




Dr. José Daniel Manzano Aguila

March 2014


The transformation of a National School of Plastic Arts to Faculty of Arts and Design fairly represents the three Bachelor programs, four Masters programs and the Doctoral program offered, to the registration and dissemination of research-production emanating from its faculty and students projects, worked with dedication, quality and commitment in their Studios, today laboratories are the result of the true labor of this institution.

The Faculty of Arts and Design (FAD) by consolidating historical achievements; having presence with a staff from its Postgraduate in University City (Ciudad Universitaria, CU) and as a culture generator of in other schools; with the Bachelor program in Arts and Design at the National School of Higher Studies, Morelia Unit; and a temporary responsibility with the Bachelor program in

Cinematography, it becomes an evolving institution, in the last four years, reaching their goals and immediately initiating many others.

The progress of this faculty in the three substantial areas of the University, such as: Teaching,

Research and Dissemination of Culture, can be appreciated; however, this fulfilling of challenges entails greater commitment to those aspects that need improvement, fixing and to speed the solutions.



 Expand the academic offer of the FAD by creating the Bachelor program of Design and

Management of Information and communications technology (ICT), whose educational model encourages interdisciplinary and transversal work of the disciplines of art and design with the sciences and humanities.

 Consolidate the registration and permanence of doctoral and masters programs in the National

Quality Graduate Program (Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad ,PNPC) CONACYT.

 Projecting the Graduate Program in Arts and Design through collaboration agreements with public and private universities, to consolidate the Doctoral program in Art and Design and to increase the enrollment of domestic and foreign students.

 Promote, monitor and strengthen the academic work of the Colleges of the Bachelor program of

FAD, through the use of ICT.

 Consolidate the project of ICT resources integration to the teaching-learning and researchproduction process, to strengthen and enrich the process of curricula updating, teaching evaluation, intermediate and graduate profiles, as well as to promote FAD linking with other academic institutions of the University.


 Evaluate and consolidate the Graduate Program in Art and Design at all four campuses and strengthening and interaction with other graduate programs on University City campus and to project linking strategies with national and international educational context.

 Implement academic cloisters oriented to the ongoing review of the curriculum of the Bachelor program taught at the FAD and to evaluate the achievement of intermediate profiles, graduates profiles and professional profiles.

 Implement internal and external social service programs, according to the needs of the surroundings and society, besides promoting new forms of graduation provided in the Graduate

Program in Art and Design and the curriculum of the Bachelor programs.

 Implement academic groups responsible for monitoring MLAs of the Program PAIDEA-ENAP, to include teachers in institutional support programs for students and subsequently to promote their update.

 Consolidate Student Bonding project ENAP, through the integration of ICT resources, to improve communication and interaction with students in graduation certification, encouraging their entry into graduate programs; and to identify the research-production lines that graduates apply professionally, to derive them to the curriculum updating.

 Strengthen the Early Initiation to Research-Production Program, to promote the dissemination of research-production projects and their results, through the use of ICT and digital educational resources in the FAD.

 Continue with the implementation of research-production laboratories in the Bachelor and graduate programs at the four campuses, establishing precise operation and safety regulations, and to encourage the commitment of collaborative work in those, with the participation of the academic colleges.

 Maintain and retain staff rooms of campuses Xochimilco and San Carlos Academy, as well as to generate the staffroom and tutorials room at Taxco campus.

 Conduct a semiannual and annual census program of academic requirements of technological infrastructure, furniture and human resources, allowing the systematically renovation of the research-production laboratories at FAD.

 Start a project using new technologies for the production and use of virtual classrooms in the

Bachelor and graduate programs with the use of ICT to implement new education proposals with virtual spaces, to offer bachelor and masters programs completely online.

 Promote participation among the community in institutional programs: PAPIME, PAPIIT, CATIC or through the Academic Coordination CIPEI, that allow systematic and constant renewal of the technological infrastructure of the FAD, through production-research projects in arts and design enriched with ICT.

 Implement a training, updating and specialization program of academic staff on the use of new technologies in the teaching-learning and research-production processes in art and design.

 To promote among the academic and student community of the FAD, the use of ICT resources as a communication support, diffusion and dissemination of the results of the research-production projects in arts and design, through permanent seminars and courses with curricular value.

 Consolidate through the Honorable Technical Council of the FAD, the institutional blog and electronic publications as official publishing platform of academics contents, to promote the dissemination of the teaching activities, research-production, dissemination of culture and arts through essays, articles, work of art, and communication products generated by the community of the FAD.

