FINAL REPORT CANDIDATE GENES - Genes found following all 4 approximations! - In total 14 genes! - Mc-Donald - Kreitman test alpha: 𝛼=1 − - Fisher exact test: 𝐷𝑠 𝑃𝑛 ( ) 𝐷𝑛 𝑃𝑠 + 1 Gene ID FBgn0031365 FBgn0021856 FBgn0033683 FBgn0025578 FBgn0011694 FBgn0036469 FBgn0037114 FBgn0052450 FBgn0037184 FBgn0027866 FBgn0004436 FBgn0014342 FBgn0025821 FBgn0038363 Chr 2L 2L 2R 2R 2R 3L 3L 3L 3L 3R 3R 3R 3R 3R Start 1758286 21261168 8026200 20667502 21061320 15046668 21659552 22322878 22719334 153536 774477 1373837 7529752 11618410 End 1759093 21262411 8026829 20667951 21061729 15047235 21660080 22323757 22720889 159793 778404 1376354 7530638 11619209 1 1) FBgn004436 class 5’ UTR Ubc6: ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 6 ubiquitin-protein transferase activity 3R: 774477-778404 (near centromere) max 186 k syn_k 0.25641 0.147059 pi 0 syn_pi 0.000226 Dn 10 Pn 0 Ds 10 Ps 1 recomb 0.108814 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.74358 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function p53 binding, ubiquitin-protein transferase activity - GO: Biological process centrome organization and separation, DNA repair, endocyting recycling, mitochondrion degradation, mitotic spindle organization, negative regulation of apoptotic process, proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process - GO: Cellular component: nucleus - Ortho DB: Group EOG7G7Z4H: 54 genes in 53 species InterPro Domains 54 genes with IPR016135: Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme/RWD-like; 54 genes with IPR000608: Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, E2; Evolutionary Rate: 0.57 - Evidences of selection: NO 2 2) FBgn0011694 PebII: protein ejaculatory bulb II multicellular organism reproduction 2R: 21061320-21061729 (near telomere) class CDS 2f max 201 k syn_k 0.235294 0.16667 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 16 Pn 2 Ds 6 Ps 0 recomb 0 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.41176 alpha (MKT): 0.25 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: multicellular organism reproduction, negative regulation of female receptivity, post-mating behaviour - GO: Cellular component: extracellular space - Table S1. Young genes Parental gene: NA; Mechanism: de novo; Age: 25 ~ 35 Myr. - Ortho DB Group EOG7XMFF5: 5 genes in 5 species InterPro Domains: No domains identified. Evolutionary Rate: 1.15 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 201 - 207 > 85.07 - Evidences of selection: YES Zhang, Clark, et al., 2013. Natural genetic variation in male reproductive genes contributes to nontransitivity of sperm competitive ability in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Ecoll. 22: 1400-15. 3 3) FBgn0014342 class CDS 2f mia: meiosis I arrest male meiosis, spermatogenesis, spermatid differentiation and development. 3R: 1373837-1376354 (near centromere) max 1770 k 0.2471 syn_k pi syn_pi 0.223881 0.000173 0.000275 Dn 190 Pn 2 Ds 60 Ps 3 recomb 0 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.10368 alpha (MKT): 0.842105 p-value (Fisher): 0.0983547 - GO: Molecular function: protein heterodimerization activity. - GO: Biological process: male meiosis I, regulation of gene expression, spermatid differentiation, spermatogenesis, meiotic nuclear division, spermatid development. - GO: Cellular component: male germ cell nucleus, nucleolus - OrthoDB: Group EOG7GBTB5: 10 genes in 9 species InterPro Domains 9 genes with IPR011442: Domain of unknown function DUF1546; 1 gene with IPR009072: Histone-fold; Evolutionary Rate: 1.55 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 1770 - 1674 > 80.29 - Evidences of selection: YES Aquadro et al., 2015. Adaptative Evolution of Genes Involved in the Regulation of Germline Stem Cells in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans. G3 Journal: February. 4 4) FBgn0021856 class 3’ UTR l(2)k14505: lethal (2) k14505 ovarian follicle stem cells (+ oogenesis), essential for viability or fertility 2L: 21261168-21262411 (near centromere) max 148 k syn_k 0.411765 0.231405 pi 0 syn_pi 0.0002541 Dn 7 Pn 0 Ds 28 Ps 1 recomb 0.1173 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.779412 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: proton-transporting ATP synthase complex assembly - GO: Cellular component: - OrthoDB: Group EOG74RD5S: 50 genes in 49 species InterPro Domains: 49 genes with IPR011419: ATP12, ATPase F1F0-assembly protein; Evolutionary Rate: 1.06 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: - - Evidences of selection: YES Zhang, Clark, et al., 2013. Natural genetic variation in male reproductive genes contributes to nontransitivity of sperm competitive ability in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Ecoll. 