Deep Blue Learning - Indiana State University

Deep Blue Learning
Elevate, Enhance, and Energize Your Teaching and Students
Faculty Teaching
At Indiana State, we’re for energizing your students,
maximizing your classroom potential, enhancing
learning, invigorating teaching, and fostering
relationships. Join us for this six-session series as
we explore the natural critical learning environment in
your classroom through practical strategies for
elevating course introductions, increasing student
participation, and fostering your personal and
professional development.
1. Are You Ready?: Envisioning a Natural Critical
Learning Environment
DATE: Wednesday, September 10, 1-2 p.m.
LOCATION: Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, Cunningham Memorial
Library, Room 103 (just past Cup and Chaucer on the first floor)
DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on designing classroom experiences in
which students learn deeply by addressing intriguing questions and searching for
answers. Participants will discuss how to create a challenging and supportive
environment in which students have the opportunity to try, fail, and receive
feedback as they progress toward content mastery.
2. First Impressions: Inviting Your Students to Join the
DATE: Wednesday, October 1, 1-2 p.m.
LOCATION: Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, Cunningham Memorial
Library, Room 103 (just past Cup and Chaucer on the first floor)
DESCRIPTION: This session will focus on creating initial experiences in your
classroom that invite students into your course content and learning environment.
Discussions will focus on professor promises instead of expectations and include
activities that set the stage for meaningful learning opportunities that challenge
students to achieve their full potential.
3. Keeping Them (and Yourself) Interested: Energizing
Your Classroom
DATE: Wednesday, November 5, 1-2 p.m.
LOCATION: Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, Cunningham Memorial
Library, Room 103 (just past Cup and Chaucer on the first floor)
DESCRIPTION: As a teacher, you are a performer! Teaching is not only about your
subject matter but also includes invigorating your students and instilling the same
passion in them as you possess about your chosen field. Want to learn how? This
session focuses on the creativity and energy within you as a means to encourage
students to attend class. Bring your energy and join us!
4. Lasting Impressions: Inspiring Student Learning
Through Personal Development
DATE: Wednesday, February 4, 1-2 p.m.
LOCATION: Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, Cunningham Memorial
Library, Room 103 (just past Cup and Chaucer on the first floor)
DESCRIPTION: Teaching your students effectively often means extending beyond
the comfort of your subject matter expertise. With the push for authentic, longlasting learning comes the need to move beyond the walls (or website) of your
classroom to something more personal and meaningful. In this workshop, learn
how to invest in the personal development of your students to help them care
about issues bigger than themselves in a safe environment that naturally spurs
deep thinking about your discipline.
5. Knowing Where They Stand: Developing and
Assessing Mastery in the Discipline
DATE: Wednesday, March 4, 1-2 p.m.
LOCATION: Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, Cunningham Memorial
Library, Room 103 (just past Cup and Chaucer on the first floor)
DESCRIPTION: This session will explore strategies for using assessment to do
more than just assign a grade. Assessments can be valuable tools to create a
shared understanding between the student and the instructor regarding student
progress toward content mastery. Participants will explore how assessment aids as
well as measures learning and will discuss communication methods that create
trust and transparency in the student learning process through meaningful
6. Keeping Them Honest: Reducing Cheating While
Increasing Learning
DATE: Wednesday, April 8, 1-2 p.m.
LOCATION: Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence, Cunningham Memorial
Library, Room 103 (just past Cup and Chaucer on the first floor)
DESCRIPTION: This session will explore learning environments that reduce
student motivation and the opportunity to cheat while improving overall student
performance. Participants will discuss strategies that make cheating less
worthwhile, foster intrinsic motivation, and disincentivize surface learning.
Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence
Cunningham Memorial Library - Room 103
(812) 237-2688