 Continue the drive to the Graduation Program via Expansion and Deepening of Knowledge, offer a greater variety of courses with curricular value for students, and also linking with professional practice and specialization.


 Generate new and better teaching update programs, according to the objectives of the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate programs through inter-semester courses of the General Direction of the Academic Staff Affairs in PASD-DGAPA.

 Promote a program of inter-semester courses and diplomaed for academic staff taught by teachers from other schools of the University and from Universities and Institutions outside the

UNAM, for updating and interdisciplinary academic improvement.

 Promote updating of the staff with a wide variety of themes developed from the researchproduction projects of the knowledge groups, created by PAPIIT, PAPIME, and CIPEI projects, with a specific cost for domestic and foreign community to generate extraordinary resources.

 Designing mechanisms to develop evaluation parameters consistent with the mission of our institution, under the criteria of a Faculty of Arts and Design, to modify the forms of assessment of the Judging and Evaluative Commissions of the PRIDE.

 To promote the systematic use of FAD blog, as an academic strategy to monitor compliance with the obligations of the teacher and in turn strengthen the use of ICT platforms, to optimize the delivery of the annual report and project, disaggregated programs, academic record, including other items enabling the Administration, the systematically follow up of the fulfillment of teachers obligations.

 Strengthen the working relationship established according to the Collective Labor Contract in force, respecting the teaching work that responds to current programs and benefit the students in the teaching-learning process.

 Continue the semiannual diagnostics system from Hour Bank of FAD to keep the database updated with information from teachers as it pertains to teaching in front of groups, research-production activities, Tutorships and complementary activities.

 Improve and optimize academic systems of attendance control, reporting and activities project, access to educational platforms, among others, to enable a systematic development of educational activities and academic life in the FAD, through the use of ICT.

 Continue with the Permanent Program of Update and Strengthen of the Academic Staff, to encourage teachers to entry to the Graduate Program in Art and Design, to consolidate the faculty with postgraduate studies also to continue implementing mechanisms of diagnostic of

Profesiographic profiles, for the entry of new teachers to the FAD.

 Encourage the use of ICT, as a resource to systematize the research-production process in the arts and design and to project its use to link teachers who undertake postgraduate studies to research groups, for strengthening research-production-creation lines of the FAD.

 Promote among undergraduate and graduate students, the commitment to respect the facilities, property, university resources, and the artistic and cultural heritage of the University, by the

Respect to the University Surroundings Program, also to monitor the program for classrooms,

Studios, and laboratories upgrading, and starting with an Environment Awareness Program linked to the FAD Surroundings.

 Continue Induction Program to New Students, to strengthen the identification and links with the educational model of the FAD and university values, through the exercise of research-production in arts and design.

 Encourage participation of faculty in the Business Plan workshops and in the activities the Circle of

Entrepreneurs of the FAD, to consolidate the academic approach to project management directed to support entrepreneurship and business models that impact the surroundings and benefit the society.

 Link students to the Early Introduction to Research-Production program, Academic Cloisters and the CIPEI, with the activities performed by INNOVA UNAM, Unit FAD, with the aim of creating new


knowledge and research lines that allow innovation in the field of management and the creation of business models in the disciplines of the arts and design.

 Consolidate the project of professional services that the FAD offers to the University and to the various sectors of society, through the LIPA and CIPEI, by creating business models incubated at the FAD, where students can practice arts and design professionally, and to generate extra resources for the FAD and for UNAM.

 Consolidate the interaction of FAD with other university entities, through interdisciplinary projects and the use of ICT, to create learning communities in order to develop new knowledge for the benefit of the surroundings and the various sectors of society.

 To promote the development of sports and healthy lifestyles in students of FAD, with the project of sports facilities within our campus and in University City areas and others in Xochimilco municipality.

 Continue the maintenance, monitoring and optimization of academic spaces for performing work and other academic activities among their class schedules; maintaining and strengthening the PC-

FAD Program in Taxco and Xochimilco campuses, to promote the use of ICT resources among students.


 Promoting research-producers training, from the fields of knowledge of the Graduate Program to consolidate the research lines, through projects of disciplinary character within the

University with Schools, Faculties and Institutes.

 Continue to work with the Honorable Technical Council, the updating and regulation of specific parameters of arts and design and visual communication, characteristic of a Faculty; to a fair evaluation of academic staff.

 Boosting research-production and teaching, as well as the link between theory and practice, so that the model is consolidated in the arts and design as the foundation of the creative processes at the Faculty of Arts and Design (FAD).

