Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Progress Report Version 1.0 | 19 January 2015 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Contents Introduction 2 Reporting and Invoice Due Dates 2 Submission of Reports 2 Part One – Advanced Trainee 3 Part Two – Lead Supervisor 7 Certification by the Advanced Trainee 8 Certification by the Lead Supervisor 8 Certification by the Director BSNSW Screening and Assessment Service 8 Trim REF: BS15/00097 19 January 2015 Page 1 of 9 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Introduction In accordance with the Cancer Institute NSW Competitive Grants Agreement - Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant, the quarterly Progress Reports for the 2016 Grant Program must be submitted to reach the Cancer Institute NSW on the due dates. Reporting and Invoice Due Dates Report / Invoice Due Date Quarterly progress report and invoice 22 April 2016 21 October 2016 Final evaluation report, financial report and final invoice 22 July 2016 27 January 2017 The Progress Reports in two parts: ● Part One is to be completed by the Advanced Trainee ● Part Two is to be completed by the Lead Supervisor The reports should be approved by the Lead Supervisor and the Director, BreastScreen NSW Screening and Assessment Service. Reports enable the Cancer Institute NSW to assess the progress made by each participant in the Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant, awarded in 2016. The questions are based on Program objectives. Information about the project and the impact of the Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant may be placed on the Cancer Institute NSW website. You may also be contacted and invited to have the outcomes of your grant included in a case study or testimonial on the Cancer Institute NSW website. Please note that a confidential interview may be conducted with participants of the Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant in order to further evaluate the program and seek recommendations for improvement. Submission of Reports Reports must be typed and submitted electronically. Completed reports should be returned to: Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant Secretariat Cancer Institute NSW Phone: (02) 8374 3682 Email: Trim REF: BS15/00097 19 January 2015 Page 2 of 9 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Part One – Advanced Trainee Advanced Trainee’s Name Research Project Title Work Phone Mobile Email Administering Institution Lead Supervisor’s Name Report for the period Please comment on the following: Action Plan Please provide a description of progress and key outcomes/achievements in relation to your Action Plan (as submitted to CINSW during the application process). Have there been any changes or developments to the Action Plan? If yes, please give details. Trim REF: BS15/00097 Yes 19 January 2015 No Page 3 of 9 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Please provide data / progress in relation to reading images, cancer detection and recall rates, multidisciplinary meetings – quality and quantity. (Note: the recommended number of reads in the annual period is 1,000) Research Project Please provide a description of progress and key outcomes / achievements in relation to your Research Project (as submitted to CINSW during the application process). Trim REF: BS15/00097 19 January 2015 Page 4 of 9 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Have there been any changes or developments to the Research Project? Yes No If yes, please give details. N.B. Any significant changes to the research project should be communicated directly to the Cancer Institute NSW as soon as practicable and not delayed until the submission of the following progress report. Please reference any documents that are directly related to your research project e.g. publications, abstracts. Please list meetings attended, presentations, linkages. If appropriate, outline difficulties that have affected the progress of your Grant, and how (if any) have these been resolved. Trim REF: BS15/00097 19 January 2015 Page 5 of 9 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Additional comments Trim REF: BS15/00097 19 January 2015 Page 6 of 9 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Part Two – Lead Supervisor The Advanced Trainee’s Lead Supervisor is required to provide a report on the Advanced Trainee and the progress of the Action Plan and Research Project for the reporting period: Trim REF: BS15/00097 19 January 2015 Page 7 of 9 Cancer Institute NSW Breast Imaging Advanced Trainee Grant 2016 Certification by the Advanced Trainee I certify that this is a true and accurate report for the reporting period to: ____________ [enter month]. Name Signature Date Certification by the Lead Supervisor Name Signature Date Certification by the Director BSNSW Screening and Assessment Service Name Signature Date Thank you for submitting your Progress Report The Cancer Institute NSW may contact you if clarification or further information is required. Trim REF: BS15/00097 19 January 2015 Page 8 of 9