Drain Commission Website Fee Schedule: SMALL RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS Permit Application Review Fee Single Family Residence with Pond Excavation Single Family Residence without Pond Excavation Garages, House Additions, and Pole Barns w/Grading Septic Tank and Drainage Bed Replacement Limited Earth Disruption - No Impact Permit Pond Excavation and Grading Activity (Less than 1 acre) (1-3 acres) (3 acres or more) $25.00 $250.00/year $150.00/year $100.00/project $100.00/project $25.00/project $200.00/year $300.00/year $400.00/year Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Flood Plains are under the jurisdiction of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Contact their Jackson, Michigan office at (517) 780-7915 or you may view the FEMA Flood Plain Maps by clicking on the link http://www.esri.com/hazards/makemap.html. Monroe County, Monroe Charter Township “Zoning Ordinance” 52-2010 http://www.co.monroe.mi.us/docs/Monroe_Twp_Zoning_Ordinance_52_2010.pdf