COLUMBIA COLLEGE ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES August 21, 2014 Senate Council Members: Present: Ted Hamilton, Raelene Juarez, Kathy Schultz, Anne Cavagnaro, Wendy Griffith-Bender Senate Members: Present: Adrienne Seegers, Anne Cavagnaro**, Brenda Whited, Craig Johnston, Elizabeth Pfleging, Gene Womble ***, Ida Ponder, Jeff Fitzwater, Jim Retemeyer, Jim Toner**, Judy Reiman**, Kath Christensen, Kathy Schultz, Katryn Weston, Lahna VonEpps, Laurie Sylwester**, Lindsay Laney**, Maryl Landess, Melissa Colon, Meryl Soto, Micha Miller, Nate Rien, Raelene Juarez, Randy Barton, Rod Harris, Ted Hamilton, Tom Johnson, Tim Elizondo**, Tina Trolier, Wendy Griffiths-Bender **Arrived during Item III ***Arrived during Item IV Recorder: Tiffany Moore I. CALL TO ORDER 3:00pm II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: March 28, 2014 ACTION: The minutes from 3/28/2014 were approved as submitted M/S/P (Ted Hamilton/Raelene Juarez/ Ted Hamilton, Raelene Juarez, Elizabeth Pfleging, Ida Ponder, Adrienne Seegers, Brenda Whited, Craig Johnston, Jeff Fitzwater, Jim Retemeyer, Kath Christensen, Kathy Schultz, Katryn Weston, Lahna VonEpps, Maryl Landess, Melissa Colon, Meryl Soto, Micha Miller, Nate Rein, Randy Barton,Rod Harris, Tom Johnson, Tina Trolier, Wendy GriffithsBender III. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Committee Vacancies o o o o Short on faculty for these types of tasks There will be no appointment without the advice of the council. We need to make sure that the committees are represented Enrollment Management is under a memorandum understanding with YFA w/ initial membership Still giving the faculty at Columbia College maximum say in how enrollment management and scheduling fit together. Intend to make it Academic Senate appointed Regarding SLO, the Senate would like to continue to have the three positions that are 20% each equating a full 60%. ACTION: Move to direct the Council and President to continue the Status Quo M/S/P (Sense of the House) Ted Hamilton, Raelene Juarez, Elizabeth Pfleging, Ida Ponder, Adrienne Seegers, Brenda Whited, Craig Johnston, Jeff Fitzwater, Jim Retemeyer, Kath Christensen, Kathy Schultz, Katryn Weston, Lahna VonEpps, Maryl Landess, Melissa Colon, Meryl Soto, Micha Miller, Nate Rein, Randy Barton, Rod Harris, Tom Johnson, Tina Trolier, Wendy GriffithsBender, Anne Cavagnaro, Jim Toner, Judy Reiman, Laurie Sylwester, Lindsay Laney, Tim Elizondo IV. ACTION & DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. Invitation to President and Vice President of Student Learning 14/15 Senate meetings- Ted Hamilton o There is a 1 year dated document from past Academic Senate President, John Leamy inviting the President and the VP of Student Learning, Leslie Buckalew to attend our regular meetings. Do we want to revise an update with the standing invitation? Laurie would like to speak in favor of inviting both President and VP to the meetings. She feels like it is an open meeting. Ted thinks that it is good statement on the Senate’s part to invite both Pres. and VP. Adrienne thinks it’s an excellent example of shared governance. Jeff is opposed to inviting the President and VP. He feels that our meetings are a time for the faculty to have a discussion without any oversight. Meryl S. agrees with both Laurie and Adrienne in the sense that sometimes there are issues that needs an immediate response but also agrees with Jeff, that there are so few opportunities to speak together without any kind of doubts involving procedures. ACTION: Move to invite the President and Vice President of Student Learning to our Senate meetings M/S/P (Ted Hamilton, Raelene Juarez VOTES FOR: Elizabeth Pfleging, Ida Ponder, Adrienne Seegers, Brenda Whited, Craig Johnston, Jim Retemeyer, Kath Christensen, Kathy