Tuition scholarships.overview.web

Tuition Scholarships Available to Qualified Families
St. Vincent’s offers opportunities for need-based tuition scholarship to help families pay for a
portion of tuition. Awards to families can apply based on demonstrated financial need.
Applications and a student essay must be completed by March 1st along with a completed
FACTS financial aid packet done by March 15th to be considered for the scholarship.
Tuition scholarship funds are designed to be used solely to cover the cost of student tuition. The
number of annual awards will be determined by the Tuition Assistance Committee. Tuition
scholarship awards will be announced by the end of May for the next school year.
Awards come directly from these endowment funds:
Robert E. Meyer Tuition Scholarship Fund (restricted to families with 3 or more
Joanne Briggeman Tuition Scholarship Fund
Msgr. John Kuzmich Scholarship Fund
To Help Us Grow These Funds
Other parishioners may provide financial gifts to these tuition scholarship funds to help grow
these investments that aid other families. Because tuition assistance has grown, we are very
grateful for donations, either through the monthly envelopes or by separate gifts to these funds.
For more information, see the new FACE brochure in the gathering space.
To join our community in this effort to build the school endowment funds to benefit school
families, please contact the Development Office at 489-3537, Ext. 247 or print the FACE
brochure (link) or pickup a brochure at in the Gathering space at Church or at the School.