Tree Identification Lesson Plan: Parts, Functions, Adaptations

Lesson Plan Number : 1
Group size:
Risk Assessment N⁰:
Topic: Tree Identification Project – ‘What is a Tree?’
Learning Objectives ( to share with students):
 To learn the names of the different parts of a tree.
 To understand what role each part plays to the trees survival.
 To learn what adaptations trees can have to make them suitable for certain habitats.
Resources: Provided by school: A3 paper, coloured pens/pencils, scissors, coloured paper, glue
Provided by Watchtree Nature Reserve: ‘What Am I?’ worksheet, ‘What is a Tree?’ Lesson Plan
Learning Outcomes:
We will: Learn about the different
parts and functions of trees.
Through: Creating our own designs
to display information.
In order to: Produce an image of a
tree annotated with all its relevant
parts, what their function is and
how they are adapted to different
Watchtree Nature Reserve Ltd. Education Programme, Great Orton, Carlisle Cumbria. CA5 6NL
Tel: 01228 712539
E-Mail Web Site:
Company registration No. 5214585
Registered Charity No 1127029
Lesson Plan Number : 1
Science: Identify knowledge about the parts of a tree and there adaptations.
Art and Design: Creating individual designs to assist in visual learning.
Introduction: Introduce task and hand out equipment. Discuss with the class what will
be covered in the project.
Starter: Group discussion with the class about what knowledge they already have
about trees.
Development of lesson: (Learning Activities)
Students: All will: Name the basic parts of a tree and what there function is.
Most will: Name the basic parts of a tree with their function and list what the adaptation
of each part is.
Some will: Name all basic and some more complex parts of a tree including what their
function is. Go into more detail about what adaptations parts of trees can have for their
survival in different habitats.
Teacher will ensure all learners are making better than expected progress by having
pace in the lesson and constantly checking that students are working at an appropriate
Students will work independently to draw a picture of a tree on a sheet of A3 paper.
They will then annotate this picture by drawing lines off certain parts and adding flaps
which contain information about what the part is that the line is pointing to, what its
function is and the adaptations each part has. More advanced students can also include
what different adaptations each part might have in different habitats e.g. desert or
If a student requires help they will be encouraged to ask a peer before approaching the
teacher. This will improve confidence.
Watchtree Nature Reserve Ltd. Education Programme, Great Orton, Carlisle Cumbria. CA5 6NL
Tel: 01228 712539
E-Mail Web Site:
Company registration No. 5214585
Registered Charity No 1127029
Lesson Plan Number : 1
Plenary: students will complete the ‘what am I?’ worksheet in order to review the
work completed during the lesson.
Related Resources: ‘What am I?’ worksheet. Tree Identification Project lesson plans
2-6 including all related worksheets and risk assessments. Tree Identification Project
scheme of work and scheme of work introduction.
Watchtree Nature Reserve Ltd. Education Programme, Great Orton, Carlisle Cumbria. CA5 6NL
Tel: 01228 712539
E-Mail Web Site:
Company registration No. 5214585
Registered Charity No 1127029