Level 7 Catechist Notes Lessons 6 through 10 Nov. 18 Lesson 6 The Virgin Mary The focus of this chapter is Mary, the mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. Chapter 6 pgs. 57 – 64 Prayer pg. 57 From the Gospel of Luke. (There are many versions of this prayer in Music. It’s called the Magnificat. If you google you can find a version to play for your group.) Mary was born without sin to be the mother of Jesus. She is our example of trusting in God and His plan for our lives. Many countries honor her as their patron saint and she has appeared to many people throughout the world. Pg. 58 – Read the Scripture. Take note of the Art work on the page. When do we hear this reading? (Advent, and Feast days of Mary.) Have index cards and colored markers/pencils available for an alternate way to do the “Stop and Think” activity on pg. 59. Know It! Feast of the Annunciation is March 25th. Briefly introduce your students to the rosary [pg 202], Optional Activity pg 59. Pg. 61 – Calendar Connection - Feast Day August 15th. Holy Day Of Obligation. Assignment: See paper that is titled: Titles for the Blessed Mother. It explains all that needs to be accomplished for the Presentation by each student for the week of Dec. 9. This is a must do for each student. Daily Dilemma #2 Send home the letter about the topic of the next class. Nov. 25 Dec. 2 No Classes-Thanksgiving Recess Lesson 7 Life Everlasting The focus of this chapter is life everlasting with God in heaven. Chapter 7 pgs. 65 - 74 Prayer pg. 65 From the Psalms. Ask students to use their bibles and find the entire Psalm 71. How long is it? Can they imagine it being sung with a harp? Our faith teaches us Jesus suffered, died and rose so we may have eternal life with God at our deaths, but it is by our own actions, our choices, that we will be with God in heaven; when our physical life ends, our eternal spiritual life begins. Service Project Note: At this age, your students think they are “immortal” and so are their family members and friends; they may not have experienced the death of a close family member or friend, and a discussion of life’s mortality may be uncomfortable and result in some acting out behaviors or some uncomfortable questions for you. Be sensitive to your students and honest in your answers; remember it’s OK to say “I don’t know”, not every question has an answer. This is our faith, the belief in eternal life with God in heaven. Pg. 66 Scripture Reading. Pg. 67 – Start Living section. Pg. 68 – This passage is very long and has many things to comprehend. Take this passage and break it into sections. . Pg. 69 Focus on the Book of Remembrance. Holy Cross has one and the First Weekend in November celebrated a mass which remembered all those who have died and had funerals at Holy Cross. Have colored markers/pencils available to do the Optional Activity on pg 70. For “Catholic Social Teaching” on pg 71, if you haven’t already done so, finalize your service project. End your class with “Being Catholic” pg 73-74, which is on communicating with God through prayer. Liturgy Note #4: Altar Servers and Advent Dec. 9 Non-book Week Focus this week in Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Prayer: pg. 200 The Memorare. Have the class read it silently. Then prayer as a group. Ask students what they believe this prayer means? Do they get a better understanding of Mary from reading and praying this. Challenge them to try to have this memorized by the end of Level 7 studies. It’s an easy, prayer which asks Mary to be with them and assist them. Note: December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. We recall how Mary was conceived without sin. Students are to present to their classmates what they’ve learned about Mary, the Blessed Mother under her various titles. If students did not do this, please call the office. Another project will be assigned to them. To break the ice you might wish to present the Title of Mary that you did. Allow time for students to ask questions. Questions could include, When is her feast day? Do you know of any parishes on Long Island that have that name? What were you surprised to learn about Mary under the title you had? Are there any special prayers for Mary under this title? Daily