Earth Science Name SOL Review Practice Block _____ Date 270

Earth Science
SOL Review Practice
Name ____________________________
Block _____ Date _________________
ES 1
140 grams
1. _____ Given the above readings, what is the density of the mineral sample?
A. 210 g/cm3
C. .5 g/cm3
B. 2 g/cm
D. 9,800 g/cm3
2. _____ Which map scale would be the larger scale map?
A. 1:100
C. 1:24,000
B. 1: 2,000
D. 1:48,000
3. _________________________________- Give the
latitude and longitude of Colonial Heights. Use degrees
and minutes.
4. ______ You have completed an experiment and
collected the data. When creating a graph to show the
data where should the dependent variable be placed on
the graph?
A. X- axis
C. Either axis
B. Y- axis
D. Dependent variable cannot be graphed
5. _____ Which best describes how a degree is divided into smaller units?
A. A degree is divided into 24 minutes and each minute into 25 seconds
B. A degree is divided into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds
C. A degree is divided into 60 radians and each radian into 60 quadrants
D. A degree is divided into 24 radians and each radian into 24 quadrants
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6. _____ What is the relief between the two benchmarks shown in the above topographic map?
A. 0 feet
C. 726 feet
B. 122 feet
D. 2,452 feet
7. _______________ What is the contour interval of the topographic map above? Include units.
8. _____ What feature is shown by the contour lines to the immediate left of Crows Nest?
A. Hilltop
C. Stream valley
B. Depression
D. Alluvial fan
9. _____ What are the contour lines indicating just below the “N” in Nest in the above topographic map?
A. A stream is flowing south to north C. A glacier eroded a valley
B. A stream is flowing north to south D. There is a cave in the area
10. _____ Use the topographic map to the right. Which
lettered area shows the steepest slope?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
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ES 2
11. _____ In the graph to the right, what would the hours
studied for exam be?
A. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable
C. Control
D. Constant
12. ______ What conclusion is best reached from this
A. The more hours a student studied the lower the grade
B. The length of study time does not affect grade
C. The more hours a student studies the higher the grade
D. There is no connection between study time and grades/
13. _____ Which statement about a hypothesis is valid?
A. A hypothesis is believe until it can be disproved
B. A hypothesis cannot be tested and proved until a conclusion is reached
C. A hypothesis is only reached after many experiments are performed
D. A hypothesis must be testable to be valid
14. __________ Which statement(s) is/are not valid?
A. Theories provide frameworks for relating data and guiding future research
B. Any valid theory has passed tests designed to invalidate it
C. Theories are static concepts and cannot be invalidated
D. Theories may change as new data becomes available
15. __________ Which statement(s) is/are valid?
A. Changing the independent variable will generally change the outcome of the experiment
B. The independent variable is the one variable manipulated during the experiment
C. The dependent variable is the data collected during the experiment
D. The dependent variable is constant during an experiment
16. _________ Which statement(s) is/are not valid?
A. The nature of science tries to make the world understandable
B. Science is based on evidence- both observational and experimental
C. Science is a blend of logic and innovation
D. Scientists try to engage in peer review to help avoid bias
E. All these are valid
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17. _________ Which statements(s) is/are not valid?
A. There can be more than one scientific explanation for phenomena
B. With competing explanations, one idea will become accepted as data becomes available
C. Any valid scientific theory has passes a few tests to invalidate it
D. Once a scientific law is established it cannot be changed
18. _________ Which statement(s) is/are not valid?
A. Earth is a static system
B. Earths systems can interact and affect each other
C. Earth systems interrelated and influence each other
D. Earth is a totally closed system
19. __________ Which is not an observation based on the picture to the
right? Select all that may apply
A. The person fell off his bike during a storm
B. The person is under the bike
C. The person is wearing dark pants
D. The person is lying on the ground
E. The person is hurt
20. __________ Which is a correct observation about the plants in the
diagram to the right? Select all that may apply.
A. The plants in the “A” group are smaller
B. The plants in the “A” group are not as healthy as “B” group
C. The plants in the “A” group have a smaller root system
D. The plants in the “A” group received less sunlight than “B”
E. The plants in the “A” group are the control group
ES 3
21. _________ What does Earth’s rotation causes? Select all that may apply
A. Day and night
C. Seasons
B. Years
D. Coriolis Effect
22. _____ During which month is the sun located at 23.5o N?
A. June
B. December
C. March
D. September
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23. _________ The Earth’s tilt as it revolves around the sun causes which to occur? Select all that apply.
