Online Resource 6: Changes in Fish Habitat Distribution under Alternative Emissions Scenarios Compared to Current Conditions Climatic Change Article: Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Fish, Coral Reefs, and Related Ecosystem Services in the United States Authors: Diana Lane, Russell Jones, David Mills, Cameron Wobus, Richard C. Ready, Robert W. Buddemeier, Eric English, Jeremy Martinich, and Kate Shouse, and Heather Hosterman Corresponding author: Diana Lane, Stratus Consulting Inc., Projected changes in distribution of coldwater, cool/warm water, and rough fish guilds by 2100 for the three emissions scenarios compared to current conditions Year 2050 Climate change scenario Guild typea Temperature only 2100 Temperature and precipitation Temperature only Temperature and precipitation Percentage change in area of different fish guilds in 2050 and 2100 compared to current conditions POL3.7 POL4.5 Coldwater -9.8% -3.1% -16.1% -12.0% Cool/warmwater 3.8% 19.6% 5.9% 25.9% -14.6% -9.4% -18.0% -10.5% 5.2% 18.3% 6.5% 33.9% Coldwater -29.1% -26.4% -62.5% -62.0% Cool/warmwater 10.7% 36.5% 13.2% 72.8% Coldwater Cool/warmwater REF Total change in acreage of different fish guilds in 2050 and 2100 compared to current conditions POL3.7 POL4.5 REF Coldwater (70,098) (21,749) (114,913) (85,134) Cool/warmwater 65,510 339,193 101,925 447,195 Rough* 4,588 4,541 12,988 13,271 (104,073) (66,639) (128,313) (74,583) Cool/warmwater 90,147 316,524 113,104 586,738 Rough* 13,926 16,619 15,209 17,013 (207,295) (187,582) (444,935) (441,587) Cool/warmwater 184,675 630,374 227,895 1,258,948 Rough* 22,621 50,597 217,039 447,347 Coldwater Coldwater There is no habitat only suitable for “rough” fish guilds under current conditions, so a percentage change from current conditions was not calculated. b Note: There is no habitat only suitable for “rough” fish guilds (i.e., rough = 0 acres). a 1