Video Presentation Title: The Challenges of Human Spaceflight: Bone Health (Episode 1)
Unit of Instruction: Skeletal System
Overview & Purpose:
Examine bone homeostasis and feedback mechanisms.
Compare bone health on Earth and in space (reduced gravity environment)
Propose methods to minimize (countermeasures) the loss of bone mineral density in spaceflight.
Note – This video is episode 1 of a series of biology videos. The purpose of this first episode is to highlight the problem/risk of bone health in spaceflight, and introduce countermeasures.
The episodes that follow will take a closer look at other issues such as renal stone formation, nutrition, exercise, etc…
Resources Needed:
Computer and projector to show video
Internet access to
KWL Chart, Corners and a Diamond Problem Solving Template,
Reflective Journal (All found on educator resource page at
Appendix A and Appendix B from “Microgravity Effects on Human
Physiology: Skeletal System” AP Biology problem from NASA’s Math and Science @ Work project. (May be found in either the Educator or Student version of the problem)
“Microgravity Effects on Human Physiology: Skeletal System” AP
Biology problem from NASA’s Math and Science @ Work project.
Whiteboard or Chart Paper
“Lost in Space: Bone Mineral Density” Algebra 1 problem from
NASA’s Exploring Space Through Math project. Education edition start at pg. 5 and Explain section and complete the rest of the problem. Student edition at Pg. 3.
Subject/Course: AP Biology, Anatomy and Physiology
Project Lead the Way: Biomedical Sciences
(AP Biology course description, 2012)
Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
Enduring understanding 2.A: Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and matter.
Enduring understanding 2.B: Growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis require that cells create and maintain internal environments that are different from their external environments.
Enduring understanding 2.C: Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth and reproduction, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis.
Enduring understanding 2.D: Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system are influenced by changes in the system’s environment.
Principles of the Biomedical Sciences
Human Body Systems Unit
Explore the seven major human body systems: cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, nervous, respiratory, and urinary.
Investigate the interrelatedness of human body systems.
Develop effective skills in conducting internet research, documenting scientific sources, and summarizing key ideas.
Human Body Systems Unit
Explore medical interventions past and present including surgery, medication, technology, and life style choice.
Investigate how medical interventions have changed over time to prolong and improve the quality of life.
(Specify skills/information that will be learned)
(Prior to showing the video presentation)
KWL Activity
Problem Solving Activity
(Describe process for identifying possible solution(s) to the problem presented)
Corners and Diamond Problem
The teacher will:
Share and discuss learning objectives with students.
Use the Spark 101 Video to demonstrate:
current NASA research and findings in the area of bone health,
how NASA designs missions to minimize bone mineral density loss before, during and after space flight, and
how NASA research scientists, medical doctors, flight controllers, and engineers work together to plan safe and effective spaceflight missions.
Describe and clarify KWL procedures
Direct students to discuss information they already know about bone health and bone mineral density. Then, direct students to fill out the K column of the KWL chart.
Describe the video to students accurately.
Ask students what more they want to know about this topic and fill out the W column of the
KWL chart.
Optional: “Lost in Space: Bone Mineral Density”
Algebra 1 problem. Using actual research data, students will use linear functions to explore the rate of bone mineral density loss in space.
If needed, answer students’ questions to clarify definitions, constraints/challenges and risks associated with bone health and long duration spaceflight.
Ask students to restate the challenge in their own words: Given what you have learned about bone mineral density loss while in space and the significance, how might you solve it? Or at least
mitigate, or lessen, the problem?
Explain the Problem Solving strategy to the students.
Distribute, or display on projector, Appendix A of “Microgravity Effects on Human Physiology:
Skeletal System”. Tilted Microgravity Effects on
Human Bone.
Give students specific directions and time limits.
Monitor to ensure students are on task and ask probing questions to push students further.
The student will:
Review the learning objectives and ask for clarification from teacher or classmates if needed.
Learning objectives:
recall materials, procedures, and results of required
AP Biology Lab1: Diffusion and Osmosis
explain feedback mechanisms and how bone homeostasis is maintained
evaluate the physiological impact of bone mineral density loss
compare bone health on Earth and in reduced gravity
quantify bone mineral density loss in space.
Complete the K and W columns of the KWL chart.
Participate in discussion
Consider what they want to know about this topic.
Optional: Complete “Lost in Space: Bone Mineral
Density” Algebra 1 problem.
In their own words, explain the:
Constraints/challenges and risks associated with bone health and long duration spaceflight.
Challenge Question
Work with a partner or in a small group.
Use the Corners and a Diamond Problem solving template.
Write a problem statement
Refer to KWL chart for Known information,
Refer to notes for constraints,
Refer to Appendix A of AP Bio problem,
Agree on at least 2 solutions to present.
Present solutions to the class.
Value others’ opinions.
Checking for Understanding
(Steps to take along the way)
Reflective Journal
Ask students how their answers compared to
Distribute, or display on projector, Appendix B of “Microgravity Effects on Human Physiology:
Skeletal System.” Tilted Countermeasures That
May Prevent Bone Loss.
Note: This is not a complete list and students’ solutions and drawbacks may vary.
Highlight that there is no one right answer and that all countermeasures have drawbacks.
NASA continues research to minimize the drawbacks and optimize solutions.
Optional: Additional research on topic. Current articles and papers can be found continuously with research findings that may be different/updated since the date this episode is produced. May lead to more information to include on Appendix B.
Direct students to complete their Reflective Journals and make comments to push students further.
Discuss students’ reflective journal writing.
Ask students where they would go from here, and what careers/colleges are possible.
Additional Notes:
“Microgravity Effects on Human
Physiology: Skeletal System” AP
Biology problem from NASA’s
Math and Science @ Work project.
Assign the problem. Students should work individually.
Use the scoring rubric (found in the AP Biology problem) to assess student’s knowledge.
Compare solution with NASA’s solution/approach.
Work with partner (or small groups) to revise their solution based on new knowledge.
Complete the L column of the KWL chart.
Write reflective journals.
Think and write about the implications to the bone health of humans on Earth.
Think and write about this field of science and the challenges of a college major or a career in this field.
Complete assignment.