Draft Symposium of paediatric infectious diseases in Myanmar Sunday the 26th of January 9.00-9.15 Welcome by professor Saw Win and professor Freddy Karup Pedersen 9.15-13.00 Viral infections 9.15-10.45 Cerebral viral infections: Manifestation of neurological infections in Myanmar, Dr Linn (30 min) Definition, diagnosis, treatment , prognosis of cerebral viral infections , and differential diagnosis to encephalopathies - new insight dr. Peter Born ? Rabies (15 min) dr ? 10.45-11.15 break 11.15-12.00 Respiratory viral infections : RSV viral infections globally, ? Influenza globally, ? 12.00-13.00 Systemic viral infections Dengue virus and other haemorrhagic fevers – update Dr Hung and dr. Wai ? 13.00-14.0 Lunch 14.00-14.30 Interactive case presentations from Denmark Tuberculosis 14.30-15.0 TB globally, professor Ib Bygbjerg 15.00-15.45 TB in Myanmar and the general problems, professor dr. Saw Win 15.45-16.15. break 16.14-17.00 New diagnostic measures for TB, prevention of TB , professor Ib Bybjerg Monday the 27th of January Malaria 8.00-8.30 Malaria globally, professor Ib Bygbjerg 8.30-9.00 Malaria in Myanmar, professor Kyaw ? 9.00-9.30 The challenges of preventing and treating malaria in area with resistence, professor Ib Bygbjerg 9.30-10.00 break HIV 10.00-10.30 HIV globally an update, professor Freddy Karup Pedersen 10.30-11.00 HIV in Myanmar, dr. Aak 11.00-12.00 The challenges of treating and preventing HIV ? (1/2 doctor, ½ NGO)?? 12.00-13.00 lunch 13.00-13.45 interactive session, presenters Myanmar Sweets 13.45-14.15 Emerging epidemics, professor Ib Bygbjerg 14.15-15.00 Update on how to treat septic shock in an area with limited ressources, Dr Wai Kaithleen Maitland? 15.00-15.30 Break 15.30-16.15 Update on Pneumoccal, Haemophilus influenza B vaccine and new vaccines in the pipeline, professor Freddy Karup Pedersen 16.15-17.00 Panel discussion: Summary and perspectives created by the symposium by professor Saw Win, professor Kyaw, professor Freddy Karup Pedersen and Ib Bygbjerg 9th course in infectious diseases and global health Tuesday the 28th of January Venue: Yankin Childrens hospital conference room 8.30-9.15 Introduction to the health system and major health problems in Myanmar , dr. 9.15-9.45 The medical education and introduction to Yankin Childrens Hospital , professor Ye Kyaw. 9.45-11.45 Patientdemonstration in Yankin Childrens Hospital 11.45-12.45 Lunch 12.45-14.45 Presentation by the group, and discussion in plenary 14.45-15.45 Adolescence in Myanmar and Denmark ? change subject ? Wednesday the 29th of January Trip to Bago district hospital, Hlegu health center and a village visit; eventually meet a VHW? Thursday the 30th of January Venue: Yangon Childrens hospital conference hall 8.30-9.30 Nutrition and infection ? 9.30-10.00 Nutrition in Myanmar including Beri Beri, dr ? Break 10.00-12.00 Patient demonstration, Yangon Childrens Hospital 12.00-13.00 Lunch 13.00-15.00 Presentations by the groups and discussion in plenary Break 15.00-15.45 Neonatal infections in low income countries, Alexandra ? Myanmar doctor ? 15.45-16.30 Diarrheal diseases in Asia, new diagnostics, professor Freddy? Myanmar doctor? 16.30-17.15 Benign haematology (including thalassemia) and infections? Myanmar doctor ? Friday the 1st of February Venue: Yangon hospital conference hall 8.30-9.00 Referral/transport of patients in Myanmar, Myanmar doctor? 9.00-9.45 Travel medicine for children and pregnant women dr. Anja Poulsen 9.45-10.00 Break 10.00-10.45 Snake bite, Myanmar doctor 10.45-12.00 Evaluation of the course and certificates