Case Information

P&Z Hearing Date: July 15, 2015
P&Z Case Number: Z15-024
Planning and Zoning Board
Case Information
Z15-024 (PLN2015-00220)
The 6700 Block of South Mountain Road.
Located at the northwest corner of Pecos Road and
Mountain Road
Rezone from AG to HI-AF and Site Plan Review
This request will allow for the expansion of an existing
industrial development located at 6560 South Mountain
District 6
Scott Hancock, MGC Pure Chemicals America, Inc.
Michael Hall, Michael A Hall Architect LLC
Wahid Alam, AICP Planner II
9.85± acres
AG (Agriculture)
May 17, 1990:
June 4, 1990:
August 29, 1994:
February 22, 2010:
January 23, 2012:
November 18, 2013:
Annexed into the City of Mesa (Ord. No. 2514)
Establish AG Zoning (Z90-25)
Rezone adjacent parcel to the north from AG to M-2 CUP for the
development of MGC Pure Chemicals, Inc. (Z94-46)
Rezone adjacent parcel to the west from AG to M-2 CUP for the
development of MGC Pure Chemicals, Inc. (Z10-003)
Rezone the entire facility from AG & LI CUP to HI for the
expansion of the existing MGC Pure Chemicals, Inc. (Case# Z11029 and Ordinance # 5074)
Rezone adjacent parcel to the west from AG to HI-AF PAD for the
expansion of isotainer parking lot for MGC Pure Chemicals, Inc.
(Z13-052 and Ordinance# 5193)
Existing MGC Pure Chemicals – Zoned HI-AF CUP
(across Mountain Road) vacant undeveloped land – Zoned GI
(across Pecos Road) TRW facility – Zoned GI-AF-CUP
Existing isotainer parking lot- Zoned HI-AF PAD
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions.
Approval with Conditions
P&Z Hearing Date: July 15, 2015
P&Z Case Number: Z15-024
The applicant is requesting to rezone a 9.85 ± acre parcel owned by MGC Pure Chemicals,
from Agriculture (AG) to Heavy Industrial (HI) with and Air Field (AF) overlay. MGC’s
existing facility to the north is zoned HI, and has a Council Use Permit (CUP). The overall
development is being expanded to the south and east with the addition of a 9.85 acre
The request also includes site plan review for the proposed use of this additional parcel.
The proposed use includes the parking of “isotainers” on this newly acquired parcel.
“Isotainers” are cargo containers specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods by
one or more modes of transportation without intermediate reloading. They are designed to
be easily filled and emptied and are constructed per International Standards Organization.
Because this area will be used for storage, it will need to be screened. The screening along
the Pecos Road and Mountain Road frontages will include a two foot wall topped with a six
foot wrought iron fence. Screening will be provided by a fabric mesh on the inside of the
The remainder of the parcel is retention area and includes an existing natural wash that will
be reconfigured with a bridge over it to allow storm water to pass through the site. The
proposed design will allow the flow of storm water to enter and leave the site in the same
existing natural locations.
The applicant notified surrounding property owners within 1000’. There are no registered
neighborhoods or HOA s within one mile radius of the site. To date, neither staff nor the
applicant have received any comments or concerns from neighboring property owners regarding
the request.
The goal of the Mesa 2040 General Plan is to establish and maintain neighborhoods and to
build a sense of place in neighborhoods and in commercial/employment areas of activity.
Rather than focusing on individual land uses, the Plan focuses on the “character of development
in different areas.” Character types combine concepts of land use with building form and
intensity to describe the type of area being created through the development that occurs.
Given the existing and planned Industrial character type of this area, the proposed zoning and
site plan are consistent with the General Plan.
Criteria for review of development
The zoning ordinance requires that all site plans be consistent with the adopted General Plan.
Determining consistency with the General Plan requires a review of the proposal against the
character area requirements and the other goals and policies of the Plan and any adopted subarea plans. The following criteria have been developed for use during the review process to
determine whether the proposed development is achieving the vision and goals established in
this Plan and thus meeting the statute requirements.
1. Is the proposed development consistent with furthering the intent and direction
contained in the General Plan?
The General Plan focuses on creating land development patterns that emphasize the
character of place and focusing on those principles that build neighborhoods, stabilize the
job base, and improve the sense of place.
