reusable cups or mugs instead of paper, Styrofoam and plastic cups
_______Take lunch to school in reusable containers/bags
_______Limit the use of plastic storage bags and aluminum foil
Water Conservation
_______Plant native trees and plants at the school
_______Sinks, water fountains have no leaks (work order needed if leaking)
_______Toilets and urinals are not left running
_______Water faucets are not left running
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_______Carpool to/from School
_______Ride your Bike to/from School
_______Walk to/from School
_______Take the School bus
_______Take Mass Transit (Tri-Rail, Broward County Transit Bus, Community Bus)
_______Do not idle and/or allow your parents to idle while waiting for you or dropping you off at school
_______Inform bus driver to turn off school bus engine (no idling)
Conservation and Climate Change Challenge
High School Activities
Electricity/ Energy Conservation
Activity 1 : Energy/Electricity Audit
The Energy/Electricity Audit takes place four times in a school year: September, December, February
and June. This activity can be done as a class activity and then move into a school wide activity.
Energy Lighting Audit Checklist
The scores are out of five and depend on the extent the item is done throughout the building:
Point Scale
5= Throughout School
4= Over ¾ of School
3 = ½ of School
2 = ¼ of School
1= We are now aware of this
(Total Possible Points = 85)
Does your school:
Take advantage of all natural light to save energy?
Use compact fluorescent bulbs instead of standard incandescent “screw-in” bulbs?
Use high efficiency fluorescent lamps and electronic ballasts?
Use high intensity discharge lights (e.g., high pressure sodium) in outdoor areas?
Replace incandescent bulbs in exit signs with a light-emitting diode (LED) or compact fluorescent
Use time clocks, occupancy sensors, and dimming controls to reduce lighting energy?
Use a Building Automation System (BAS)?
Use lighting only when needed?
Ensure custodial staff turns off lights after cleaning?
Ensure teachers, custodians and students turn off lights when they are last out of a room?
Post “lights out” posters or reminders in the building?
Use lighting after hours & weekend only in occupied areas?
Turn off lighting for display purposes (e.g., trophy cases, etc.) at night & during summer?
Turn off all computers when not in use?
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replacement kit?
Post” Computer Off “reminders in the classrooms?
quip all vending machines with energy misers?
Ensure there are no desk lamps in use?
* A school can get points only for one of these two entries.
Energy Heating and Cooling Audit Checklist
Score one point for each checkmark (Total Possible Points = 24)
Does your school:
Set heating thermostat set points to maintain 70°F or lower?
Set air conditioning (A/C) for 73°F-75°F and shut it down during unoccupied hours?
Operate your building systems (e.g., boilers, fans, and pumps) efficiently and optimize efficiency
through regular inspections and preventative maintenance?
Follow Up: Have the class/students that completed the energy/electricity audit write a report based on
their finding and present it to the school’s administration.
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Use gas as the main heating fuel?
Control heating/cooling from the central computer and match the occupancy schedule?
Use time clocks and sensor controls to reduce heating/cooling energy?
Use a Building Automation System (BAS)?
Keep doors/windows closed during heating and cooling season?
Close doors/windows when A/C is on in air-conditioned spaces?
Make effective use of the free cooling available in the early morning hours?
Run the exhaust systems only when needed?
Turn on heating and cooling for after-hours & weekends only in occupied areas?
Inspect and clean coils on regularly scheduled basis?
Leave standby pumps in the off position?
Test boilers periodically for performance/efficiency?
Ensure return air grilles are inspected & not blocked by books, cabinets, etc.?
Ensure pneumatic controls air compressor & dryer are clean & in good working order?
Clean and replace all air filters on a regularly scheduled basis?
Ensure there are no fans or portable electric space heaters being used by occupants?
Insulate steam and hot water piping? (Pipes are warm/hot to touch.)
Use curtains and blinds effectively in heating and cooling seasons?
Ensure all doors close tightly and have a good weather seal that keeps out drafts and hot air?
Ensure there is adequate weather stripping around windows/ doors? (Reduce air leak.)
Seal all penetrations in floors & exterior walls?
Activity 2: Energy Use Adds Up
Producing energy costs us money, affects our environment, and produces waste products.
Objective: To investigate the amount of power used in your home and what appliances use the most.