A. The length of day and night hours within a 24 hour period to vary
B. The rate of Earth’s rotation to vary as the Earth orbits the sun
C. The solar altitude to vary throughout the year
D. Seasons to occur
E. The distance to the sun to change throughout the year to change
24. _____ What event is shown by Figure 1?
A. Solar Eclipse
C. Stellar Variable
B. Galactic Variable
D. Lunar Eclipse
25. _____ Which moon phase is seen during the diagram
shown in Figure 1?
A. Full
C. First quarter
B. Waxing gibbous
D. New
Figure 1
26. _____ What event is shown by Figure 2?
A. Solar Eclipse
C. Stellar Variable
B. Galactic Variable
D. Lunar Eclipse
27. _____ Which moon phase is seen during the diagram
shown in Figure 2?
A. Full
C. First quarter
B. Waxing gibbous
D. New
28. _____ Which tide is shown in Figure 3?
A. Apex
B. Neap
C. Spring
D. Equinox
29. _____ Which tide is shown in Figure 4?
A. Apex
B. Neap
C. Spring
D. Equinox
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
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30. ________________ Write the letter that corresponds to a property of an inner planet. Select all that apply.
31. ________________ Write the letter that corresponds to a property of an outer planet. Select all that apply.
A. Solid, rocky crust
E. Icy, frozen gas crust
B. Rocky core
F. Metallic core
C. Most have thicker atmospheres
G. Most have thinner atmospheres
D. Have generally a greater density
H. Have generally a lesser density
32. _____ Which element is the most common element on the Sun?
A. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
B. Helium
D. Gold
E. Iron
33. _____ What best explains the tail of the comet as it appears in the
A. The speed the Sun causes the tail
B. A nearby black hole’s gravity
C. The solar wind from the sun
D. The gravitational pull of the Moon
E. The gravitational pull of the Earth
34. _____ Where are most asteroids located?
A. Between Earth and Mars
B. Between the Earth and the Moon
C. Between Venus and Earth
D. Between Mars and Jupiter
35. _____ Most “shooting stars” are dust particles burning up in the atmosphere. What are these called?
A. Meteoroids
C. Meteorites
B. Meteors
D. Asteroids
36. _____ Which manned mission series sent one man into space in the 1950’s and 1960’s?
A. Apollo
C. Mercury
B. Gemini
D. Galileo
37. _____ Who was the first American in space?
A. Alan Shepard
B. Neil Armstrong
C. John Glenn
D. Buzz Aldrin
38. _____ Who was the first American to orbit the Earth?
A. Alan Shepard
C. John Glenn
B. Neil Armstrong
D. Buzz Aldrin
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39. _____ Which space series had two astronauts practicing space walks, and docking in space?
A. Apollo
C. Mercury
B. Gemini
D. Galileo
40. _____ Which was the space mission series to land on the Moon?
A. Apollo
C. Mercury
B. Gemini
D. Galileo
41. _____ Who was the first man to walk on the Moon?
A. Alan Shepard
C. John Glenn
B. Neil Armstrong
D. Buzz Aldrin
42. _____ How many men have walked on the Moon?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. 24
43. _____ Which unmanned space probe reached the outer planets in the 1980’s?
A. Voyager
C. Cassini
B. Galileo
D. Hubble
44. _____ Which unmanned space probe reached Jupiter in 1995?
A. Voyager
C. Cassini
B. Galileo
D. Hubble
45. _____ Which unmanned space probe reached Saturn in 2004?
A. Voyager
C. Cassini
B. Galileo
D. Hubble
ES 4
46. __________ Which is not a criteria to be a mineral? Select all that apply.
A. Naturally occurring
C. Chemical formula
B. Compound
D. Crystalline
E. Organic
F. Mixture
47. _____ Which shows the correct order of the four most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust from 1 st to 4th ?
A. Iron, Aluminum, Oxygen, Silicon
B. Oxygen, Aluminum, Iron, Silicon
C. Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Iron
D. Silicon, Aluminum, Oxygen, Iron
E. Silicon, Oxygen, Iron, Aluminum
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48. ____________ Which mineral properties are determined by the way the atoms are arranged in the mineral?
Select all that apply.
A. Hardness
C. Color
E. Cleavage
B. Fracture
D. Crystal system
F. Streak
49. ________ Which is not a common mineral found in Virginia? Select all that apply.