 Strengthening the Teaching Program, as research-production, so that the work produced, would be published and impact on the student community and to implement new outreach strategies for artistic production, design and visual communication, and publishing alternative books and graphic-plastic production.

 Enriching CIPEI activities, through the use of ICT, as communication strategies, organization, dissemination, divulgation and linking research-production projects with the surroundings and the various sectors of society.

 Using ICT for systematic cataloging of results of research-production projects generated in the

CIPEI to by published in digital systems, through the FAD electronic journals and to link to

CIPEI with central projects as "All UNAM online "; to promote the participation of the academic community in research projects and to keep updated the FAD research lines.

 Link the academic community of the FAD with other entities of the University, through digital publications and ICT resources from CIPEI, to strengthen the presence of the FAD as a knowledge-generating entity, output of research-production in the field of arts and design, as well as to project innovation, through cross-linking with other fields of knowledge of the sciences and the humanities.


 Link to the academic community of the FAD with other entities of the University, through digital publications CIPEI ICT resources, to strengthen the presence of FAD as a knowledgegenerating entity-product of research output in the field of arts and design and design innovation through cross-linking with other fields of knowledge of the sciences and the humanities.

 To consolidate the CIPEI as a confluence space for the academic projects of researchproduction in art and design, and to promote students, teachers and researchers participation, in conducting inter, multi and trans disciplinary projects, that promote the identification, creation and innovation of research lines of the knowledge fields and professional development for the benefit of students.

 Linking the Documentation Centre "Prof. José María Natividad Correa Toca "and the Libraries of the FAD, with CIPEI to integrate a system of cataloging resources, that allow to maximize research opportunities and the enrichment the acquis of arts, design, film and teaching of the

FAD; also to promote the acquisition of ICT equipment and resources, to diversify, maintain and classify collections and consultation sources.

 Disseminate the results of research-production projects of teachers and students at Taxco

Campus, in the sense of promoting sculpture in small format and jewelry design from the region.

 Continue with the project of Laboratory of Art, Design and Surroundings, to provide art and design solutions for UNAM and its immediate context, to increase the performance of research projects with the involvement of teachers and students, which in turn promote the professionalization of students, and to reaffirm the social commitment of their professional practice.

 Generate professional and service projects involving students, being led by teachers, to strengthen and document research-production processes, and the creation of art and professional design; providing services Art & Design at UNAM and to society in general, through the creation of Offices of Art and Design at FAD.

 Continue with the creation and management of institutional projects (PAPIIT and PAPIME), aimed at cataloging, preservation and dissemination of bibliographic goods, numismatic, artistic and historic that are sheltered by the FAD.

 Develop the general register of the career staff research of the bachelor, masters and doctoral programs, approved and endorsed by the Honorable Technical Council of the FAD, by research lines for its protection, monitoring and dissemination.

 Create the Documentation Centre in the San Carlos Academy campus, for the digitization of photographic collection, supported in ICT resources and platforms, for conservation and cataloging.


 Consolidate and Strengthen the Dissemination and outreach project linking the four campuses of the FAD, in a way that the activities Organized and Conducted, would be of benefit to the academic and student community at the FAD and the UNAM, and constitute a communication and participation link with the surroundings.


 Continue to diversify and enrich the academic goals in the dissemination and outreach projects in the work of the FAD (undergraduate and graduate) and to promote the participation of different sectors of the university community and the surroundings.

 Create programs and television series within the new Television Research-Production

Laboratory FAD, with the participation of teachers and students, to disseminate the creative process in education of art and design, and research-production in the arts and design.

 Establish activities in close collaboration among the undergraduate, postgraduate programs and Cultural Center "San Carlos", that affect the teaching-learning and research-production processes of the student, for dissemination to the community that attends this cultural site and to continue with the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of

San Carlos Program in collaboration with the University Board and the Central Administration.

 Post, publish and disseminate the results of research-production projects carried out within the undergraduate and graduate programs of the FAD, through ICT resources and academic events within and outside the FAD campuses.

 Promote sales resulting from the artistic and design production of teachers and students in the undergraduate and graduate programs, through an art gallery of the FAD (project of Dr. José

Narro Robles, rector of UNAM) for its impact on the public and private spheres, which in turn generate extra resources for the University and for the FAD.

 To promote the recognition and acceptance of work and professional experimentation undertaken by teachers, the artwork and the design product, the result of research in undergraduate and graduate, for the teachers to have access to scholarships, research grants and the National System of Researchers (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, SNI).

