150304 Archers Flooding

National Flood Forum
Old Snuff Mill Warehouse
Park Lane, Bewdley
Worcestershire DY12 2EL
Tel 01299 403055
Archers Flooded!
Flooding has hit the Ambridge. How will they be affected? How will they cope? Who
will they turn to?
Paul Cobbing, Chief Executive of the National Flood Forum said,
“As the people of Ambridge are finding out, flooding is a traumatic experience. The
impacts can last for years, and unlike many crises can, and often does return.”
It also takes a long time for people to get back on their feet. Hundreds of people
flooded in the winter of 2013/14 are still out of their homes and the National Flood
Forum is still working with communities in Surrey to help people recover.
We will be listening intently over the coming weeks to see how the people of
Ambridge cope. How will families deal with being forced out of their homes? How
will insurance companies react? Will businesses survive and how will they adapt?
How will the community’s economic resilience be affected?
For help and advice, please visit the National Flood Forum website
www.floodforum.org.uk or call our advice line 01299 403055
The National Flood Forum • Registered Charity No. 1121642
• A Company Limited By Guarantee • Registered in England & Wales No. 4349401
Registered Office: Old Snuff Mill Warehouse, Park Lane, Bewdley, Worcs DY12 2EL • VAT Registered No: 786 2681 83
National Flood Forum
Old Snuff Mill Warehouse
Park Lane, Bewdley
Worcestershire DY12 2EL
Tel 01299 403055
For further information, live quotes or interviews contact:
Paul Cobbing, Chief Executive
Mobile: 0777 3355 181
Email: paul.cobbing@floodforum.org.uk
Editors notes:
The National Flood Forum
The National Flood Forum is a charity dedicated to supporting and representing
flood risk communities. It helps people to recognise, understand and reduce their
flood risks and also helps people to recover if they have been flooded. The
National Flood Forum also works to ensure that the needs of communities are
fully recognised by Government, Environment Agency, local government and the
insurance industry.
Flooding hits health and wealth of communities. The lack of good flood risk
insurance can be financially devastating for families. The effect on the local
economy, particularly housing markets and small businesses, can last for years
and blight severely affected areas. Older and vulnerable people may never
recover, in health or financially, and there is a significant cost to public services
The National Flood Forum provides a range of help and services.
1. Help people to prepare for flooding in order to prevent it or mitigate its
2. Help people to recover their lives once they have been flooded
3. Campaign on behalf of flood risk communities and working with
government and agencies to ensure that they develop a community
The National Flood Forum • Registered Charity No. 1121642
• A Company Limited By Guarantee • Registered in England & Wales No. 4349401
Registered Office: Old Snuff Mill Warehouse, Park Lane, Bewdley, Worcs DY12 2EL • VAT Registered No: 786 2681 83
National Flood Forum
Old Snuff Mill Warehouse
Park Lane, Bewdley
Worcestershire DY12 2EL
Tel 01299 403055
How we help
1. Supporting community flood groups and the work that they do to
reduce their flood risk. We now have over 200 affiliated groups in
England and Wales
2. Helping communities to recover from flooding
3. Providing a telephone help line for all flood related enquiries including
4. Providing information and guidance through our website and our
regular bulletin
5. Providing flood surgeries and exhibitions to help people with their
problems raise awareness
6. Training for local authorities, agencies and the voluntary sector
7. Running Blue Pages, a directory of products
Helpline for advice on flooding issues– 01299 403055,
Website for information and contacts – www.floodforum.org.uk
The National Flood Forum • Registered Charity No. 1121642
• A Company Limited By Guarantee • Registered in England & Wales No. 4349401
Registered Office: Old Snuff Mill Warehouse, Park Lane, Bewdley, Worcs DY12 2EL • VAT Registered No: 786 2681 83