Materials: Energy Consumption of Appliances List (below)
Air condition
Average Wattage/hour
Clothes dryer
Coffee maker
Disposal (sink)
Food Blender
Food freezer (15-21 cu. ft.,
Food freezer (15-21 cu. ft., frost-free)
Frying pan
Microwave oven
Personal computer
Refrigerator (16-18 cu. ft., frost-free)
Self-cleaning oven
Television, color
Vacuum cleaner
Washing machine
As you will see upon completion of this activity, we use a lot of energy in our lives. Something as simple
as leaving the television on for 8 hours can cost us 2656 watts. We tend to flip a switch without thinking
about the source of the energy or the waste products produced as a result of our use. What are the
environmental effects of power produced by water, burning, wind, sun, or nuclear reactions?
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Appliance Item
Using the attached list, check off the appliances you and your family use. List any others not included.
(Check for wattage printed on the UNPLUGGED appliance.)
Estimate your hours of usage and find the total consumption per day. Find out the cost and source (oil,
coal, gas, hydroelectric, nuclear) of energy from your local utility company, and add up your average
daily energy cost. Then check off the appliances you think you could do without or use less, such as
turning off the T.V. when no one is watching it. Compare the new list with the original:
1. What are the environmental costs per kilowatt hour consumed?
2. What are the sources of energy? (i.e. solar, nuclear, coal)
3. Where does the waste from energy generation go? (i.e. ash, nuclear waste)
Explore the waste products produced by the use of power from water, wind, nuclear, burning of waste
or other fuel source, batteries, sun or others.
Solid Waste/ Recycling
Activity 1: Look at the Packaging and School Survey Packaging
Allow students to pick an item that they (or their family) have recently purchased or that they regularly
Have students prepare research about the item in terms of its lifecycle and packaging. Have them
answer the following questions:
Think about the packaging for the item – is it recyclable? Reusable? Made of recycled content?
Do you think it is necessary for the product? Do you have ideas on how it could be better?
Now, think about the product. Will you use it for a long time? Is it designed to last? When you
are done with it, what will you do with it? What is it made of? Is it recyclable? Reusable? Made
of recycled content? Can you donate or resell it? Can you think of any “greener” alternatives to
the product?
Have students design a brief survey to find out more about the recycling habits and knowledge
in the school.
This should consist of a few short questions (see examples below), some of which can have a
right or wrong answer, and some of which can be open‐ended
Have them stop people in the halls between classes (or talk to people during lunch, etc.)
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This exercise will help the students understand the advantages and disadvantages of packaging material
and teach them to look at the items they buy more critically.
School Survey
How does recycling work in your school and how much knowledge does the school community have
about it?
Ask questions of students, plus some teachers, custodians, office staff – anyone willing to
It can be anonymous or not – whatever works best
Collect and record answers
Write a brief article (for class assignment OR for school newsletter / newspaper) describing the
Sample Questions:
 Can you recycle a water bottle?
 Name a place in the school where there is a recycling bin to put a water bottle.
 Can you recycle a pen?
 Do you think you are a good recycler? Why?
 Are your friends good recyclers? Why?
 Do you have a recycling bin at home?
Activity 2: What is in the Recycling Bin?
Pick a material that cannot go in the trash and write an in‐depth research report (2-3 pages) on the
Potential materials:
1. Plastic bags
2. Batteries
3. Fluorescent Light Bulbs
4. Electronics
5. Books
6. Cell phones
7. Styrofoam Cups
Helpful Resources:;
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Include in report:
 Description of material
 Life‐cycle (how long they are used before needing disposal)
 Why shouldn’t the item go in the trash?
 How does recycling of the material work (what components are recycled, where can it be
recycled locally, what is it recycled into?)
 Ideas on how to reuse / donate material other than just recycling
 What are the costs involved with disposing of the material? Who pays those costs?
 In addition please visit the Earth 911 web site and find the local recycling centers around your
school and your home.
Activity 1: Average Vehicle Occupancy (AVO) at your School
Students will be able to determine the Average Vehicle Occupancy (AVO) of their school, while
developing and analyzing a survey to determine attitudes toward air pollution and transportation, and
the correlation between them.
Materials: pencil, paper
Background- Provide some background information for students to correlate air quality problems with
pollution caused by transportation, such as cars in their community. Information on laws that have been
passed to force polluters to clean up their business, for example the Clean Air Act and other information
such as travel data from the U.S. census data can be provided to the students as a reference.
1. Look at a map of your school. From this map determine the best locations (i.e.-teacher and student
parking lots) to conduct a survey of traffic and the number of people traveling in each vehicle.