A. Quartz
C. Feldspar
E. Calcite
B. Mica
D. Ulexite
F. Gabbro
50. __________ Which properties of a mineral may be determined in the field by inspection or simple field tests?
Select all that apply.
A. Crystal system
C. Streak
E. Fluorescence
B. Color
D. Radioactivity
F. Hardness
51. _________ Minerals are grouped by similar chemical patterns. Which minerals would be in the silicate family
based on composition? Select all that apply.
A. SiO2
C. CaCO3
E. Be3Al2Si6O18
B. NaCl
D. AlO2
F. Mg2SiO4
52. _________ Which of the following are ore minerals found in Virginia? Select all that apply
A. Halite
C. Pyrite
E. Galena
B. Hematite
D. Magnetite
F. Calcite
ES 5
53. ________ On what basis are rock identified and classified? Select all that apply.
A. Texture
C. Composition
E. Age
B. Latitude of formation D. Longitude of formation
54. ________Which of the following is an example of an intrusive igneous rock? Select all that apply.
A. Sandstone
C. Limestone
E. Granite
B. Gneiss
D. Marble
F. Basalt
55. _____ If an igneous rock has large crystals, what does this indicate about the cooling history?
A. The magma cooled slowly
C. The magma cooled quickly
B. The magma did not cool
D. The magma cooled first slowly then quickly
56. _______ Which of the following is an example of a clastic sedimentary rock? Select all that apply.
A. Shale
C. Slate
E. Gneiss
B. Conglomerate
D. Coal
F. Sandstone
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57. _____ Which common mineral in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia is common in limestone and marble?
A. Quartz
C. Mica
E. Calcite
B. Feldspar
D. Hematite
58. _____ What term is used to describe the texture shown by this
metamorphic rock?
A. Stratification
C. Bedding Plane
B. Foliation
D. Joint Set
59. _____ What term describe this property of sedimentary rocks?
A. Stratification
C. Bedding Plane
B. Foliation
D. Joint Set
60. _____ Which is not a way rock may become metamorphic?
A. Heat
C. Pressure
B. Hot fluids
D. Age of rock
ES 6
61. _____ Which type resources are able to be replaced by nature at a rate close to the rate of use?
A. Nonrenewable
C. Useable
E. Nonconsumable
B. Renewable
D. Nonuseable
62. _________ Why are fossil fuels still widely used today? Select all that apply.
A. They are relatively cheap compared to other sources
B. They cause few pollution problems
C. They are easy to process and use once extracted
D. They are widespread and will last for centuries
63. ______ Which of the following is a fossil fuel found in southwestern Virginia?
A. Tar Sands
C. Oil Shale
E. Coal
B. Natural Gas
D. Petroleum
64. _____ Which is the correct sequence in coal formation?
A. Peat, Lignite, Anthracite, Bituminous
B. Lignite, Peat, Anthracite, Bituminous
C. Peat, Lignite, Bituminous, Anthracite
D. Bituminous, Anthracite, Lignite, Peat
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65. _____ What best describes the relationship between carbon content and energy potential of coal?
A. As the carbon level increases the energy potential increases
B. As the carbon level decreases the energy potential increases
C. There is no relationship between carbon content and energy potential
D. There is no carbon in coal
ES 7
. C
t S
Name the physiographic province rshown by each
r t
t a
i t
f i
i f
t a
i t
67. Name the physiographic province of Virginia by the
. Rolling hills underlain by ancient igneous and metamorphic rock.
. C
These rocks are quarried and used for construction.
e ridges and are the
year old rock, ethese are long, high
d Up to a billion
oldest rocks in the state.
i d unconsolidated sediments
i by the erosion of
n Flat, young
the Appalachian Mountains and Piedmontgwhen sea level was higher.
SOL Review Questions
l P
Page 10
D_____________________________ Rugged, irregular topography underlain by ancient, flat-lying
sedimentary rocks. This area was produced by faults and erosional down-cut valleys.
E_____________________________ Made of long, parallel ridges and valleys underlain by ancient folded
and faulted sedimentary rocks.
68. Identify each layer of the earth by location on the diagram. Give
e the letter that shows each layer.
Outer Core _____
Crust _____
Inner Core _____
69.________ What are the two main divisions of the Earth that applies to the Plate Tectonic Model? Choose 2
A. Mantle
C. Lithosphere
E. Cryosphere
B. Hydrosphere
D. Geosphere
F. Asthenosphere
Place the letter of the property associated with the type of crust on the appropriate line.
