year 5 theme 3 - Manor Green Primary Academy

Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Year 5 Autumn 3
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
Theme subject focus:
Visits / visitors / enhancements /
WOW factor!
Visit to a local travel agent shop to ask
about their role in tourism.
Chinese banquet – local establishment
East…west…which way is best?
Key Questions / Learning Challenges (Skills / Concepts)
Can I name and locate countries in Europe, naming some capital cities?
Can I name and locate other countries which are east of GB including Russia and China?
Do I know the key physical and human characteristics of some European countries?
Can I identify (revision from year 4) the Equator, Northern and Southern hemispheres, the tropics of
Cancer and Capricorn? Can I locate the Arctic and Antarctic Circle?
Can I identify similarities and differences between a region of the UK, a region in a European
country (choose - the Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland or Germany) and a region in China?
Do I understand the meaning of economic activity? (Tourism could be focused on in this theme)
Can I explain what the impact tourism has on a region/country?
Can I plan a journey to a place in another part of the world, taking account of distance and time?
Can I extend my geographical skills – using maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to
locate countries and describe features studied?
Do I know how to use the eight points of a compass and grid references (four / six figure),
symbols and keys.
Cross-curricular elements overview;
Reading persuasive texts about tourist destinations (holiday brochures) Writing persuasively - about a tourist attraction to make
people want to visit. (In European country, GB or China) Letter of thanks (Banquet), stories from other cultures (eg Willow Pattern).Oral
presentations / story-telling (or selling tourist attraction)
Measuring accurately in cm and mm (distances on a map). Rounding numbers up to the nearest 10,100, 1000 to estimate distance.
Solve problems using scaling (length eg 1cm represents ? miles / km) Planning a journey – times, costs and distance.
Computing Conduct a video chat with someone elsewhere in another school. Using search engines - comparing the results of two different searches
and then giving reasons for their choice. Copying and pasting information – make notes and produce own interpretation (ie not just copy!)
Art + design Multicultural – Chinese lanterns, fans (recyclable materials), Willow Pattern plates. Chinese writing.
Design Tech Nutrition – Chinese food (stir fry) Healthy food options.
The pentatonic scale – create own Chinese music. Appraising - music from other cultures (European countries)
Physical Ed Sports coach – different games skills. Dance – Dragon dance (own music to accompany)
Religious Ed
Music, dance and stories fROMm other cultures. Art work based on Chinese /European culture.
Languages French language and culture
Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Year 5 Autumn 3
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
East…west…which way is best?
Theme Title:
Theme focus: Geography
Key Focus
Planning a journey to a locality
in Europe or a city in China
Main mountain ranges of the
Countries in Europe and capital
Study of a European city and
compare to a city in China.
Programme of study
Pupils should be taught:
(Geographical Enquiry)
 to collect information about a place and use it in a report
 to plan a journey to another part of the world, taking account
of distance and time.
(Physical Geography)
 use maps, atlases, globes and digital / computer mapping to
locate countries and describe features studied eg rivers,
 study the weather and climate of different places
(Human Geography)
 describe and understand land use and economic activity /
the distribution of natural resources
(Geographical knowledge)
 to name and locate many of the world’s most famous
mountain regions
(also see the key questions above about locations to be
Pupils should be taught:
Food and nutrition – healthy
stir fry food (link Chinese
the principles of safety and hygiene when cooking.
to understand and apply the principles of a health and varied
how to combine the right ingredients to make a meal
attractive and tasty.
how to present their product well.
Atlases, globes,
computers, ipads.
Use of grid references
Can pupils work out a
detailed itinerary, detailing a
journey to another part of
the world?
Books, information
texts about places
Appropriate websites
Range of ingredients
for healthy stir fries
Which of the ingredients
used could pupils actually
grow themselves?
Cooking utensils
Frying pans
Can pupils persuade others
to cook safely and
hygienically? (own choice of
Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Year 5 Autumn 3
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
East…west…which way is best?
Cross-curricular elements: English, mathematics, art+design, computing, design technology, music, P.E. R.E. SMSC
Key Focus
ENGLISH (writing / oracy)
Information texts – about a
European city / city in China
Persuasive writing (about a
tourist destination)
Stories from other cultures
The Chinese Zodiac
Programme of study
Pupils should be taught to:
plan their writing by:
 identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing,
selecting the appropriate form
 noting and developing initial ideas
draft and write by:
 selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary
understanding how choice can change and enhance
 using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and
across paragraphs
 using further organisational and presentational devices to
structure text and guide the reader (eg headings, bullet
points, underlining)
evaluate and edit
evaluate and edit by:
 assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing
 proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and
punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning.
 ensure consistent and correct use of tense
proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors
Collection of
ideas and
Investigative opportunities
Can pupils Investigate different
ways to present their information
writing in an interesting and
creative way?
Model samples
of text types to
be taught
I can statements
for different text
Two stars and a
wish stamp
Steps to
Can pupils present their
information / stories to younger
KS2 pupils, using intonation in
their voice. (making their
presentation interesting)?
Can pupils work in groups to plan
their journey, making decisions
about place, time etc
See English appendix 2 –Grammar to develop their
understanding of formal speech (passive verbs etc)
Planning a journey – time, cost
and distance
Pupils should be taught to:
 round any number up to a million to the nearest 10, 100,
1000, 10 000 and 100 000.
 use all four operations to solve problems involving
measure, money, time and scaling.
Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Year 5 Autumn 3
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
Key Focus
Lanterns, fans, Chinese slippers,
Willow pattern art
Drawing / 3D
European art (from study country)
Using the internet to find out
information about the different
places studied
Chinese music (Pentatonic scale)
to accompany dance
East…west…which way is best?
Programme of study
Pupils should:
 experiment with different styles that artists have used
 learn about the work of others by looking at their work in
books, on the internet and other sources of information.
 experiment and combine materials and processes to
design and make a 3D form.
 Be taught to organise line, tone, shape and colour to
represent figures and forms in movement.
Pupils should be taught to:
 use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results
are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating
digital content
 use the internet safely, respectfully and responsibly
Pupils should be taught to:
 to use notation to record their own compositions
 identify (and use) how patterns of repetitions can give
structure to a piece of music
 compare and evaluate music using musical vocabulary
Vocabulary: Tempo – slow / quick Dynamics – loud / soft Pitch
– high / low Timbre – the sound of an instrument (on wood, drum
metal, etc) Texture – different layers of sound Rhythm – pattern
made by long notes, short notes and silence
Chinese Dragon dance
Pupils should be taught how to:
 compose motifs and plan dances creatively and
 plan and perform dances confidently
 show expression in their dances and sensitivity to music
 use weight, space and rhythm in their dance.
Investigative opportunities
coloured card
A variety of
Can pupils compare and contrast
the works of different artists?
Devise questions to ask about
their work?
Websites about
the countries
Travel guides on
Can the pupils create their own
multimedia presentation using a
range of computing skills based on
the city of their choice? (China or
European country)
Chopsticks /
Clips of Chinese
music on line
Can pupils explain why they think
a piece of music is Chinese?
(using musical vocabulary)
Clips of Chinese
New Year
Can pupils record their dance
composition in different ways?
a) so that they remember it in
the future?
b) to evaluate their own group
Can you create rhythms with
chopsticks to give variety to your
group composition?
Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Year 5 Autumn 3
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
East…west…which way is best?