Before conducting the survey, inspect each observation point and carefully select a safe place to
2. Students should predict what they think the average vehicle occupancy will be. Then, using a tally
sheet, have students determine the number of vehicles and the number of people in each vehicle.
Counters should make very specific comments to the recorder. Example: "car one person," "trucktwo people." Students should keep a separate count of any walkers or bikers. Have students survey
for 10 minutes. If possible, have them conduct the survey during the time when school
starting/ending, when the most people are traveling to school. Calculate the AVO for your
community. AVO= The number of people traveling/ The number of vehicles (ex:159 people/100
vehicles= 1.59 AVO)
3. Have students develop a written or oral survey to determine school's attitudes toward trip
reduction. The survey should target why people decide to carpool or take transit. The survey should
also focus on reasons drivers have for driving alone. After analyzing the survey responses, have your
students come up with ideas that promote carpooling, bicycling, bus riding, and walking.
1. Based on the results, the students could develop a trip reduction program for their school.
2. Students can survey businesses in the area to learn more about their efforts to encourage
carpooling, use of mass transit and biking.
Activity 2: What’s in a Label? Exploring Fuel Economy and the Environment
Students will learn how to read and understand fuel economy and environment labels by comparing and
contrasting various vehicles and fuel types.
- Student Worksheet (pg.6-7)
- Internet access or printed Vehicle Information sheets
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The Energy Policy Act of 1992 requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S.
Department of Energy to provide consumers with accurate miles per gallon (MPG) vehicle information.
In May 2011, the U.S. EPA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced a new
design for fuel economy labels, where consumers will be able to see the vehicle’s fuel economy (miles
per gallon), energy use, fuel costs, and environmental impacts. These labels will be available on all 2013
models. Formerly, the fuel economy labels only included estimated city and highway miles per gallon,
and estimated annual fuel cost.
Have students brainstorm what his/her dream car would be. Find out what features are most important
to you students. Is it color and stereo, or fuel economy and environmental impact? As homework, assign
students to research their dream car including price, fuel economy, and estimated annual fuel cost. If
needed, introduce the concept of fuel economy (MPG).
1. Review the student’s homework in class. Ask a few students to share what they learned about their
cars: how many miles per gallon? How much will they pay for fuel each year? How much does the
vehicle cost?
2. Is fuel economy now a factor in what type of car they would choose?
3. Show students examples of what the new fuel economy and environment labels look like. Access
sample labels at These labels now provide all
the information consumers need to make an informed decision about buying a vehicle.
4. Discuss the various components of the label, including fuel economy, annual fuel cost, fuel economy
and greenhouse gas rating, and fuel costs savings over 5 years.
5. Have students use to look up fuel economy and environmental emissions.
(To access, visit Click “Find a Car” on the upper left side of the page).
6. Using the tool’s information, inform students that they will research two vehicles to compare and fill
in blank fuel economy and environment labels. You can either provide students with various car
makes and models or allow students to research cars of his/her choice. Tell students to research
two different fuel types (i.e.: gasoline, gasoline-electric hybrid, plug-in electric vehicles).
7. After students have completed his/her fuel economy and environmental emissions, compare and
contrast the various vehicles by having each student or group summarize the cars they researched.
Which are more efficient, SUVs or compact cars? How does gasoline power vehicles compare to
electric vehicles? What cars have higher greenhouse gas ratings? How are fuel economy and
greenhouse gas rating related to each other? What type of fuel provides a lower annual fuel cost?
How are annual fuel costs and fuel economy related?
1. Review fuel economy and environment labels. How will these labels help consumers? Are there any
drawbacks to the labels?
2. Ask students if their criteria for choosing a car has changed. Will they take fuel economy and
environmental impact into consideration when choosing a car in the future?
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Wrap Up:
Ensure that students have completed his/her fuel economy and environment labels and answered the
discussion questions on the student worksheet. See the sample student page as an example of
acceptable answers. Note that numbers will vary based on the vehicles chosen.
1. Have students research the legislation related to the fuel economy and environment labels. What
did the old labels look like? How do they compare to the new 2012 labels? Why would this change
be important?
2. Have students design their own car labels. What information would they include on a label?
3. Research the history and use of both fossil and alternative fuels in transportation. Examine the
origin of fuels, such as where does gasoline come from and what do we use to generate electricity
for plug-in vehicles. Study the implications of all fuel types discussed, including the advantages and
disadvantages, the economics and environmental impact of each.
