Mole Conversion Performance Task - Chemistry

Mole Conversion Performance Task
Purpose: Write the purpose after completing the lab.
Procedure: Conduct appropriate measurements and calculations.
Data: Write each question. Record measurements and show all calculations. Clearly label your
answers with appropriate units.
1. What is the mass of one mole of aluminum?
2. What is the mass of an aluminum can?
3. Compare the mass of the aluminum can and one mole of aluminum. Does the aluminum
can contain more than, less than or equal to one mole of aluminum?
4. How many moles of aluminum are in one aluminum can?
5. How many atoms of aluminum are in one aluminum can?
6. How many cans would you need to have one mole of aluminum?
1. What is the molar mass of sodium?
2. How many mg of sodium are in one serving of Frosted Flakes?
3. How many g of sodium are in one serving of Frosted Flakes?
4. How many moles of sodium are in one serving of Frosted Flakes?
5. Extension: Healthy American adults should reduce their sodium intake to no more than
2400 milligrams per day. This is about 1¼ teaspoons of table salt (sodium chloride NaCl).
If 1 teaspoon salt = 2000 mg sodium, how many teaspoons of salt would you need to get
a mole of sodium?
Conclusion: Write a summary of your purpose, procedure, and results. What did you learn from
conducting these calculations?
DUE on the day of your final.