P&Z Hearing Date: July 15, 2015
P&Z Case Number: Z15-024
Staff Comment: This proposal will develop the existing vacant land to allow the expansion of
the existing industrial facility to the north. The site design also addresses the current
drainage pattern in the area. The isotainer parking lot expansion will be screened by
proposed an 8 foot tall wrought iron fence with enhanced material and design along both
Pecos and Mountain Roads. The proposed landscape plan and screen wall along the
arterial streets will significantly improve the appearance of the street frontage along
Mountain Road and Pecos Road. The proposed rezoning and proposed use of this property
are consistent with the guiding principles of the General Plan.
The Plan also describes 5 fundamentals to be considered with development to help move
the City toward the goal of becoming a more complete, recognizable City. The five
elements include:
High Quality Development
Changing Demographics
Public Health
Urban Design and Place-Making
Desert Environment
Staff Comment: The desert environment is acknowledged through the use of desertappropriate plant materials including some salvaged native plants. The design quality of the
wrought iron screening fence was discussed at a Design Review Board work session. The
applicant has incorporated the Board’s and staff’s comments.
2. Is the proposed development consistent with adopted sub-area or neighborhood
Staff Comment: This area is included in the Logistics & Commerce District of the Gateway
Strategic Development Plan. The proposed expansion of the existing industrial facility is
compatible with the Sub-Area Plan.
3. Is the proposed development consistent with the standards and guidelines
established for the applicable character type(s)?
The Character Area map of the Mesa 2040 General Plan defines this location as an
Employment District which is defined as follows:
Employment District
Focus: Employment Districts is a character type that is primarily used for employment-type
land uses of at least 20 acres and typically have minimal connection to the surrounding
area. Examples of employment districts include areas for large manufacturing facilities,
warehousing, business parks, etc. Employment districts may include supporting retail and
office areas but rarely include any type of residential uses. If residential uses are included,
they need to be done in a manner that supports the continued development of the
employment uses. The goal for these districts is to provide for a wide range of employment
opportunities in high quality settings.
Sub-Type: Industrial
The Industrial character type signifies locations appropriate for manufacturing, warehousing,
and other industrial operations. These areas typically have larger lots and require provision
of access and circulation by large vehicles. These industries typically provide quality jobs
and require protection from encroachment of non-compatible uses.
The General Plan includes the following “form and guidelines” items that apply to this
P&Z Hearing Date: July 15, 2015
P&Z Case Number: Z15-024
• Screening from public view required for outdoor storage and production
• Architectural detailing appropriate for industrial buildings on all sides within 300’ of a street
or public parking area
• Screening and other appropriate transition measures if located next to areas planned for
less intense uses.
Staff Comment: The existing surrounding development fits the description of the subtype:
Industrial. The proposed expansion of the existing industrial facility for an isotainer parking
lot is appropriate to this subtype. The proposed screening fence along with landscaping
design for this project should provide the screening required for the outdoor storage and
also help improve the intersection.
4. Will the proposed development serve to strengthen the character of the area by:
• Providing appropriate infill development;
Staff Comment: This site is the corner parcel of an agriculturally-zoned block. The
development to the east has connecting drive-aisles that allow for circulation between the
sites. The existing development will expand to the east and south to fill up this vacant lot at
the intersection of Pecos and Mountain Road. The new site plan is designed to keep the
cross-access to the other sections of the facility to the west and north. These will definitely
help this project infill more effectively.
• Removing development that is deteriorated and/or does not contribute to the quality
of the surrounding area;
Staff Comment: The proposed development does not demolish or replace any existing
development; however it will definitely contribute to the quality of the surrounding area.
• Adding to the mix of uses to further enhance the intended character of the area;
Staff Comment: Infilling with an isotainer parking lot will enhance the intended character of
the area.
• Improving the streetscape and connectivity within the area;
Staff Comment: This request will provide a well landscaped streetscape appropriate to an
“Industrial” district.
• Meeting or exceeding the development quality of the surrounding area;
Staff Comment: The Design Review process (DR15-21) is being used to ensure this
development meets or exceeds the quality of the surrounding area.