Water Conservation
Activity 1: It’s Raining in the Basin
Instructor Information
This activity reinforces the understanding of the form and function of our watershed.
Large sheet or Parachute
Blue balloons
Student Activity
1. Explain that students are going to create a model of their watershed. A model is a miniature
representation of something.
2. Spread the sheet out flat on the ground.
Caloosahatchee River (3 students)
The Coast (3 students)
Immokalee Rise (3 students)
Have these students position themselves around the sheet to recreate the boundaries of our
watershed, grasp the sheet and simulate the elevation of their location. Make sure the”
Immokalee Rise” side of the sheet is held up high using their arms or by attaching the sheet to
something. Coastal students need to make sure that their area stays anchored to the ground.
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3. Using the student map as a reference, assign the following positions:
4. Explain that many people see Florida as a flat state (no mountains or hills) but actually our state has
subtle changes in elevation. Can students think of areas that might have higher elevations? (Habitats,
Pine-Flatwoods, hammock, residential areas, roads).
5. Assign one student to represent each of the higher elevation areas.
6. Challenge the students with naturally higher elevations to represent themselves using the watershed
sheet. Students can put chairs, their bodies, etc under the sheet causing it to rise “to a higher
7. Choose several students to represent raindrops. Give each raindrop a blue balloon.
8. Explain to the class that they will be using this model to show how rain flows through a watershed to
the Gulf of Mexico. Examine the model. Do they think the raindrops will make it to the Gulf? Why or
why not?
9. Position the raindrops around the model and have the students release their balloons as if rain were
falling over the watershed. Observe what happens and discuss.
10. Add the students representing man made areas of higher elevation to the watershed model. A
student holding a yardstick under sheet might represent roads.
11. Repeat the rainstorm. Observe. Compare and contrast the results.
Activity 2: Water Are Young Doing About Water Conservation?
1. Demonstrate quantities of water that an average family uses on a daily basis.
2. Explain how water resources can be managed to meet human needs.
3. Explain how water can be conserved
Data sheet ( p.108-110)
Writing materials
A. Have the student’s list ways that water is used at home. Before students record how much water they
use in a day and a week, have them record on the Data Sheet how much they THINK they use.
B. Remind students they will need to time showers and check for low flow equipment in their homes.
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A. Ask students to keep a Data Sheet of water use in their homes for two/three days. Students should
record results on data table. They can add any appropriate activities that are not listed.
B. Ask students to review the Student Sheet of average water volumes required for typical activities and
then answer the following using the data from their two/three days.
1. Estimate the total amount of water your family uses in a week. Give your answer in gallons and liters.
(Approximately 4.2 liters in a gallon)
2. On average how much water did each family member use in a week? Give your answer in gallons and
liters per person per week.
3. On average how much water was used per family member each day? Give your answer in gallons and
liters per person per day.
4. Compare the daily volume of water used per person in your family to the average daily water volume
used per person in the United States (100 gallons).
5. What reasons can you offer to explain any differences?
6. Compare daily volume of water used per person in your family to the other countries.
A. Have students list ways they could conserve water at home (turning off the hose when not in use,
taking shorter showers, fixing leaky faucets, installing water conservative toilets and shower heads).
B. Have students find out what is done locally with wastewater. Is it discharged to a surface waterbody,
injected underground, or sprayed onto land surfaces (e.g., dedicated sprayfields, agricultural areas, or
public access areas, such as golf courses)? Have students determine additional “uses” for treated
wastewater (e.g., aquifer recharge, etc.) and determine the level of treatment needed for each use and
associated costs.
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Take the C3 Challenge Home
Have students write down the following actions, take home, and
share with their parents.
