Adelaide City Council Community Development Grants 2014/15

Adelaide City Council
Community Development Grants 2014/15
Major Grants Category One – up to $50,000 per year for up to 3 years
Spirit Festival
The Spirit Festival is South Australia’s premier ATSI arts and cultural festival. The
festival builds on presenting and strengthening ATSI arts and culture which reflects on
the community and artist’s health and wellbeing. Furthermore the festival creates
opportunities for employment and participation.
Catherine House
More Women into more
jobs in the City
This project is designed to further strengthen and extend Catherine House’s
relationships with the business sector in Adelaide. These relationships are a vital
component of a drive to solve women's homelessness through the creation of
meaningful long lasting jobs.
Reclink Australia
Rebuilding Lives through
Recreation, Sports and
the Arts
The overall project aims to create and sustain a diverse range of community based
sports, arts, social and recreational programs for individuals and families experiencing
disadvantage. The program helps people maintain positive social connections that
contribute to wellbeing.
Unity Housing
Community Connect in
the City
The Community Connect in the City program helps create a positive profile for Unity
Housing properties in the city. Specifically the aims are to improve behaviour and
encourage positive social interaction and increase social skills and confidence among
the residents.
$30,000 pa
The annual Homeless Connect-Homelessness, Health & Housing Expo is a community
event aimed at people who are homeless and at risk of homelessness and operates
under the Homeless Connect banner, an initiative of the Council of Capital City Lord
Mayors (CCCLM). Services attend the Expo providing information and advice on
health, housing and homelessness issues. The year’s event was held on 15 October
2014, Whitmore Square/Iparrityi.
$25,000 pa
Shelter SA
Homeless Connect:
Homelessness, Health
and Housing Expo
$20,000 pa
$40,000 pa
$35,000 pa
Adelaide Day
Centre for
Empowerment for a
Homeless Persons New Era
A program in which individuals and groups who either live, work or study in the city,
or who visit the city and who experience the need (for whatever reason) for enhanced
connections, will be offered the opportunity to up skill their social, economic,
$30,000 pa
educational, civic and employment potentials in partnership with local residents,
businesses, student services and city interest groups.
Creating Pathways
through Community
The program will undertake needs assessment, identify opportunities to increase
social inclusion and provide alternative and meaningful recreational activities within
local communities, for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Creative Community
Connections for
Aboriginal People
This project targets disconnected Indigenous people in the City of Adelaide to build
new connections with Adelaide and its services and strengthen existing relationships.
It aims to enhance wellbeing using art workshops and other creative expression as the
$15,000 pa
medium. The workshops will be forums that support information sharing on health
and related priorities and services. The project is delivered through a partnership with
the Royal Adelaide Hospital and other service providers in the city.
Sobriety Group
Mobile Assistance Patrol
MAP provides transport to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people under the influence
of alcohol or other substances from public places to places of care, safety and
support. Over 10,000 instances of service are provided per year by MAP, and in many
cases it is their intervention that assists clients to discover the pathway to freedom
from alcohol and other drug addiction.
$46,000 pa
Brian Burdekin
Clinic Health and
Welfare Services
Community Re‐
Integration for
Disconnected City
This is an outreach program which aims to re‐integrate and
Re-connect marginalised and isolated individuals living in the Adelaide central
business district with the broader Adelaide city community.
$35,000 pa
The SA NAIDOC Week activities take part in the first full week of
July each year to celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people and their communities.
$15,000 pa
Hutt Street
Cultural Institute
$40,000 pa
Access to Arts Inc. Sampler
A program of workshops at the City Library that empowers Deaf and disabled artists
to journey from new users of digital art‐making technology to lead creators, explorers
and trainers of digital arts practice.
$15,000 pa
Minor Grants – up to $10,000 (once-off)
Queer Youth Adelaide
A series of Queer Youth Drop-In session events initiated by queer young people,
which include forums, performance events, and visual art exhibitions. They are a
focus for queer young people to meet, take part in creative skill development sessions
in the city.
Life Without
Barriers Inc.
7th Anniversary of the
National Apology to the
Stolen Generations
The National Apology is a significant community event in the Reconciliation Calendar
for 2015. The event honours the members of the Stolen Generations and their
families and continues to develop broad community understanding of the issues.
Journey of
Healing SA
2015 Kutte Yurlurianni
(Reparations) Wodlianni Sorry Day is a celebration of the anniversary of the “Bringing Them Home” report into
Stolen Generations Sorry the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.
Day Event
Baptist Care Inc.
Carols in the Square
A community event in December that brings people together across the South West
City neighbourhood, with a focus on isolated and disadvantaged people that access
services in the area.
Welcome Picnic
The Welcome Picnic connects provides a welcoming environment for Refugees to
foster long term connections with the city and it also showcases the City of Adelaide's
declaration of a Refugee Welcome Zone.
