Girl Scouts of Silver Sage 1410 Etheridge Lane Boise, ID 83704 (208) 377-2011 or (800) 846-0079 INTERVIEW CHECKLIST (TO BE COMPLETED FOR NEW LEADERS AND COLEADERS) This form is to be completed in its entirety by the Service Unit Manager or Council Volunteer Support Team Member based on the in-person interview with the potential new Leader or Co-Leader. [Remind the individual that they need to register as an Adult Member, successfully complete our background check, and complete the required Girl Scout 101 and 102 Training.] Leader/Co-Leader Volunteer Name____________________________________________________________________________ Last First MI Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State ZIP Phone_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Day Evening Best Time to Call Email______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation________________________________ Employer____________________________________________________________ Volunteer Position Desired: Troop: SU #: School: Grade Level: Previously a Girl Scout? If yes, how long? _____years Interviewer: Title:________________________________ Have the applicant provide three individuals not related to them who can be contacted for references. If possible, include one reference from a volunteer experience they have had. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Phone _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State ZIP _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Name Phone _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State ZIP _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Name Phone _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State ZIP _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Questions to ask during the interview: What do you know about Girl Scouts? Please describe any skills or experiences you possess that relate to the volunteer opportunities in which you are interested: Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council Created 7/2014 What experience do you have working with children/youth leadership experience? How comfortable do you feel managing money? For example, you may be responsible for troop finances if you take on the role of the Troop Treasurer (checking account, troop dues, cookie money). Similarly, cookie sales require a fair amount of money handling, and, additionally, a Troop Annual Report is due in June. How comfortable are you dealing with conflict? Between girls/volunteers and parent/parent and parent/between volunteers. Please provide sample scenarios, or examples of previously resolved conflicts. What kind of time commitment are you looking to make? Hours are required for training and meetings, but planning the year with girls will depend on age, how much time you have, etc. Is a good fit to place you in a troop leader/co-leader position? Additional information or comments applicant wishes to provide: Interviewer, please check following (if completed by the Service Unit Manager, please forward a copy of this form to the Volunteer Support Team at the Boise Office): _____I am confident in approving this individual as a ____Troop Leader ____Troop Co-Leader as I believe he/she is a good role model for girls and whose participation will contribute to the success of the troop. Please proceed with the volunteer placement process. ____I do not recommend approval of this individual as a volunteer for our organization. Please send an appropriate rejection letter. If checked, please explain or request a Volunteer Support Team Member contact you: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Service Unit #_______ Troop #___________ ________________________________________________________________ Interviewer Printed Name __________________________________________ Interviewer Signature Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council ______________________________ Date Created 7/2014