Sustainability learning outcomes

Sustainability Learning Outcome
Technology, and
To explain in depth the way the social and cultural conditions of science and
technology interact with science and technology in a particular field. To be well
prepared for graduate work and future careers in the health sciences, science
writing, design and engineering, public policy, environmental studies, law, or
Articulate how science relates to current problems in the modern world, especially
contemporary concerns such as conservation biology, climate change, and
Organismal Biology ecosystem degradation.
The biology major aims to provide students with skills and knowledge to effectively
engage and evaluate biological issues and innovations in the wider world, and to
prepare them as leaders in research, biotechnology, and health-related career
Political Economy
Investigate the intersection between economics and politics in the global
International and
Able to critically evaluate consequences of modernity in multiple areas, such as the
environment, poverty, health, education, women’s issues, race and class issues,
sexual orientation.
Political Studies
Students will understand the philosophical underpinnings of political phenomenon
and evaluate and employ different theories in the discipline to analyze and explain
political outcomes.
Organizational Studies majors will correctly identify human interactions in
organizations and workplaces according to social science perspectives from the
fields of organizational behavior and organizational theory. Organizational Studies
majors will describe distinctive elements of organizational culture, social influence,
interpersonal communication, and organizational change as applied to work
Human Biology
Have some understanding of the origins of human structure, physiology and
behavior. Have some understanding of human interactions with each other and
with their environment.
Identify and articulate the interplay of macro and micro level structural forces and
the influence of culture in shaping behavior. Understand the power dynamics in the
social construction of society and its intersectionality with race, class, gender,
sexuality and nationality. Understand the stratified nature of globalization and the
importance of intercultural differences within and between local and global
Economics majors will be able to apply economic theory and methods to selected
real world economic problems.
Understand and describe the complex social, scientific and humanistic aspects of
environmental issues. Develop well-reasoned solutions to environmental
predicaments, testing them against relevant criteria and standards.
We intend the psychology major to provide students with an ability to integrate
hands-on work with communities and social service organizations with the
theoretical and methodological understandings of the discipline. Students acquire
depth and breadth in understandings of the discipline. We encourage students to
be able to examine psychological issues through a bio-psycho-social-cultural
framework. We intend for our students to see a connection between their
psychology training and social justice issues. We hope they will feel some
responsibility to use their psychological understandings to better the world in which
we live, to support and give voice to persons who are disenfranchised or left at the
margins of our social systems, to right social wrongs, and to give back to their