______________ Oceanic Crust
_____________ Continental Crust
A. Mostly younger, thinner, and denser
B. Mostly older, thicker, and less dense
C. Made mainly of felsic magmas and lavas
D. Made mainly of mafic magmas and lavas
E. Associated with Granite family igneous rocks
F. Associated with Gabbro family igneous rocks
71. _______ Which of the following are associated with plate boundaries? Select all that apply.
A. Earthquakes
C. Volcanoes
E. Mountains
B. Cratons
D. Olympus Mans
F. Valles Marinaris
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72 Write in the correct type plate using the terms to the
lower right of the diagram.
73. Fill in the “Results in” area of the diagram using the
terms at the bottom.
74. Place the correct number in the diagram by Plate
A,B, or C using the diagrams areas labeled with the
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75. ____Which letter shows the diagram part that best
matches the scenario seen above it?
76. _____ Which letter shows the diagram part that
best matches the scenario seen above it?
77. _________ Which features are associated with subduction boundaries? Select all that apply
A. Volcanoes on the overriding plate E. Deep focus earthquakes
B. Volcanoes on the subducting plate F. Shallow focus earthquakes only
C. Mid- ocean ridges
G. Passive continental margins
D. Mountains on the continent
H. Deep sea trench
78. __________ Which features are associated with a mid-ocean ridge? Select all that apply.
A. Deep focus earthquakes
E. Black smokers
B. Rift valleys
F. Deep sea trench
C. New oceanic crust
G. Convergence
D. Volcanic activity
H. Divergence
Write in the name of each type of fold seen in the diagram.
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80. Identify the type of fault and the associated stress that creates
Fault A
each in the diagram below.
_____________________Name of Fault A
_____________________ Name of Stress causing Fault A
Fault B
____________________ Name of Fault B
____________________ Name of Stress causing Fault B
____________________ Name of Fault C
Fault C
____________________ Name of Stress causing Fault C
81. _____ What factor will determine the size of the sediment deposited?
A. The age of the rock weathered
C. The type of rock weathered
B. The latitude of the rock when weathered D. The energy of the transporting medium
ES 8
82. ____ What type of topography is shown by the
diagram ?
A. Karst
D. Coriolis
B. Piedmont
E. Valley and Ridge
C. Plateau
F. Rayleigh
83. _____ What type or rock is most likely to be found to create the above topography?
A. Granite
C. Basalt
E. Gneiss
B. Sandstone
D. Limestone
F. Shale
84. _____ Which physiographic province of Virginia is the above diagram most likely to be found in?
A. Coastal Plain
C. Piedmont
E. Appalachian Plateau
B. Valley and Ridge
D. Blue Ridge
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85. Arrange the soil horizons in order to the diagram.
C, B, O, A
86. _____ In which soil horizon will most organic matter be found?
87. Label the following areas in the diagram. Zone of aeration, Zone of saturation, Water Table.
88. Name the feature that develops when water is
pumped from an aquifer in the diagram.
89. _____________ Select the three major regional watershed systems in Virginia.
A. North Carolina Sounds
C. Gulf of Mexico
E. Delaware Bay
B. Hudson Bay
D. Bay of Fundy
F. Chesapeake Bay
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ES 9
90. ___________ Which physiographic provinces of Virginia contain fossils of marine organisms? Select all.
A. Coastal Plain
C. Piedmont
E. Appalachian Plateau
B. Blue Ridge
D. Valley and Ridge
91. ______ Which best shows the age of the Earth?
A. 4.6 million years
C. 4.6 billion years
B. 8.4 million years
D. 8.4 billion years
D. 14 million years
E. 14 billion years
92. ______ Which letter shows the oldest rock layer in Figure A?
93. ______ Which letter shows the youngest rock layer in Figure A?
Figure A
94. ______ What geologic principal is used to state that rock layer B is older than rock layers R in Figure A?
A. Crosscutting
C. Inclusions
E. Contact Metamorphism
B. Superposition
D. Original horizontality
95. ______ Which arranges the events in proper order from
oldest to youngest in Figure B?
A. G, E, C, A, B
B. G, F, Fault X-Y, A, B
C. G, Fault X-Y, B, C
D. G, E, Fault X-Y, B, A
96. ______ What is seen beneath rock layer C in the Figure B?
A. A flat contact with the rock beneath
B. An example of inclusions
Figure B
C. An unconformity
D. Sequestrational deformity
97. ______ What is the youngest rock layer in Figure C?
