LIVESTOCK RULES Health Requirements for Cattle Animals showing signs of contagious disease or parasitic infections – e.g. ring-worms, IBR, lice - will not be allowed on the grounds. RULES (A) WITH THE INCREASED EMPHASIS ON PUBLIC AWARENESS AND THE EDUCATION BY THE FAIRS & EXHIBITION PROGRAM OF AGRICULTURE CANADA, THE QUINTE EXHIBITION IS REQUIRING THAT ALL EXHIBITORS KEEP THEIR STALLS & TACK AREA NEAT & TIDY AT ALL TIMES. STABLE CARDS WITH DAM, SIRE, AND PRODUCTION INFORMATION WILL BE REQUIRED. A FARM SIGN WOULD BE AN ASSET. ANY EXHIBITOR WISHING TO SET UP A DISPLAY, PLEASE MAKE NOTE ON THE ENTRY FORM. PLEASE BRING A WHEELBARROW FOR MANURE REMOVAL. (B) ALL CATTLE MUST HAVE APPROVED CANADIAN CATTLE IDENTIFICATION AGENCY (C.C.I.A.) TAG TO SHOW. GENERAL RULES All Beef entries must be mailed to Don Bell, R.R.#1 1811 Prince Edward Rd. #19, Consecon, Ont. KOK 1TO on or before August 24, 2015. 1. The classification that "all registered cattle of one breed, whether owned by one or more per (individually or jointly) which are maintained on one Farm or Breeding Unit are considered as being the production of one Farm or Breeding Unit". Where the same interests are involved in more than one breeding operation, such operations are considered as one breeding unit. 2. Straw will not be provided 3. Stalls or ring ties will be allotted at no charge. All animals are to be Securely tied or penned when not under the direct control of a competent handler. 4. Show number headbands, available from the Committee are to be prominently displayed during judging. 5. Must be ready for judging when called. 6. Unless authorized by a Committee Official, cattle must be in position and ready for judging at least one hour prior to show time and remain on the grounds in accordance with the schedule outlined in each section. 7. Documents in support of the class requirements are to be carried by exhibitor and be available for checking. 8. The "Show Ring Code of Ethics" approved and issued by the Joint Dairy Breeds Committee will be honoured and observed at this show. If you are not aware of the details check with the Steward or Committee Chairman. 9. Exhibitors to supply own milking equipment and requirements when and where applicable. 10. A membership fee of $5.00 or a membership card number, if already paid up, must accompany each entry. 11. All cattle to be on the grounds until 5:00p.m. 12. **New** There will be $5.00 entry fee (Dairy only) charged for each animal entered in all Classes (except group classes) Entry fees MUST be sent in with entries or they will not be accepted. Quinte Exhibition will no longer be retaining a percentage of prize money. NOTE: Closing date for entries is August 17, 2015. (Dairy only) No Faxed Entries Accepted. 13. All entries must be owned and registered in the name of the exhibitor. 14. Cattle Stewart reserves the right to allocate exhibitors the locations. 15. Prize money will be paid out the day of the show 16. Breeder’s Herd: (bred by the exhibitor) A group of three animals limited to one exhibit per exhibitor. Exhibitor must have bred all three animals and own at least one. The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the exhibitor as “breeder” and as “owner” in both cases whether as an individual or in partnership. In other words the exhibitor may be a “joint owner” of an animal and/or the “joint breeder” of an animal. NOTE: Prize Money Schedule (beef only) PRIZES: $25, $20, $15, $10, $5 plus allowance for fuel per exhibitor ATTENTION: ALL EXHIBITORS Please avoid putting syringes, needles, foreign objects or garbage of any kind in your pack or manure. If any is found in your area during clean-up, a $200.00 deposit will be required to be able to show in 2016. THE CATTLE COMMITTEE DECISION IS FINAL. BEEF CATTLE BEEF CHAIR: Ian Smith 613-477-2868 COMMITTEE: Joan Cassidy, Dave Burnside Keith Gilbert, Don Bell JUDGE: T.B.A. Beef Show - Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 12:00 noon CLASS #14 - MAINE-ANJOU CLASS #15 -HEREFORD CLASS #16 –OTHER BREEDS Arrival Times: After 5:00p.m. Saturday, September 5, 2015, (No early arrivals) PEEWEE SHOWMANSHIP CLASS (Under 10 yrs.old) ADULT SHOWMANSHIP CLASS Show Times: Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 12:00 noon. RULES 1. New Rule Change: Cow calf pairs may now be split and the calf shown as an individual entry in the Calf classes. There is still a maximum of 12 exhibits allowed from a breeding