22: 1400-15. 5 5) FBgn0025578 Lcp9: larval cuticle protein 9 development 2R: 20667502-20667951 class introns max 56 k 0.3091 syn_k 0.0909 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 17 Pn 0 Ds 4 Ps 0 recomb 1.8439 Ka/Ks ratio: 3.4 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: structural constituent of chitin-based (larval) cuticle - GO: Biological process: (larval) chitin-based cuticle development - GO: Cellular component: extracellular matrix, extracellular region - OrthoDB: Group EOG7PCWZT: 10 genes in 10 species InterPro Domains: 10 genes with IPR000618: Insect cuticle protein; Evolutionary Rate: 0.95 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 56 - 57 > 71.43 - Evidences of selection: YES (Indirect) Gojobori and Moriyama 1989. J Mol Evol May; 28(5):391-7 Evolution of nested genes with special reference to cuticle proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. Riddiford et al., 1997. Nov:147(3):1213-24. A cluster of cuticle protein genes of Drosophila melanogaster at 65A: sequence, structure and evolution. 6 6) FBgn0025821 class CDS 2f I-t: inhibitor-T testis specific inhibitor 3R: 7529752-7530638 max 555 k syn_k 0.327731 0.293103 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 67 Pn 7 Ds 17 Ps 0 recomb 1.30577 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.118143 alpha (MKT): -0.776119 p-value (Fisher): 0.340244 - GO: Molecular function: protein phosphatase inhibitor activity - GO: Biological process: negative regulation of protein dephosphorylation - GO: Cellular component: - OrthoDB: Group EOG722WQZ: 10 genes in 7 species InterPro Domains: 2 genes with IPR007062: Protein phosphatase inhibitor 2 (IPP-2); Evolutionary Rate: 1.73 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 555 - 504 > 78.17 - Evidences of selection: YES (Indirect) Zhang, Clark, et al., 2013. Natural genetic variation in male reproductive genes contributes to nontransitivity of sperm competitive ability in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol. Ecoll. 22: 1400-15. Aquadro et al., 2015. Adaptative Evolution of Genes Involved in the Regulation of Germline Stem Cells in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans. G3 Journal: February. 7 7) FBgn27866 class 5’ UTR CG9776 (zinc finger protein) (stress and immune pathways?) 3R: 153536-159793 (near centromere) max 159 k 0.3333 syn_k 0.228477 pi 0 syn_pi 0.000226 Dn 9 Pn 0 Ds 138 Ps 4 recomb 0 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.458935 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: - GO: Cellular component: - OrthoDB: Group EOG7XMFBP: 62 genes in 57 species InterPro Domains 47 genes with IPR003604: Zinc finger, U1-type; 6 genes with IPR015880: Zinc finger, C2H2-like; 2 genes with IPR008474: Protein of unknown function DUF755; Evolutionary Rate: 1.29 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: - - Evidences of selection: NO 8 8) FBgn0031365 class CDS 2f CG17650 oxidative stress susceptivility / resistance 2L: 1758286-1759093 (near telomere) max 378 k syn_k pi 0.28125 0.205128 0.000162 syn_pi 0 Dn 41 Pn 5 Ds 8 Ps 0 recomb 2.22823 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.3711 alpha (MKT): 0.02439 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: - GO: Cellular component: - Table S1. Young genes Parental gene: NA; Mechanism: de novo; Age: 11 ~ 25 Myr. - OrthoDB: Group EOG72VVNR: 7 genes in 7 species InterPro Domains: No domains identified. Evolutionary Rate: 1.76 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 378 - 402 > 79.37 - Evidences of selection: YES Weber et al., 2012, PLoS ONE 7(4): e3474. Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Oxidative Stress Resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. oxidative stress susceptivility/resistance genes evolutionary conserved. Chen et al., 2012, Cell Rep. 1(2): 118--132. Frequent Recent Origination of Brain Genes Shaped the Evolution of Foraging Behavior in Drosophila. Table S1. List of young genes and their origin. 