Dilemma # 25 Dec. 16 Unit 2 Lesson 8 The Mass The focus of this chapter is the Holy Eucharist. Prayer: Pg. 77, the Holy, Holy Jesus was celebrating the feast of Passover, when he blessed the bread and wine and told the Apostles it was His Body and Blood, the blood of the covenant. Jesus is the sacrificial lamb that saved humanity from their sins, just as the lamb’s blood on the doorways saved the Israelites from the final plague and freed them from slavery in Egypt. We believe when the priest consecrates the hosts and wine during the mass, that Jesus is truly present and with us; it is the weekly meal we come together to share as God’s family. Pg. 78 – Read the Scripture. Jesus did this at a Passover Celebration. Pg. 79 - Have students recall the Passover they attended in Level 6. Do they recall reading about the plagues God sent the Egyptians? Have them look in the Bible: Ex 7:14 – 12: 32. Very long passage so you might want to recap. Pg. 80 – Scripture John 6:35. Ask students to look up in their Bible the verses before and after. There is a lot happening on Pg. 80. You might wish to break it up into paragraphs. From you catechist guide on Pg. 80 ask your class those questions in the side bar. Refer to the Photo: The priest is holding the host and the Deacon is holding the cup. Practice with your class the proper way to receive Holy Communion. Remember they need to place the host in their mouth as soon as they receive it. (We’ve noticed a number of people who walk away with the host still in their hand.) Pg. 81 – Know and Believe activity. Pg. 82 – Padre Pio. Saint of the 20th Century. Blessed John Paul II prayed to Padre Pio for a miracle for a friend and it came to be. Pg. 84 Your Turn Activity Liturgy Note: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Dec. 23 Dec. 30 No Classes-Christmas Week No Classes-New Year’s Week Jan. 6 Lesson 9 Sacraments of Christian Initiation The focus of this lesson is Baptism our first Sacrament of Initiation Prayer: Pg. 85. Ask students what they know about their own Baptism. Can they recall a Baptism of a family or friend. Pg. 86 Sacred Scripture. Make sure students understand the word, “Christ” and its meaning of Anointed One. Christ is not the last name of Jesus. Recall from CG pg. 86 More about Baptism. Have class use Bible and read Mt. 28:19-20 and Acts 2:38 – 41. Pg. 87 Start Living – Jesus begins his public ministry after he has been Baptized. Rd. pg. 88 stopping after each paragraph for questions or longer explanation. Pg. 89 Know and believe. Note: Baptism and Confirmation can only be Jan. 13 Lesson 10 Sacraments of Healing received once. But we are invited to receive Eucharist as much as once a day. RCIA – Invite students to attend the Easter Vigil this spring where they can witness adults being welcomed to the Church. Pg. 90 Saint Profiles. Would you leave living in a castle to travel to poor lands? Pg. 91 – Catholic Social Teaching. Do you know people in your school or organizations that you belong to that are not treated fairly or are disrespected? Lead discussion. Pg. 92 Your Turn Daily Dilemma # 13 The focus of this lesson is Reconciliation. Pg. 93 Prayer Ask students if they recall the first time they received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Look at photo on pg. 93 does it look familiar to them? Pg. 94 Sacred Scripture. Emphasize the Old Testament way of treating a sinner and the New Testament way of treating sinners. Pg. 95: Start Living. Pg. 96 Read, making sure students have a clear understanding of Mortal Sin and Venial Sin. Pg. 97 Know and Believe. Have students focus on Reconciliation. Pg. 98 Blessed Pope John Paul - Will be canonized a Saint on April 27, 2014. His first pilgrimage as Pope was to Mexico, not Poland. What do your students remember about Pope John Paul II. Pg. 99 – Make it happen. Make sure students have an understanding of how John Paul gave his suffering to God. Pg. 100 – Your Turn Liturgy Notes #6: The Priest If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email Ellen Fox, DRE (days) 265-2200 – hcreled@aol.com, or Karyn Gillan Level 7 Coordinator (evenings up to 11:00pm) 648-3594 kcgillan@yahoo.com Next meetings are: January 6 @ 7:00pm, January 7 @ 1:30pm, January 8 @ 7:00pm.