 Implement the Program: Professional Laboratories-Studios of Research-Production, with interdisciplinary character, regulate its use to support research-production in art and design, also to promote the rental of laboratories by artwork and project, to generate extra resources for the benefit of FAD.

 Generate the web page to promote the sale of products, consulting services, advisory, and art and design courses of FAD, leading to the university community and various sectors of society.

 Coordinate the actions of Social Communication, to involve all areas and departments of the

Faculty of Arts and Design, and to implement efficient communication strategies, to spread and disseminate academic and cultural activities taking place in various areas of FAD.

 Producing and archiving audiovisual material of the academic, cultural, sports, and managers events, conducted by the Faculty, as well as designing and projecting an institutional image that allows to position the FAD as one of the dependencies of the UNAM with a permanent presence in the communication and dissemination media, print and electronic, both within

Mexico and abroad.

 Strengthen the image of the FAD in the interior and exterior of the UNAM, as well as different educational institutions and society in general, through various media, dissemination and resources ICT, to link to their community with the University context.

 Encourage the publishing of research-production projects and editorial promotion of books, magazines, exhibitions, cultural events and academic works, with effective distribution for the diffusion and dissemination of knowledge of the arts and design, and to generate strategies


that link the academic project of the Faculty, with the local surroundings and the national and international contexts.


 To promote academic exchange projects of the undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as linking the FAD with other institutions and disseminate the work of art, design and visual communication.

 Promoting interdisciplinary proposals linking the FAD with the University and its surroundings, their results pointing to the improvement of the teaching-learning process and to promote research-production.

 Strengthen links with the social surroundings through Children's Arts Workshop (Taller Infantil de Artes Plásticas, TIAP) and the Extension Center of Taxco, Guerrero, of the Digital Paths of

Taxco and Xochimilco campus, and the projects of Art Laboratory, Design and surroundings, to promote the dignity of society and strengthening the culture, history and traditions of the communities living in the surroundings of our campuses.

 Giving continuity to TIAP Program and expand it into other educational forums to promote early initiation in art and design. Consolidating its presence on Academy of San Carlos and the

Taxco Campus.

 Boost linking ENAP projects proposed by the central government and those derived from other schools and colleges as well as maximize the presence and participation of the SDF in projects proposed by the central government, to interact within the institutional work within


 Boost linking of FAD with the projects proposed by the central government and those derived from other schools and faculties, as well as maximize the presence and participation of the

FAD in projects proposed by the central government, to interact with the institutional work within UNAM.

 Promote the participation of FAD in benefit and social development projects with government institutions or own art projects of arts, design and visual communication.

 Generate programs of complementary activities to promote the integral development of the students, with the participation and advice of faculties, institutes or departments of the

UNAM, involving administrative and support staff, to participate in cultural, sporting and social exchange activities.

 Maintain surrounding safety programs, secure path and transport, and continue its dissemination through ICT resources and proposals generated by the community of the FAD.

 Strengthening the Sports Activities Program and to continue managing the resources to build a dignified gym, to sport practice in Taxco and Xochimilco campuses.


 Harnessing the objectives, purposes and goals of the Direction and its management through the Secretary of the Direction, Planning and Liaison, by scheduling objectives from operating manuals for each area and department, so that the projects would be continual, met, evolve and transform into others of improved quality and more demanding.


 Maintain constant care and supervision in meeting institutional goals and work closely with the Board of Advisors of the Direction of FAD for feedback.

 Expand the Board of Advisors of the Direction, with leading professors and graduates, who may be involved with their experience, for the optimal development of academic programs and of the FAD.

 Maintain and improve the Administrative Human Resources Assessment Program, Update and

Overcoming of the Administrative Personal and to increase labor-relations courses.

 Building support program for the based administrative workers, through training courses of activities that are related to art and design, to influence their personal development, identification with the institution and generation of new employment opportunities.

 Strengthen academic projects for the benefit of students, to continue the efforts to support before the central government, as well as renovations, conditioning, dignifying academic and building academic spaces in Xochimilco, Academy, Taxco and University City campuses.

 Giving continuity to the projects of the Laboratory of Art, Design and surroundings, the Gallery of Art and Design for Student, and what corresponds to the amount of resources to keep the updating of the areas of computing, video, photography and television to meet the demands of the curricula of the three undergraduate and the graduate programs.

 Continue and strengthen the programs for crime prevention and security inside and outside of the campuses, with the installation of more security cameras, controlled access, manage new bus routes RTP, and provide greater security in the periphery of the campus.