unit. If you split the cow/calf pair they are counted as 2 exhibits. If the cow/calf pair are not split they are considered 1 exhibit. Each Breeding Unit is allowed a maximum of 12 exhibits. All exhibits must be owned by and registered as purebred in the name of the exhibitor. Note exceptions in the Get of Sire and Breeder's Herd Class and Progeny of Dam. There is no restriction on multiple exhibits in any classes excluding the Breeder's Herd and Get of Sire class and Progeny of Dam. 2. Animal Registration: All animals being shown in the Hereford Show must be registered and tattooed. NO EXCEPTIONS 3. Animal Registration: All animals being shown in other Breed classes older than 10 months must be registered. All animals must be tattooed. 4. The Committee reserves the right to interpret its Rules and Regulations and should any dispute or question arise not provided for in the rules the decision of the Cattle Committee shall be final. PLEASE NOTE CLASS CHANGES Entry Closing Date: August 24, 2015 1. Bull Calf: born on or after January l, 2015, minimum of three months of age on day of judging. 2. Bull: born January 1, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2014 CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION BULL SUPREME CHAMPION BULL 3. Female Calf: born on or after January 1, 2015 minimum of three months of age on day of judging. 4. Female: born April 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 5. Female: born January 1, 2014 to March 3l, 2014 6. Female: born January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 with her own natural 2015 purebred, tattooed calf at foot. Female and calf maybe split and calf shown individually in calf classes and group classes. 7. Female: born prior to January 1, 2012 with her own 2015 natural, purebred, tattooed calf at foot. Female and calf may be split and calf shown individually in calf classes and group classes. CHAMPION AND RESERVE FEMALE SUPREME CHAMPION FEMALE 8. Breeder's Herd: a group of four (4) animals bred by exhibitor. Both sexes represented in this class must have been exhibited in previous classes. Exhibitor must own at least one animal. Limited to one exhibit per exhibitor. 9. Get of Sire: Three head shown from same sire previously exhibited. The Exhibitor must own one animal. Both sexes represented. One Exhibit per Exhibitor. 10. Progeny of Dam: A pair (2) of animals from the same dam that have been previously exhibited and one animal must be owned by the exhibitor. One exhibit per exhibitor. SPECIAL AWARDS: Herdsman Beef Award: $60 and Ben Bleecker Trophy Supreme Champion Bull – Moira River Foods Supreme Champion Female – Moira River Foods DAIRY DIVISION CHAIRPERSON: Bobby Jarrell (613) 968-8830 COMMITTEE: Roger Ray (613) 968-8619, GENERAL RULES: There will be $5.00 entry fee charged for each animal entered in all Classes. Entry fees MUST be sent in with entries or the entries will not be accepted. NOTE: Closing date for entries is August 16, 2015. Send entries to: Kristie Rivington 9-350 Speedvale Avenue West, Guelph, Ont. N1H 7M7 QUINTE JERSEY CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW JERSEY JUDGE: TBA ARRIVAL: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 SHOW TIME: ** Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 12:00p.m. ** Class 1 - Female Junior Calf: (born March 1, 2015 or later) Class 2 - Female Intermediate Calf: (born December 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015) sponsored by Ronada Farm Class 3 - Female Senior Calf: (born September 1, 2014 to November 30, 2014) Sponsored by Hamilton Insurance Class 4 - Female Summer Yearling: (born June 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014) Sponsored by Jacob & Annie Vandermeulen Class 5 - Female Junior Yearling: (born March 1, 2014 to May 31, 2014) Sponsored by County Farm Centre Champion 4-H and Reserve Champion 4-H Calf (must be shown by 4-H member in open show, 1st + 2nd place 4-H Calf shown in open show) Class 6 - Female Intermediate Yearling: (born December 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014) Sponsored by Hollylane Jerseys Class 7 - Female Senior Yearling: (born September 1, 2013 to November 30, 2013) JUNIOR CHAMPION – Scotia Bank RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION – Quinte District Jersey Club JUNIOR CHAMPION JACKPOT – 6 Prizes of $50. Sponsored by Anderson Equipment Sales Class 8 – Junior Herd – group of 3 – bred 3, own 1 – Sponsored by T.D. Bank Class 9 – Milking Senior Yearling (born September 1, 2013 to November 30, 2013) Sponsored by Avonlea Genetics Inc Class 10 - Female (Junior Two Year Old) (born March 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013) Sponsored by Eastern Breeder’s Inc. Class 11 - Female (Senior Two Year Old) (born September 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013) Class 12 - Female (Junior Three Year Old) (born March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012) Sponsored by Bob & April Jarrell & family Class 13 - Female (Senior Three Year Old) (born September 1, 2011 to February 28,2012) Class 14 - Female (Four Year Old) (born September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011) Sponsored by Hawley’s Garage Class 15 - Female (Five Year Old) (born September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010) Sponsored by Barrett’s Family Farm Centre Class 16 - Female (Mature) (born prior to September 1, 2009) Class 17 – Best udder: Judge shall designate best udder in Section 11, 12, 13, and 14 These designated exhibits shall compete for best Udder in the show. Ribbons only. GRAND CHAMPION- Lorne Jarrell Memorial Trophy RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION – Jersey Ontario Class 181. Breeder's Herd – Sponsored by Select Sires/Ben Bilker & Adam Hunt 2. Premier Breeder – Sponsored by Bay of Quinte Veterinary Services 3. Premier Exhibitor – Sponsored by Craig Carson/Dow Agro Services QUINTE EX HOLSTEIN SHOW CHAIRPERSON: Mark Osborne 613-962-3693 HOLSTEIN JUDGE: TBA It will be an open show. (All entries are to be sent to Mark Osborne, 771 Shannonville Rd., RR #1, Shannonville, Ont K0K 3A0 ARRIVAL: ** Thursday, September 3, 2015 after the conclusion of the Jersey Show ** SHOW TIME: Friday, September 4, 2015 at 6:00p.m. SHARP! (Exhibitors may leave after the show.) ENTRY FEES: $10.- 1 week prior to show OR late fee applicable 1ST Prize 4-H Calf & Member- sponsored by Bay of Quinte Vet Services 2ND Prize - sponsored by Dairy Source Class 1 - Female Junior Calf (born March 1, 2015 and later) sponsored by Chisholm’s Lumber Class 2 - Intermediate Calf (born December 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015) sponsored by Bay of Quinte Veterinary $10.00 Prize Money each entry Class 3 - Female Senior Calf (born September 1, 2014 to November 30, 2014) RIBBONS ONLY. Class 4 - Female Summer Yearling (born June, July or August 2014) sponsored by Bank of Montreal, Belleville Class 5 - Female Junior Yearling (born March, April or May 2014)RIBBONS ONLY Class 6 - Female Intermediate Yearling (born December 1, 2013 to February 19, 2014) sponsored by Sillsway Farms Class 7 - Female Senior Yearling (born September, October or November 2013) RIBBONS ONLY Junior Champion Female and Reserve Junior Champion – donated by Thrasher Feeds Ltd. & Newman, Oliver & McCarten Insurance Brokers Class 8 - Junior Herd – group of 3 – bred 3, own 2 sponsored by Farm Credit Cooperative- Larry Carlow CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE BRED BY EXHIBITOR Sponsored by LFI Farm Systems COW CLASSES: Class 9- 1st Prize - Female (Junior Two Year Old) (born March 1, 2013 to August 31, 2013) sponsored by Hawley’s Garage & Farm Equipment. Class 10- 1st Prize-Female (Senior Two Year Old) (born September 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013) sponsored by McKeown Motor Sales *NEW - Class 11- Female (Junior Three Year Old) (born March 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012 Class 12- 1st Prize-Female (Senior Three Year Old) (born September 1, 2011 to February 28, 2012) sponsored by Donnanview Farms Ltd. Class 13- 1st Prize-Female (Four Year Old) (born September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011) sponsored by CIBC Class 14- 1st Prize-Female (Five Year Old) (born September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010) sponsored by Eastern Breeders Class 15- 1st Prize-Female (mature cow) (born prior to September 1, 2009) sponsored by Bay Of Quinte Mutual Agr. Fire Ins. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE- sponsored by Scotia Bank RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALEsponsored by International Stock Food , Ribbons only Class 16 - Breeder's Herd – Sponsored by Bishop Seeds Premier Breeder- donated by Melrosa Farms in memory of Allan Bates Highest BCA Cow at Show- donated by Huffmandale Holsteins Class 17 - Best Udder Class: Judge shall designate best udder in Section 11, 12, 13, and 14 These designated exhibits shall compete for Best Udder in the Show. Ribbons only. Sponsored by Garry Batty SPECIAL AWARDS: Herdsman Dairy Award $60. and the late Allan McComb Trophy Highest placing - bred by exhibitor entry in Senior 2 Year Old Class to Mature Cow Class Hamilton Township Mutual Fire Insurance Premier Exhibitor Banner- Harold Treverton & Family in memory of Charles Treverton Hatbands- donated by Eastern Breeders Breakfast Show Morning- sponsored by Madoc Co-Operative Assoc. Ribbons donated by Scotia Bank QUINTE 4-H CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW ******38th Edition****** DATE: 4-H Dairy Show: Saturday, September 5, 2015 12:00pm 4-H Beef Show: Sunday, September 6, 2015 10:00am PLACE: Quinte Exhibition Grounds, Belleville, Ontario COMMITTEE CHAIR: Donnie Jarrell Committee: Bobby Jarrell Brenda Bell Jennifer Jarrell Joanna Linton Lynn Ward Kaitlyn Kimmett Jennifer Jeffs Megan Burnside Don Bell April Jarrell Rick Caddick Katie Petherick Andrew McCurdy RULES OF COMPETITION 1. Open to all 4-H Beef and Dairy Club Members in the four counties of Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox & Addington and Northumberland. 2. Each member must show their 2015 project animal in both Showmanship and Conformation classes. This is the animal described on their Project Animal Identification Form (PAIF) on file with 4-H Ontario. 3. 4-H members are permitted to show in both dairy and beef shows if they have 2015 4-H project animals of each commodity. 4. Entries must be postmarked on or before August 14th. Late Entry Fee is $15. 4-H leaders are encouraged to submit their club’s entries as a group. PLEASE NOTE: ENTIRE CLUBS CANNOT BE ENTERED. EACH PARTICIPANT MUST REGISTER INDIVIDUALLY. Entries must be returned to: Quinte Exhibition & Raceway Ben Bleecker Building 18 Yeoman St BELLEVILLE, ONT K8P 3X2 OR Fax: 613-968-3956 OR Email: 5. Upon arrival: All 4-H calves are to be at the Quinte Exhibition grounds in the Don Spencer building by 9:30 a.m. Calves from each county must tie together as a group. 4-H members must check in upon arrival. The dairy show will commence at 12:00 pm on Saturday, and the beef show will commence at 10:00am on Sunday. 6. Departure Time: Animals must remain on the fairgrounds until 4:00pm the day of the show. 7. All animals will be checked for accurate identification. To be shown, all animals must have a valid CCIA or NLID tag, which corresponds to the tag number on their PAIF form with 4-H Ontario. 8. Health Requirements: Animals showing signs of ringworm, warts, mange, or other diseases may not be permitted to show. For the protection of your livestock, immunization is recommended. 9. Members are responsible for ensuring that they are present at the time their class is called to the ring. Members missing their classes will not be allowed to show in substitute classes. 10. Competitors are required to supply their own animal bedding & feed. 11. Classes with a large number of entries may be divided into heats at the discretion of the planning committee. 12. Small conformation classes may be combined at the discretion of the planning committee. 13. In keeping with the principles of the 4-H motto “Learn To Do By Doing”, the Quinte Exhibition will allow only 4-H members showing at this show to prepare calves while on the fairgrounds. Senior members are encouraged to help younger or less experienced members. Violations may result in disqualification. 14. Dairy competitors are to wear a white shirt, white pants and a hatband. 15. Beef competitors are to wear a clean shirt, black pants and either a belt clip or a show harness. 16. Ethics: Unethical fitting of animals will not be tolerated. The Dairy Code of Ethics must be abided by. 17. Prize Money will be donated by the Quinte Exhibition and other sponsors. 18. County tie-ups will be judged based on appearance and member with a Herdsman award sponsored by RJ Farms and McKeown Motor Sales. 19. Each county will be eligible to enter one group of four for the beef show. This class will take place at the conclusion of the conformation classes. 20. Each county will be eligible to enter one Jersey and/or one Holstein group of three for the dairy show. This class will take place at the conclusion of the conformation classes. ENTRIES DUE: AUGUST 14, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact Donnie Jarrell at