
Form 7
Тема: Домашнє читання. Ireland.
Мета: вдосконалювати навички роботи з текстом, прочитаним вдома; розвивати навички діалогічного та
монологічного висловлювання; активізувати роботу учнів з лексикою; сприяти розвитку інтелекту учнів;
виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до культури інших країн
Обладнання: текст для читання, аудіо диск, відеозапис, картки для роботи в групах, картки для роботи з
лексикою, завдання до тексту
Хід уроку
І.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1) Уведення іншомовну атмосферу
T: How are you today?
T: Do you like to travel?
T: Why do people travel?
T: How do people usually travel?
T: What is the fastest/ the slowest transport?
T: What country or city would you like to visit?
2)Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
-відео про Ірландію
ІІ.Основна частина уроку
1.Робота в парах
2.Робота з лексикою
1)Знайти 9 слів з тексту (індивідуальне завдання):
island, Ireland, symbol, holiday, harp, emerald, Irish, gold, superstition
-асоціації з цими словами
2)Synonyms and antonyms
Next- ant. Last, previous, syn. Following, northern- southern ant. Different – similar, same ant, famous-well-known
syn, unknown ant, disappear-appear ant, west-east ant.
3)Unscramble the words
Inmdkgo-kingdom, yblsmo-symbol, ertsce-secret, laesev-leaves,
3.Which paragraph tell us about…
1.Irish people in America? -f
2.a special plant? – c Irish story? – e
5.two countries in one island? –a
6.The national colour? – b
4.One word is out:
1.Ireland is next to \ above the island of Britain.
2.The most famous\interesting symbol of Ireland is shamrock.
3.Shamrock has four\three leaves.
4.The Irish is famous for their singing\cooking.
5.Leprechauns are Irish fairies\ flowers.
6.Nobody/ everybody wears green on Saint Patrick’s Day.
5.Answer the questions:
1.What is Ireland?
2.What plant is the symbol of Ireland?
3.What is a harp?
4.What is “the Emerald Isle”?
5.What Irish national holiday do you know?
6.What do you know about Leprechauns?
7.Why do many Irish people live in the USA?
6.Complete the text.
Gold, shamrock, fairies, are fond, island, west, friendly, consists of, green, harp
Ireland is an __ and it ___ of two different countries. The symbol of the country is a __ because it has three leaves.
Another symbol of Ireland are bagpipes, a fiddle and a __ . The Irish __ of dancing. On St.Patrick’s Day everybody
wears__ . There are also Irish ___.They are Leprechauns. Leprechauns are not very __ but you can look for their
___.If you sailed to the __ you would come to the USA.
7.Retell the text.
8. PT minute(Over the Mountains)
9.Look at the picture. What are the people doing? What do you think?
10.Listen to Sharon talking about the Blarney Stone
- Do the matching
a)a woman
2.a magic
b)attraction kiss
c)of a wall rescue
e)a stone
6.a part
11.Make up 3 sentences with the word – combinations and write them down
12.True or false
1.Blarney is a popular tourist attraction.
2.The stone is a part of a wall.
3.Stories say that an old woman rescued a king.
4.Stories say that she gave the king a magic stone.
5.People say that if you kiss the stone, you will be able to tell good stories.
6.Nobody can find the stone.
13.Jigsaw sentences (Робота в групах)
Irish people are good talkers.
They like to kiss the Blarney stone.
The Blarney stone is magic.
The magic stone is a part of a castle wall.
An old woman fell into the river and the king rescued her.
She gave him a magic stone.
People become good tellers after kissing the stone.
The stone is in a very difficult place.
14.You are on holidays in Ireland. Complete the postcard.
15.Work with the map
ІІІ.Заключна частина уроку
1.Домашнє завдання
1)Ex.2. p.98 (translate)
2)* write 10 questions about Ireland
2.Підведення підсумків уроку
Text “Ireland”
Ireland is the name of an island. It is next to the island of Britain. There are two parts of Ireland: Northern
Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland is a different country.
The most famous symbol of Ireland is the shamrock. It became a symbol because it grows in many places –
and it has three leaves. The number three is very special for Irish people – some even believe it is magic.
Another Irish symbol is the harp, and two other traditional instruments are the bagpipes and the fiddle
(“fiddle” is another word for “violin”). The Irish are famous for their playing, singing and dancing.
Everywhere in Ireland you will see green, in fact Ireland’s other name is “the Emerald Isle”. Green is one
of the symbols of Ireland and everybody wears green on Saint Patrick’s Day, the Irish national holiday.
Leprechauns are Irish fairies. They are shoemakers, and they are not very friendly. They also have secret
pots of gold. If you find a leprechaun, you can look for his gold, but don’t look away from the leprechaun. If
you do, he will disappear – and so will the gold! Of course, this is only a superstition.
If you sailed west from Ireland you would come to the USA. A hundred years ago, thousands of Irish
families left Ireland to look for work. Many of them went to the USA. Today there are many people in the
USA with Irish surnames and Irish relatives.