A. layer 5
C. layer 2
B. layer 4
D. layer 1
C. layer 3
98. _____ Which geologic principal is used to determine the age of the
youngest layer?
A. Crosscutting C. Inclusions
E. Contact Metamorphism
B. Superposition
D. Original horizontality
Figure C
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99. _____ Which best shows the correct order of geologic time units from largest to smallest?
A. Epoch, Period, Era, Eon
C. Era, Period, Eon, Epoch
B. Eon, Era, Period, Epoch
D. Period, Eon, Epoch, Era
100. __________ There have been at several major mass extinctions in Earth’s history of life. What factors may
be responsible for these? Select all that may apply.
A. Asteroid/ comet impacts
C. Widespread volcanism
B. Continental collisions
D. Rapid climate changes
101. _____ The greatest extinction separated the Paleozoic Era from the Mesozoic Era. What is this “Great Die”
called in terms of the Geologic Time Scale?
A. Permian Extinction
C. Pleistocene Extinction
E. Cambrian Explosion
B. Miocene Extinction
D. Permian Explosion
102. __________ Which of the following can be used for absolute time determinations? Select all that apply.
A. Varves
C. Tree Rings
E. Trace fossils
B. Superposition
D. Erosional Remnants
F. Radioactive isotopes
103. _____ Element X is a radioactive element with a half life of 2 million years. The rock sample you are given
has Element X inside it. After you measure Element X in the rock sample you discover only 1/8 of the parent
element is remaining. How old is the rock sample?
A. 2 million years
C. 6 million years
E. 10 million years
B. 4 million years
D. 8 million years
F. 12 million years
ES 10
104. ______ What is the cause of most waves in the ocean?
A. Tidal influences of the Moon
C. Minor earthquakes
B. Tidal influences of the Sun
D. Wind
E. Coriolis Effect
105. _________ Which best describes the motion of most surface ocean currents? Choose two.
A. Warm currents flow from the equator, cold currents away towards the equator
B. Warm current flow toward the equator, cold currents away from the equator
C. Warm currents flow near the east coasts, cold currents flow near the west coasts
D. Warm currents flow near the west coasts, cold currents flow near the east coasts
106. _________ What factors control the formation of ocean tides on Earth? Choose all that apply.
A. Gravitational pull of the Sun
C. Gravitational pull of Jupiter
B. Gravitational pull of a nearby Black Hole
D. Gravitational pull of the Moon
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107. _____ Which process is the major mechanism of heat transfer in the oceans, atmosphere, and Earth’s
A. Radiation
C. Conduction
E. Convection
B. Bilaterial exchange E. Kelvin transfer
108. _____ What process of bringing deeper water to the surface does the diagram to
the right show?
A. Upwelling
C. Nearshore transport
B. Downwelling
D. Overturning
109. _____ What are the values of the areas where deeper waters come the surface?
A. They bring fresh water to the surface
B. They bring nutrient poor water to the surface to enrich it
C. They bring nutrient rich water to the surface
D. They bring saltier water to the surface
110. Label the areas marked in the diagram.
Continental Slope
Continental Margin
Continental Shelf
111. Label the features found in the diagram below. Use the letter by each term.
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112. _____ The Chesapeake Bay is an area where fresh water and salt water mix, producing variations in salinity
and high biological activity. What term best applies to the Chesapeake Bay?
A. Slack water
C. Estuary
E. Wetland
B. Lagoon
D. Salt Marsh
ES 11
113. __________ What gases were found in the early Earth’s atmosphere? Select all that apply
A. Carbon dioxide
C. Methane
E. Water vapor
G. Helium
B. Ozone
D. Carbon monoxide F. Hydrogen
114. _____ Which best describes the source for the early Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Forest fires
C. Photosynthesis
E. Volcanic eruption
B. Impact of meteors D. Respiration
115. _____ Which two gases today dominate the Earth’s atmosphere and in what percents?
A. Oxygen 78%, Nitrogen 21%
C. Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%
B. Oxygen, 78%, Carbon dioxide 21% D. Carbon dioxide 78%, Oxygen 21%
116. What name is given to the effect shown in Figure A? Fill
in your answer in the diagram.
Figure A
117. ___________ What types of heat transfer methods are
involved with Figure A ? Select all that may apply.
A. Convection
C. Inertial
B. Conduction
D. Radiation
118. _________ Which gases in the atmosphere help absorb and retain help? Select all that apply
A. Hydrogen
C. Carbon dioxide
E. Argon
B. Nitrogen
D. Water Vapor
119. _____ What early life form helped consume carbon dioxide and generate oxygen?