5. Does the proposed development provide appropriate transitions between uses? In
more urban areas these transitions should generally be accomplished by design
elements that allow adjacent buildings to be close to one another. In more suburban
locations these transitions should be addressed through separation of uses and/or
Staff Comment: The site design removes the existing undeveloped street scape along both
Pecos and Mountain Road, which will help transition the new development with the existing
surrounding uses.
The proposal is for MGC Pure Chemicals to expand their facility to the south and east with a
new parking lot for an isotainer cargo storage lot. The new storage lot will be accessed from the
existing facility to the west and will be screened by an 8-foot high decorative wall. The wall is
P&Z Hearing Date: July 15, 2015
P&Z Case Number: Z15-024
designed with a 2’ masonry base with a 6’ wrought iron picket fence. The fence design utilizes
fabric mesh on the parking lot side and CMU pilasters along Pecos and Mountain Roads to
secure and screen the isotainers.
The landscape setbacks along Pecos Road and Mountain Road will be landscaped with trees
and native hydro seeds. The existing landscape on this vacant parcel is mostly natural native
species. The proposed landscape plan shows installing native mesquite trees. There are
numerous native mature large trees along Mountain Road. Staff appreciates the applicant’s
willingness to replant 45 salvaged trees from the site.
Neither Mountain Road nor Pecos Road is currently paved to City standard. Developers are
typically required to put in these street improvements, including the associated sidewalks and
landscaping, when developing the adjacent property. Because of the slow growth, limited traffic
volumes, and significant drainage improvements needed, the City has been accepting in lieu
payments for these improvements in this area instead of requiring the individual property
owners to make these improvements. It is anticipated that an agreement will be made for this
property owner to also make an in lieu payment for these improvements.
The biggest challenge in this area and with this property is the significant amount of stormwater
that must be carried across the property during a major storm event. Currently, the water sheet
flows across Mountain Road and across this property to the northwest. The existing drainage
channel on the property immediately west of this demonstrates what is needed to handle this
amount of stormwater. As long as the current condition exists with the sheet flow of stormwater,
it will be difficult to establish new vegetation along the Mountain Road street frontage.
In reviewing the site plan, staff understands the need to continue the same pattern of having a
major drainage channel through the property to handle the volume of water that passes through
this site. Staff also understands the need for the drainage channel along Mountain Road to pick
up the sheet flow of water that crosses Mountain Road. Staff would, however, like to see a
better design of the channel next to Mountain Road. Staff’s suggestion to the applicant is that
they reduce the size of the isotainer storage area in order to increase the area between the right
of way and the storage area such that there is some additional landscape area between the
property line and the drainage facility and some additional width for the drainage facility to allow
a more natural shape. Doing this will allow them to retain some of the natural vegetation along
the street.
Staff has discussed this concern and the applicant needs to modify the site plan to better
accommodate this design. The applicant has been agreeable to look at some changes. At this
time we have not received any revisions. Stipulation six has been drafted to allow staff to
continue to work with the applicant to provide for a better design should this not be
accomplished prior to the P&Z Board hearing.
Staff does not have any major concerns with the proposal to rezone this parcel from AG to HIAF. Staff thinks there is room for improvement in the visible portion of the drainage channel and
proposed landscape design along Mountain Road. The proposed site plan is consistent with
what has been previously developed to the west. Therefore, staff recommends approval of
zoning case Z15-024 subject to the following conditions.
P&Z Hearing Date: July 15, 2015
P&Z Case Number: Z15-024
1. Compliance with the basic development as described in the project narrative and as
shown on the site plan submitted on July 9, 2015.
2. Compliance with all City development codes and regulations.
3. Dedicate the right-of-way required under the Mesa City Code at the time of application
for a building permit, at the time of recordation of the subdivision plat, or at the time of
the City’s request for dedication whichever comes first.
4. Mountain Road street improvements and street frontage landscaping shall be
installed at the same time as the isotainer storage facility is constructed or an inlieu payment made prior to the issuance of any City permit. City authorization and
approval of the option selected is required before any City permit will be issued.
5. Provide salvage native plant materials from the site for perimeter and internal
6. Owner granting an Avigation Easement and Release to the City, pertaining to
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport.
G:\P&Z Case folders\Z15\Z15-024 Isotainer Parking Lot MGC Pure Chemicals 6560 S Mountain RdPLN2015-00220\Staffreport