
Nancy Wilson Chang 425.431.4616
Approximate Grade Level: 11th - 12th
T/Th 2:00 PM – 2:55 PM
Course Description:
Pre-Calculus is intended for all students who plan to attend a college, university,
vocational, or technical school. The skills and concepts learned in this course are valuable
for students who will pursue a career that requires a good math background. Topics
include: advanced algebra topics such as polynomial, exponential and logarithmic
functions, probability, statistics, linear regressions, trigonometric functions using the unit
circle and waves, rotational motion and both right and non-right triangles. Prerequisite:
Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 or equivalent. Homework required.
Progress/Evaluation Methods:
Students will build a Math Portfolio of components demonstrating their learning,
including class work, homework, sketches, notes, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and progress
reports. Students, parents and instructor will use the Math Portfolio of student work to
assess student learning and progress. Students will regularly monitor their own progress
through status-checks on the accumulation and quality of work in their individual
portfolios. Students will participate in class work, discussions, and review, with
opportunities to make adjustments to their own work.
Credits: Students successfully completing this yearlong course with a score of 80% or
higher are eligible for a 1.0 Pre-Calculus high school credit. Additional WSLP
documented learning components are not required to receive credit for this course.
Resources: Algebra: Functions & Authentic Applications, 3rd Edition, by Jay
Lehmann and Advanced Mathematical Concepts, by Glencoe. Classroom supplies:
special paper such as graph paper, worksheets, mathematical games and puzzles, and
classroom computers. Students supply their own graphing or basic calculator, notebook,
pencils, erasure, paper, and ruler.
Course Goal: Students will understand and apply the concepts and procedures of PreCalculus, through the study and practice of the following objectives, which are derived
from the High School Performance Expectations of the Washington State K-12
Mathematics Learning Standards:
and the Common Core Mathematics Standards:
1. Students will perform operations with functions; find composite functions; find and
recognize inverse functions; graph linear equations and inequalities; write linear
equations in point-intercept and point-slope forms; write equations of parallel and
perpendicular lines; solve systems of equations algebraically and graphically.
Nancy Wilson Chang
Edmonds Heights K-12
2. Students will determine roots of polynomial equations; solve and graph quadratic
equations; use the discriminant to describe the roots of quadratic equations; solve radical
equations and inequalities.
3. Students will change from radian to degree measure, and vice versa, using
degree/radian conversion formulas; find the length of an arc, given the measure of the
central angle; find linear and angular velocities
4. Students will evaluate and simplify expressions containing rational exponents; evaluate
and graph exponential functions with irrational exponents; evaluate expressions involving
logarithms; solve and graph equations involving logarithms; find common logarithms and
antilogarithms of numbers and use common logarithms to compute powers and roots;
solve exponential and logarithmic equations; find natural logarithms of numbers and
solve equations using natural logarithms.
5. Students will use the standard and general forms of the equations of a circle parabolas,
ellipses, and hyperbolas and graph them; recognize conic sections by their equations; find
the equations of conic sections that have been translated or rotated.
6. Students will analyze problem situations and represent them mathematically; select and
apply strategies to solve problems; evaluate solutions for reasonableness; verify accuracy;
interpret solutions in context; generalize solution strategies; read and interpret diagrams,
graphs, and text containing symbols, language, and conventions of mathematics;
summarize mathematical ideas for given audiences and purpose; synthesize information
to draw conclusions; evaluate the arguments and conclusions of others; use inductive and
deductive reasoning.
Activities: Lesson overviews, Logic applications, Forensic applications, Problem
solving, Projects, Games and puzzles, Cooperative learning, Experiential learning,
Mathematical modeling, Computers, Discussion, Textbook assignments, Homework
Instructor - Class Website: Visit Nancy Chang’s site: for
News, Instructional Videos, Lessons, Homework Assignments, Course Descriptions,
Class Schedule, and Instructor bio and contact information.
Nancy Wilson Chang
Edmonds Heights K-12