9 9) FBgn0033683 CG18343 regeneration process (wing imaginal discs), development 2R: 8026200-8026829 class CDS 2f max 300 k syn_k 0.32203 0.26923 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 44 Pn 2 Ds 14 Ps 0 recomb 2.6031 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.196125 alpha (MKT): 0.36363636 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: - GO: Cellular component: - Table S1. Young genes Parental gene: NA; Mechanism: de novo; Age: 11 ~ 25 Myr. - OrthoDB: Group EOG7X9TQ3: 5 genes in 5 species InterPro Domains: No domains identified. Evolutionary Rate: 1.62 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 300 - 333 > 69.67 - Evidences of selection: YES Chen et al., 2012, Cell Rep. 1(2): 118--132. Frequent Recent Origination of Brain Genes Shaped the Evolution of Foraging Behavior in Drosophila. Table S1. List of young genes and their origin. 10 10) FBgn0036469 class CDS 2f CG18649 3L: 15046668-15047235 max 279 k syn_k 0.242857 0.178571 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 7 Pn 5 Ds 5 Ps 0 recomb 0.761484 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.3600024 alpha (MKT): -2.57142857 p-value (Fisher): 0.244505 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: - GO: Cellular component: - OrthoDB: Your search returned no hits. Please modify your search parameters and try again. - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: - - Evidences of selection: YES (conserved) Ranade et al., 2008, Dev. Biol. 315(2): 521--534. Analysis of the Otd-dependent transcriptome supports the evolutionary conservation of CRX/OTX/OTD functions in flies and vertebrates 11) FBgn0037114 class 3’ UTR Cpr78E: cuticular protein 78E regeneration process (wing imaginal discs), development 3L: 21659552-21660080 (near centromere) max 25 k syn_k 0.291667 0.142857 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 7 Pn 0 Ds 10 Ps 0 recomb 0.346129 Ka/Ks ratio: 2.041671 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 11 - GO: Molecular function: structural constituent of chitin-based (larval) cuticle - GO: Biological process: chitin-based cuticle development - GO: Cellular component: extracellular matrix - OrthoDB: Group EOG7C33GT: 14 genes in 13 species InterPro Domains: 14 genes with IPR000618: Insect cuticle protein; Evolutionary Rate: 1.02 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: - - Evidences of selection: YES (Indirect) Gojobori and Moriyama 1989. J Mol Evol May; 28(5):391-7 Evolution of nested genes with special reference to cuticle proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. Riddiford et al., 1997. Nov:147(3):1213-24. A cluster of cuticle protein genes of Drosophila melanogaster at 65A: sequence, structure and evolution. Ranade et al., 2008, Dev. Biol. 315(2): 521--534. Analysis of the Otd-dependent transcriptome supports the evolutionary conservation of CRX/OTX/OTD functions in flies and vertebrates. 12 12) FBgn0037184 class CDS 0f CG14450 3L: 22719334-22720889 (near centromere) max 1119 k 0.137931 syn_k 0.21 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 16 Pn 0 Ds 6 Ps 0 recomb 0 Ka/Ks ratio: 0.574712 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: - GO: Cellular component: - OrthoDB: Group EOG7D2SVG: 36 genes in 36 species InterPro Domains: No domains identified. Evolutionary Rate: 1.77 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 1119-1122 > 87.13 - Evidences of selection: NO 13 13) FBgn0038363 Acyp2: acylphosphatase 2 acylphosphatase and hydrolase activity 3R: 11618410-11619209 class CDS 0f max 309 k 0.142857 syn_k 0.225 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 29 Pn 0 Ds 9 Ps 0 recomb 2.82917 Ka/Ks ratio: 0.63492 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: acylphosphatase activity, hydrolase activity - GO: Biological process: (cellular metabolic process) - GO: Cellular component: cytoplasm - OrthoDB: Group EOG7HXR6N: 150 genes in 55 species InterPro Domains: 150 genes with IPR001792: Acylphosphatase-like; Evolutionary Rate: 0.96 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: 309 - 375 > 62.78 - Evidences of selection: YES Blanco et al., 2008, Genome Biol. 9(9): R134. Conserved chromosomal clustering of genes governed by chromatin regulators in Drosophila. gene upregulated 14 14) FBgn0052450 CG32450 aging process 3L: 22322878-22323757 (near