Pro Memoria - Anzac
Stories Project
A community based digital storytelling project based around the collection and
presentation of personal ANZAC stories in recognition of the 100th anniversary of
ANZAC. This project works collaboratively with the local city community and the
stories collected are digitised throughout the city using roving projections onto local
Welcome to
Service to Youth
A 4-month story-telling project that embraces collaboration and creativity in the City.
Pitt Street Wishing Tree It delivers a community engagement project called a “Wishing Tree” that culminates
Building a Connected
in a public exhibition in Pitt Street on both Her Majesty's Theatre and also Uniting
and Creative Community
Communities' buildings as part of the SALA festival.
HYPA Housing - Creating
a Sense of Community
A 12-month community engagement program targeting HYPA tenants, who are young
people living at their supported housing facility in Hocking Court. This program builds
tenant's capacity to participate in the broader community to ensure sustained
positive connections for the community and young people.
Quick Response Grants – up to $2,000 (once-off)
Leo Abello-Rhode
Seed Freedom Festival
The Seed Freedom Festival is a community event that includes activities based
around organic gardening and seed saving workshops, inspirational guest speakers,
information stalls and a food and seed swap.
Garth Brealey
Box Factory Drumming
These workshops reach socially isolated community members living in supported
accommodation in the city and encourage them to engage with community
members through music, creating a fun and supportive environment.
A one day training workshop in media-making for Indigenous participants using
devices such as iPads, iPhones and digital cameras. This is a first for the City Library
that is specifically designed and delivered for Aboriginal participants.
The program involves delivering workshops at various community spaces that aim to
increase awareness of healthy behaviours and promote social interaction.
The 'Stalls on Sturt Street' event brings together the local south west community to
build a stronger sense of community. And is a celebration of the school’s 10 year reopening.
This project is a socially inclusive event that targets clients of the Westcare and also
many local community members to participate in a Christmas meal.
Foundation SA Inc.
Sturt Street
Community School
Baptist Care Inc.
Community Media
Training Project
Eat Well / Move Well
Stalls on Sturt Street
Westcare Christmas
Rick Clise
The Gent’s Haircut –
Stories from the East
"The Gent's Haircut - Stories from the East End" engages the local East End
community at Frank’s Barber Shop in a creative project that collected and produced
stories about the people in the East End.
Life Without
Barriers Inc.
Water for Homeless and
The program provides marginalised and vulnerable people in the west Park Lands
with drinking water during high temperature days in February / March 2015.
Fence Painting
This project delivers a community art event lead by artist, Emma Hack, which brings
community together in a positive way to feel a sense of pride and connection to
their local area.
Feats in Socks
The South West Community Centre's 'Yarning Over Yarn' group delivers two
community workshops in conjunction with the exhibition opening 'Feats in Socks' for
the local community. The group encourages community members to connect with
each other through learning new skills in knitting as well as intergenerational and
multicultural interaction.
Fred's Van - Helping the
Fred’s Van purchases new equipment that enables a safer and more appropriate
transfer of hot and cold food/drinks to their clients, which in those extreme weather
conditions, alleviate the feeling of isolation and in some instances prevent anti-social
behaviour amongst their clients.
Council SA Inc.
Sharing Culture Through
This Harmony Day event at the Gilles St Primary school includes cultural
performances and workshops run by young Armenian and Bantu speaking
community groups. The event is designed as part of the MCCSA Community
Development Training Course in developing the capacity of new migrants to engage
with the community.
Random Acts of
Welcome (RAW)
Refugee Week in the
RAW hosts a free community event at CitySoul Café on Hutt Street to celebrate
Refugee Week in the City and provide an inclusive event for refugees and the local
city community to enjoy together.
Community Movie night
A community movie screening of "The Good Lie" at the Mercury Cinema as part of
Refugee Week 2015 that celebrates diversity in the city and provides an encouraging $1,800
night for refugees and the local city community to enjoy together.
North Adelaide
Precinct Group Inc.
Yarn Over Yarn
St Vincent de Paul
Welcome to
Secondary School
of English
Refugee Voices in the
This musical program based in North Adelaide showcases the talents of young
recently-arrived refugees, provides opportunities for the students to learn new skills
and also an inclusive program for North Adelaide residents to come together.
Service Foundation
Sharing Refugee
This cultural event held at the North Adelaide Community Centre and Library brings
the Liberian Australian community together with the broader community of
Adelaide and includes Liberian cultural performances, traditional Liberian food and
also hosts a movie screening.
Hutt Street Centre
Walk a Mile in my Boots
“Walk a Mile in my Boots” assists in raising awareness to the broad community of
homelessness and also vital funding for the Hutt Street Day Centre.