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Historic Environment Consultation Response
The Manor, Charlton Lane, Queen Charlton
Proposed internal and external alterations, extensions and detached garage building
Ref: 13/01379/LBA
The Manor House is a highly significant grade II* listed building located in the Queen Charlton
Conservation Area in close proximity to the Parish Church. It has C16 origins with early-mid C18 and
mid C19 extensions. A detailed historical analysis of the building is included with the application.
The proposals were the subject of pre-application advice. Following submission of the applications
for listed building consent and planning permission certain aspects of the proposals have been
subject to negotiations. Due to the II* grade English Heritage has been consulted and actively
involved in these negotiations.
I am of the view that the resulting scheme does not cause any significant harm to the historic fabric
and will improve appearance and character. My more detailed response follows:
Internal and external alterations and demolition
Removal of early-mid C20 works which are considered of less architectural and historic significance,
including the backstairs and the boiler room, is considered acceptable in the context of the overall
improvements being proposed. The elements to be removed are recorded in the ‘History of the
Manor’ document referred to above. Removing the lean-to boiler room will reveal the earlier fabric
which is of benefit in architectural and historic terms. A condition requiring details of the treatment
of the exposed historic fabric is requested.
The Boot Room
Altering this earliest part of the building (C16) has involved extensive consideration to ensure the
fabric is fully respected and any disturbance to historic fabric is minimised. Removing the inserted
C19 floor and revealing the full height of the internal space is considered to result in a more
historically accurate reintroduction of the original character. English Heritage has requested that
structural details of the new door opening in the deep stonework of the wall are submitted, and a
condition is included in my recommendation to cover this. It also refers to the need for
archaeological investigation and recording where the ground floor level is to be excavated, and this
is also recommended as conditions.
Glazed entrance
The design of this link element which also serves as the entrance to the house from the yard is
agreed. It involves loss of small elements of C19 fabric, but the overall enhancement resulting
together with a clear introduction of C21 work is not in itself considered harmful.
Stable Block and yard
The design of the proposed alterations and additions to the stable block and garage has been
amended, and the stepped roof verge treatment is now considered acceptable in terms of visual
appearance and character. Details of the windows are also covered by a suggested condition to
ensure they fully respect historic and architectural character.
The simplified design treatment for the yard surface is welcomed. It now avoids a contrived and
over- designed appearance which could harm the setting of the building and particularly this
‘service’ area. Introducing the lean-to store along the side wall is also considered as sympathetic to
By reducing the footprint and height of the building and moving it away from the boundary wall,
previous concerns over its visual impact on the village street scene have been successfully resolved.
A small section of roof will be visible above the wall, but together with the tree planting (existing and
proposed) it is considered that this would not cause any harm to established views in the
conservation area.
Grant consent with conditions:
Time limit
Notwithstanding the approved drawings, prior to commencement of works full large scale details of
all new windows within the development are to be submitted for approval in writing by the local
planning authority.
Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of the listed building
Prior to commencement of the works a structural engineering method statement for insertion of the
new opening in the existing boot room wall is to be submitted to the local planning authority for
approval in writing
Reason: To safeguard the historic fabric and integrity of the listed building
Following demolition of the boiler room and exposure of the earlier historic fabric, the proposed
treatment of the exposed stonework is to be submitted to the local planning authority for approval
in writing.
Reason: To safeguard the historic fabric and character of the listed building
Where works are required to make good any existing stone work they shall be finished to match the
existing including colour, texture, pointing and mortar mix.
To safeguard the character and appearance of the listed building
No development shall take place within the site until the applicant, or their agents or successors in
title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a
written scheme of investigation which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority. The programme of archaeological work should provide a controlled watching
brief during ground works on the site, with provision for excavation of any significant deposits or
features encountered, and shall be carried out by a competent person(s) and completed in
accordance with the approved written scheme of investigation.
Reason: The site is within an area of significant archaeological interest and the Council will wish to
examine and record items of interest discovered.
No development or demolition shall take place within the site until the applicant, or their agents or
successors in title, has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in
accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted to and approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. The programme of archaeological work should provide a
record of those parts of the building(s), which are to be demolished, disturbed or concealed by the
proposed development, and shall be carried out by a competent person(s) and completed in
accordance with the approved written scheme of investigation.
Reason: The building is of significant archaeological interest and the Council will wish to examine and
record features of architectural interest.
John Davey
July 2013