centromere) class CDS 2f max 477 k syn_k 0.22549 0.173913 pi 0 syn_pi 0 Dn 30 Pn 0 Ds 12 Ps 0 recomb 0.13845 Ka/Ks ratio: 1.2965678 alpha (MKT): 1 p-value (Fisher): 1 - GO: Molecular function: - GO: Biological process: - GO: Cellular component: - OrthoDB: Group EOG710B3H: 11 genes in 9 species InterPro Domains: No domains identified. Evolutionary Rate: 1.77 - Alignment with d. yakuba orthologous gene: Length d. mel - Length d.yak > clustalW score: - Evidences of selection: NO 15 Plots: genes by chr Top: gene name (FBgn00) Bottom: recombination value (cM/Mb) 16 Evidences of selection: Gene ID Gene Name FBgn0011694 Ubc6 (ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 6) PebII (protein ejaculatory bulb II) FBgn0014342 mia (meiosis I arrest) FBgn0021856 l(2)k14505 (lethal (2) k14505) FBgn0025578 FBgn0025821 FBgn0027866 FBgn0031365 FBgn0033683 FBgn0036469 Lcp9 (larval cuticle protein 9) I-t (inhibitor-T) CG9776 (zinc finger protein) CG17650 CG18343 CG18649 FBgn0037114 Cpr78E (cuticular protein 78E) FBgn0037184 FBgn0038363 FBgn0052450 CG14450 Acyp2 (acylphosphatase 2) CG32450 FBgn0004436 GO / process Ev idence of selection ubiquitin-protein transferase activity NO multicellular organism reproduction male meiosis, spermatogenesis, spermatid differentiation and development ovarian follicle stem cells (+ oogenesis), essential for viability or fertility development testis specific inhibitor (stress and immune response pathways?) oxidative stress susceptivility/resistance regeneration process (wing imaginal discs) regeneration process (wing imaginal discs), development acylphosphatase and hydrolase activity aging process YES [1] YES [2] YES [2] YES (Indirect) [3, 4] YES (Indirect) [1, 2] NO YES [5, 6] YES [6] YES (conserved!) [7] YES (Indirect) [3, 4, 7] NO YES [8] NO [1]: Zhang, Clark, et. al., 2013, Mol. Ecol.22 1400--1415. Natural genetic variation in male reproductive genes contributes to nontransitivity of sperm competitive ability in Drosophila melanogaster. [2]: Aquadro et al., 2015. Adaptive Evolution of Genes Involved in the Regulation of Germline Stem Cells in Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans. [3]: Gojobori and Moriyama 1989. J Mol Evol May; 28(5):391-7 Evolution of nested genes with special reference to cuticle proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. [4]: Riddiford et al., 1997. Nov:147(3):1213-24. A cluster of cuticle protein genes of Drosophila melanogaster at 65A: sequence, structure and evolution. [5]: Weber et al., 2012, PLoS ONE 7(4): e3474. Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Oxidative Stress Resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. oxidative stress susceptivility/resistance genes evolutionary conserved. [6]: Chen et al., 2012, Cell Rep. 1(2): 118--132. Frequent Recent Origination of Brain Genes Shaped the Evolution of Foraging Behavior in Drosophila. Table S1. List of young genes and their origin. [7]: Ranade et al., 2008, Dev. Biol. 315(2): 521--534. Analysis of the Otd-dependent transcriptome supports the evolutionary conservation of CRX/OTX/OTD functions in flies and vertebrates. [8]: Blanco et al., 2008, Genome Biol. 9(9): R134. Conserved chromosomal clustering of genes governed by chromatin regulators in Drosophila. gene upregulated 17 EXCLUSION CRITERIA Gene ID Gene Name WEAKNESS FBgn0004436 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 6 recomb = 0.1 NO ES near centromere FBgn0011694 Protein ejaculatory bulb II recomb = 0 near telomere FBgn0014342 meiosis I arrest recomb = 0 FBgn0021856 lethal (2) k14505 recomb = 0.1 ES FBgn0025578 Larval cuticle protein 9 near telomere FBgn0025821 Inhibitor-T recomb = 1.8 recomb = 1.3 (testis specific inhibitor?) FBgn0027866 CG9776 recomb = 0 NO ES near centromere FBgn0031365 CG17650 NO GO FBgn0033683 CG18343 NO GO FBgn0036469 CG18649 FBgn0037114 Cuticular protein 78E FBgn0037184 CG14450 FBgn0038363 Acylphosphatase 2 FBgn0052450 CG32450 no orthologous for d. yak recomb = 0.7 max = 25 nt (Dn + Ds = 17; Pn + Ps = 0) recomb = 0.3 Ka / Ks < 1 recomb = 0 NO GO NO ES Ka / Ks < 1 many orthologous!!! recomb = 0.1 NO ES STRENGTH Young gene (table S1) ES GO: reproduction ES GO: male meiosis, spermatogenesis recomb = 2.2 Young gene (table S1) ES recomb = 2.6 Young gene (table S1) ES recomb = 2.8 ES ES: evidence of selection GO: gene onthology recomb: recombination cM/Mb 18