I, _____________________________________, COMMIT TO:
(Select the actions you and your family plan to take)
____Turn off electronic equipment (TV, VCR, computer monitor) when not needed
____Turn computers OFF at the end of the day, not just run in sleep mode
____Stop vampire power by unplugging TVs and computers whenever possible
____Cover windows to block sun where needed
____Make sure that thermostats/return air vents are not blocked
____Turn up thermostats after occupied hours (78° F) (if possible)
____Close all exterior doors and windows to reduce air conditioning loss
____Carpool to/from School
____Ride my Bike to/from School
____Walk to/from School
____Take the School bus
____Take Mass Transit (Tri-Rail, Broward County Transit Bus, Community Bus)
____Not idle and/or not allow parents to idle while waiting for me and/or dropping me off at school
____Inform bus drivers to turn off school bus engine while waiting for students (no idling)
____Recycle paper in the classroom and at home
____Recycle aluminum cans in the classroom and at home
____Encourage teachers and parents to purchase classroom materials made from post-consumer waste
recycled materials
____Only use reusable water bottles or cups instead of using individual water bottles
____Use reusable cups or mugs instead of paper and plastic cups
____Take lunch to school in reusable containers/bags
____Limit the use of plastic storage bags and aluminum foil
____Plant native trees at the school and at home
____Make sure the sinks/ water fountains have no leaks (work order needed if leaking)
____Make sure that the toilets and urinals are not left running
____Turn off water faucets while washing my hands
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Water Conservation
Challenge TIPS for Success:
 Use the lights less, when possible.
 Turning off half the lights will reduce lighting emissions by 50%.
 Turning off one-third of the lights will reduce lighting emissions by 33%.
 Turn off lights when the classroom is empty - during lunch, planning periods, etc.
 Turn off lights at the end of the day.
 Slay energy vampires. Plug appliances into power strips, and turn the strips off at night. This will
significantly reduce phantom loads.
 Flip the switch.
 Turn off computers and printers at the end of the day, rather than putting them in sleep mode.
 Reduce - Every pound of waste that goes to the landfill creates 1.75 pounds of CO2 pollution.
 Generating less waste = Fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
 Reuse - Using one ream of regular copy paper generates 13 pounds of greenhouse gases. Print and
photocopy on both sides of the paper and get twice the use of your paper, and fewer emissions.
 Use a reusable water bottle or cup instead of buying individual water bottles.
 Use a reusable coffee tumbler for hot drinks instead of paper, plastic, or Styrofoam cups.
 Recycle! Recycle! Recycle! If the classroom doesn’t recycle, start! Every pound of material recycled
rather than thrown away prevents 1.75 pounds of CO2 pollution.
 Recycle disposable water bottles.
 Use recycled paper. One ream of paper made from 100% recycled material generates 5 pounds less
CO2 pollution than regular copy paper.
 Repair dripping faucets by replacing washers or using Teflon tape. If your faucet is dripping at a rate
of one drop per second, you can expect to waste 2,700 gallons per year. This adds to the cost of
water and sewer utilities and can strain your septic system.
 Don't let water run while shaving or washing your hands or face.
 Plant native and/or drought-tolerant grasses, ground covers, shrubs and trees. Once established,
they do not need water as frequently and usually will survive a dry period without watering.
 Group plants together based on similar water needs.
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 Drive less, and walk, bike, bus, or carpool instead.
 Every gallon of gasoline reduced prevents roughly 20 pounds of CO2 emissions.
 Walking and biking are zero-emission ways to commute!
 Sharing a ride with someone cuts your emissions in half; carpooling with two reduces by 1/3.
School Waste Composition Chart
Total Pounds
PET #1
Other Plastic
Steel Cans
Glass Bottles
Paper or
Chips Bags &
Plastic Bags
Food Waste
Towels or
Total % of
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Total % of
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School Assessment Recycling Sheet
Appendix A: C3 Challenge "Share Your Story"
Broward County would like to hear about all the activities your school initiated as a result of the C3
Challenge, the results of your classroom audits, any environmental initiatives taken at your school as a
result of the C3 Challenge, and pictures of any materials/events used to promote the C3 Challenge. To
be eligible for the competition, each participating school is required to e-mail this completed form to or send via fax to 954-519-1495 no later than February 15, 2013. For more
information please visit and click on C3 Challenge.
Please include the following information
Name: _____________________________________________________________
School Name:________________________________________________________
Provide an article (200-word minimum) describing:
Which C3 Challenge toolkit activities were used in classrooms and what were the results.
The results of your classroom audits, school recycling assessment sheet, etc.
Pictures of any materials/events used to promote the C3 Challenge in the school. (Photos will
become property of Broward County and could be used for marketing purposes. Please ensure that
all students and/or individuals in photos have completed the school photo release forms)
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Include pictures below or email pictures to
Appendix B: C3 Site Assessment
C3 Challenge Site Assessment
1. Discuss the school’s “Share Your Story” / experience with C3 Challenge
2. C3 Activities used from the C3 Toolkit
a. Energy
b. Transportation
c. Waste Reduction Recycling
d. Water Conservation
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3. Written recommendations