Copy, Cover, and Compare Training Protocol We will be scoring words spelled correctly. When scoring words spelled correctly, we are looking at the word as a whole. If a word is spelled incorrectly, put a minus sign (-) above the letter that is incorrect. If a letter is spelled correctly, leave alone and score the word as correct. I do… 1. Suppose a student spelled the word “there” as “thair.” Here is how we would score: - - i. t h a i r Correct or Incorrect ____ Since the student began the word with the letter, “t” we left it alone since it was correct. The same goes for the letters “h.” 2. Watch as I score the following word, “people.” - - i. p e p o l Correct or Incorrect ____ Again, the student misspelled the word. The letters “p, e, and l,” are correct so they were left alone. The incorrect letters were marked with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the letter is wrong. This can be used to provide feedback to the student on an incorrectly spelled word. You do… Now try some by yourself. 1. The word is “would.” i. w o u l d 2. 2) The word is “play.” i. P l a y e Correct or Incorrect ____ Correct or Incorrect ____ Teacher Protocols Cover-Copy-Compare Worksheet Spelling Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Name: Student Response 1a. 1b 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. 3a. 3b. 3c. 4a. 4b. 4c. 5a. 5b. 5c. 6a. 6b. 6c. 7a. 7b. 7c. 8a. 8b. 8c. 9a. 9b. 9c. 10a. 10b. 10c. Date: Teacher Recording Form Name _____________________ Whole Words Spelled Correctly Phase Set A Phase (Number of words correct out of 10) Baseline Week 1 Set B Phase (Number of words correct out of 10) Baseline Week 1 Set C (Number of words correct out of 10) Baseline Week 1 Graphing Performance Sheet Script for CCC Instruction 1. Present the student with a worksheet containing his appropriate list of words. 2. Say, “Look at the first word. Point to the word and say the word.” 2a. If the student is unable to read the word after 5 seconds of wait time, point to the word and say, “This word is ___.” 2b. Say, “Point to the word and say the word.” 3. Say, “Copy the word on the next line.” 3a. If the student misspells the word, say, “Let’s erase that word and try again.” 4. After the student has written the word, say, “Now take your index card and cover both words. Make sure to leave the next blank uncovered.” (A point prompt may be used during instruction to ensure participant understanding.) “Write the word again on the next line. Do not remove your index card until you are finished writing.” 5. After the student has written the word from memory, say, “Now remove your index card and check your spelling. Let’s try it again. 6. Repeat steps 4-5 again. Tell the student “Let’s try that word again.” 7. Repeat steps 4-5 again. Tell the student “Let’s try that word again.” *Note: This step will be repeated twice. 8. 8. Now tell the student ““if the answer was right all three times you can move on to the next problem. If you made a mistake, please erase your writing and do number __ again.” 9. If the student beats their previous score, reinforcement is given and feedback is presented. 10. Teacher graphs student performance. Script for CCC-Progress Monitoring 1. Make a spelling test consisting of the 10 words the student has worked on for the week. Make sure and randomize the order of the words. 2. Tell the student, “Now I am going to give you a spelling test. Take your time and try the best you can.” 3. Give the student a test on his 10 words, dictating the words in a randomized order. Say the word, use the word in a sentence, and say the word again. When the student has completed his test, collect the test sheet for scoring. 4. Look at the words that the student has mastered. Add new words that you obtained during the pre-test to be used on the CCC intervention session. Remember to only have a maximum of 10 words per session. Treatment Integrity Protocol Participant: ____________________ Phase:_________________________ Step 1. Presents the student with a worksheet containing his appropriate list of words 2. Says, “Look at the ____ word. Point to the word and say the word.” 2a. If the student is unable to read the word after 5 seconds of wait time, points to the word and says, “This word is _.” 2b. Says, “Point to the word and say the word.” 3. Says, “Copy the word on the next line.” 3a. If the student misspells the word, says, “Let’s erase that word and try again.” 4. After the student has written the word, says, “Now take your index card and cover both words. Make sure to leave the next blank uncovered.” Uses point prompts as necessary. 5. Says, “Write the word again on the next line. Do not remove your index card until you are finished writing.” 6. After the student has written the word from memory, says, “Now remove your index card and check your spelling. 7. Repeat steps 4-6. Say “Let’s try that word again.” 8. Repeat steps 4-6 again and Say “Let’s try that word one more time.” 9. Now tell the student “if the answer was right all three times you can move on to the next problem. If you made a mistake, please erase your writing and do number __ again.” 10. If the student beats their previous score, reinforcement is given and feedback is presented. 11. Teacher graphs student performance 1 2 3 4 5 6