Speech and Debate Scavenger Hunt Answer the following questions as quickly as possible using the provided web sites. In doing so, you will become familiar with some of the most useful on-line resources available to Speech and Debate coaches. The team with the most correct answers after 15 minutes (or the team to find all correct answers first) will win a prize! http://www.nationalforensicleague.org/ 1. Which student amassed the most NFL points for Original Oratory in this last season? How many points did she have? Abby Surprenant – 1054 2. How much for the Annual School Membership? How much for the Lifetime Student Membership? $100, $15 3. What are some membership benefits according to the web site? Honor Society Membership Extensive Resources District and Specialty Awards Advocacy and Recognition http://www.ncspeechanddebate.org/ 4. When is Cary HS having its debate? Nov. 9 5. What NC student had the most points for Humorous Interpretation? How many points does he have? Scotty Pruitt - 141 6. Look under the Resources section. How much are Membership Dues? $50 http://joyoftournaments.com/ 7. Since there are no North Carolina tournaments posted for the 2013-14 school year, let’s take a look elsewhere. Find the 2013 Waterloo East Tournament (IA). When is the tournament? Oct. 12-13 8. How much does it cost for a Public Forum team to enter the tournament? $20 9. How many judges will a school need to bring if they register five (5) Public Forum teams to the tournament? 2 judges 10. What time does round 2 begin for all Speech events? 7:30 pm http://www.speechwire.com/index.php 11. What is SpeechWire? Tournament program that allows people to create and register for tournaments 12. What two North Carolina tournaments are listed on SpeechWire as of today? Pinecrest and Billy Stanley http://bigskydebate.com/ 13. What does this web site offer debate teams? Resources for sale 14. How much does it costs for a year of LD packets? How much for one issue? $100, $25 http://idebate.org/ 15. What does IDEA stand for? International Debate Education Association 16. What is a VBate? On-line video debate 17. Find the most viewed debate (Tip: Find the “Top 100 Debates”). What is the topic? What is one argument “For” this debate topic? This House Would Ban Animal Testing Answers will vary https://www.google.com/ 18. Google “pros and cons debate topics.” Of the web sites listed on this first page, which one do you think is the best? Log into your Blackboard and follow these directions. CoursesHigh SchoolsCary HSSearch “Speech””Coaching Speech and Debate” or follow this link: http://blackboard.wcpss.net/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboa rd%2Fexecute%2FcourseMain%3Fcourse_id%3D_5498_1. 19. How many field trip forms are there? 5 20. Open “The Nuts and Bolts of Coaching Speech and Debate” and save it to your computer. Be prepared to show proof.