Schultz, Katryn Weston, Lahna VonEpps, Maryl Landess, Melissa Colon, Meryl Soto, Micha Miller, Nate Rein, Randy Barton, Rod Harris, Tom Johnson, Tina Trolier, Wendy GriffithsBender, Anne Cavagnaro, Jim Toner, Judy Reiman, Laurie Sylwester, Lindsay Laney, Gene Womble VOTES AGAINST: Jeff Fitzwater, Tim Elizondo B. Approach to Shared Governance Documents-Ted Hamilton Recommendation from Anne, for Michelle to send out the Spring 2010 Resolution to the full Senate of the information that is already in place. C. Curriculum Update- Kathy Schultz o Local Standalone Authorization ended on Jan 1, 2015 At the moment there is no intent by the Chancellor’s Office to renew When a new course is a stand-alone class, we can’t offer the course unless it’s gone to the committee, board meeting, gone to the state and received approval. It will affect us the most on experimental courses. If you are thinking about doing a new course or experimental course, you will need to get that into Curricunet as soon as possible. o There is continued pressure from the state to tighten Curriculum They are mandating some of the things that we are doing. We still have some work to do in areas related in content in Music and Arts The legislature is looking at patterns (might have a few things that are sending our red flags) D. AAC Referral Process- Lindsay Laney o o o o o Lindsay Laney is the new AAC Coordinator There is a new implemented referral process Encourage students to use the AAC The referral form is located on the website and in the IMC E. Day and Time of Future Spring and Future Senate Meetings- Wendy Griffiths- Bender o There needs to be a survey to determine what day and times work best to meet. ACTION: Move Item E to the next meeting M/S/P (Ted Hamilton, Nate Rein,Tim Elizondo Elizabeth Pfleging, Ida Ponder, Adrienne Seegers, Brenda Whited, Craig Johnston, Jim Retemeyer, Kath Christensen, Kathy Schultz, Katryn Weston, Lahna VonEpps, Maryl Landess, Melissa Colon, Meryl Soto, Micha Miller, Nate Rein, Randy Barton, Rod Harris, Tom Johnson, Tina Trolier, Wendy Griffiths-Bender, Anne Cavagnaro, Jim Toner, Judy Reiman, Laurie Sylwester, Lindsay Laney, Gene Womble, Jeff Fitzwater, Tim Elizondo F. Discipline Approval- Kathy Schultz ACTION: Move Item F to the next meeting M/S/P (Kathy Schultz, Tim Elizondo, Elizabeth Pfleging, Ida Ponder, Adrienne Seegers, Brenda Whited, Craig Johnston, Jim Retemeyer, Kath Christensen, Kathy Schultz, Katryn Weston, Lahna VonEpps, Maryl Landess, Melissa Colon, Meryl Soto, Micha Miller, Randy Barton, Tom Johnson, Wendy Griffiths-Bender, Anne Cavagnaro, Jim Toner, Laurie Sylwester, Lindsay Laney, Gene Womble, Jeff Fitzwater, Tim Elizondo G. Staff Development- Adrienne Seegers V. VI. o Adrienne felt that SD needed staff attention o There is $7,000 this year to cover all SD approved requests o Continuing to streamline the process and continuing to develop the SD webpage o Adrienne is excited to do coherent SD activities on campus o Ideas are welcomed on what is valuable and what we can possibly offer on campus o SD deadlines have already been emailed out H. Distance Education Update- Melissa Colon o Melissa is still working on the storage capacities for Blackboard o There are more people interested in using Blackboard o Jana Connell has come back to work in the ITC o There will be a training schedule that Melissa will send out REPORTS: A. President’s Report to be included in Newsletter B. Curriculum: to be included in Newsletter C. College Council: to be included in Newsletter D. Senate Council: to be included in Newsletter E. Facilities Committee: to be included in Newsletter F. Policies and Procedures Committee: to be included in Newsletter Adjournment: @ 4:18pm Next Academic Senate meeting: September 26, 2014 Buckeye 3 at 2:30pm Minutes prepared by Tiffany Moore