1 Finance & Administration Directors’ Meeting Minutes - Monday, July 22, 2013 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. L3201A Present: John Hurley, Collin Orr, Aaron Powell, Dan Ralph Jeanne Rynne, Steve Trotter and Laurel Uznanski Absent: Sharon Goodman, Holly Joseph and Walter Niemiec ____________________________________________________________________________________ Minutes The minutes from July 8th were approved as submitted. Senior Staff Report From July 15th: The price reduction for the Prior Learning from Experience program received favorable publicity in The Olympian. Michael Zimmerman has authored an article on the contributions of the humanities. Discussions around the work of the Maguire Associates have begun. Some of this work will impact Computing and Communications, and Tony Alfonso will coordinate this activity. Laurel announced that the Classified Staff Bargaining Agreement is being re-opened. This will necessitate the reactivation of the management bargaining team. From July 22nd: An initial report from Maguire Associates suggests that substantial growth in enrollment is unlikely for the public colleges and universities in Washington State. Retreats have been scheduled for the Senior Staff and Vice Presidents. The focus will be on Strategic Planning. John announced that Dave Kohler has been hired as the new Director of Business Services and will start work on August 28th. Business Services – Collin Orr Collin reported that the conference schedule for the summer is in full swing. The Greener Store staff are still moving displays around to make the most of their space. Payroll and Accounting Services are very busy with close-out work from last year and the work being done for the new year. Computing and Communications – Aaron Powell Aaron reported that testing on i-phones for remote wiping and encryption is underway. Lana Weed has been hired into the ITS 2 position in Client Services. C & C is strategizing about how to go about replacing switches on campus. The various projects involved with RTALE implementation are moving forward. Drupal has been upgraded to version 7. Lots of work related to renovations is underway. Potential improvements to my.evergreen.edu are being discussed. 2 Facilities Services – Jeanne Rynne Jeanne reported that due to damage that was done to the athletic fields during the football camps earlier this summer the costs which are charged to conference services in support of these camps are being re-assessed. Boats have begun showing up illegally on the Evergreen beach again. The construction crew is working on the Veterans Center and Computing and Communications projects. The fire hydrant at the Organic Farmhouse is being repaired after it was damaged over time in a series of collisions. Work continues on the deck for the Sustainable Agriculture Lab. Building Services is working on a set of cleaning standards for different parts of the campus. The President’s area project is completed with the exception of some punchlist items; Financial Aid is the next office scheduled to receive a similar facelift. The new Facilities work order system is in the rollout phase and is getting good reviews from user groups. Jeanne also reported that she would be meeting with Collin to discuss possible improvements in project finance tracking. Alternative approaches for the Master Plan update are being considered. Human Resource Services – Laurel Uznanski Laurel reported that the Classified and Exempt Staff Collective Bargaining Agreements for 2013-15 are finalized and posted on the web. Sharon Storer is putting together training on the exempt staff contract and Laurel is working on the training for the Classified staff contract. The new year payroll work in HRS is progressing quickly and is now focused on generating notification letters for employees receiving increases. The Required Training held on July 17thwas well attended and positive feedback has been received. The annual HRS retreat has been scheduled for August 25th. Laurel will be on vacation the week of July 29th. Executive Director of Operational Budget and Planning – Steve Trotter Steve reported that he and Julie Garver would be hosting a new person from the Office of Financial Management on the 23rd. Lean Project Updates Collin and Jeanne briefed the Directors on the respective status of their Lean projects. FAD Supervisors Retreat The Directors debriefed on the Supervisors Retreat. Next FAD Meetings: Monday, August 5 - FAD Directors Meeting – L3201A – 1:00 – 3:00 Thursday, August 15 – FAD Supervisors Meeting – L0406 – 1:00 - 3:00