A. Land plants
C. Ferns
E. Dinosaurs
B. Cyanobacteria
D. Invertebrates
120. ____________ Which of the following are factors that affect climate? Select all that apply.
A. Latitude
C. Elevation
E. Proximity to large bodies of water
B. Proximity to mountains
D. Longitude
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121. _____ If global warming does occur, what will be the effect on sea level?
A. Sea level will not be effected
C. Sea level will rise
B. Sea level will fall
D. All continents would be submerged
122. _____ What do some scientists blame on the increases in global carbon dioxide levels and global warming?
A. Burning of fossil fuels and the release of Carbon Dioxide
B. Burning of fossil fuels and the release of Nitrogen
C. Burning of fossil fuels and the release of Oxygen
D. Deforestation and the release of Oxygen
D. Deforestation and the release of Nitrogen
123. _____ What is the main factor that controls the amount of solar energy reaching any given point on Earth’s
A. Longitude
C. Solar altitude
E. Lunar altitude
B. Distance to the Sun
D. Lunar phases
124. _____ What are surface winds caused by? Select all that may apply.
A. Tides
C. Lunar phases
E. Pressure gradient forces
B. Unequal heating of the Earth’s surface
D. Equal heating of the Earth’s surface
125. Name the global wind systems and pressure
systems seen in Figure A.
A. __________________________
B. __________________________
C. __________________________
D. __________________________
E. __________________________
F. __________________________
Figure A
G. __________________________
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Fill in the proper areas for the local wind diagram shown. Show the position of the High pressure area
with a H, the Low pressure area with a L. (Place letter inside appropriate box) Show the surface advection
pattern with an arrow with direction. Show the upper level wind direction with another arrow.
_____________________ Name this breeze
Does this show a Day or Night scenario?
127. Fill in the proper areas for the local wind diagram shown. Show the position of the High pressure area with
a H, the Low pressure area with a L. (Place letter inside appropriate box) Show the surface advection pattern
with an arrow with direction. Show the upper level wind direction with another arrow.
_____________________ Name this breeze
Does this show a Day or Night scenario?
128. __________ What does the jet stream do to affect weather here at the surface? Select all that apply.
A. Cause hurricanes
C. Steer weather patterns
E. Give water vapor to atmospher
B. Cause seasons
D. Impart energy to storms
129. ______ It is January 23 and the temperature is 18O F for the high temperature here in Colonial Heights.
Which air mass must be affecting our weather?
A. mP
B. mT
C. cT
D. cP
E. cA
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130. _____ It is July 23 and the temperature is 102OF and the dew point is 75OF. Which air mass must be affecting
our weather?
A. mP
B. mT
C. cT
D. cP
E. cA
Use the weather map in Figure A to answer the following?
Figure A
Weather Station location
131. Fill in either the letter H for High or the letter L for low in to boxes in the diagram.
132. _____ What are the lines of equal air pressure on the map called?
A. Isotherms
C. Isostasy
E. Isometrics
B. Isobars
D. Isomers
133. _____ What type of front in located in the Gulf of Mexico?
A. Cold front
C. Warm front
E. Occluded front
B. Stationary front
D. Articulated front
134. _____ What type of front is located off the coast of North Carolina and out to sea?
A. Cold front
C. Warm front
E. Occluded front
B. Stationary front
D. Articulated front
135. Give the current weather information for the area marked inside the dashed circle in Colorado.
_________ Air Temperature ________ Dew Point _____________ Air Pressure
__________ Wind direction
__________ Wind speed
_________ % cloud cover
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136. What type of weather may be expected at each location in Figure A?
Use the letter of the areas marked on the map
______ Clearing skies and cooler temperatures.
______ Increasing cloud and rain approaching
______ Warm, with thunderstorms possible
______ Overcast, cooler temperatures, windy
137. _____ What is issued by the National Weather Service if severe weather has been detected or sighted?
A. Watch
C. Caution
E. Alert
B. Code Red
D. Warning
138. _____ What scale is used to measure the intensity of a tornado?
A. Enhanced Fujita Scale
C. Enhanced Moh’s Scale
E. Enhanced Richter Scale
B. Enhanced Saffir- Simpson Scale
D. Enhanced Mohrovicic Scale
139. _________ Where do most hurricanes form? Select all that may apply.
A. Near occluded fronts
C. Over ocean water 80OF or higher
E. Near the Polar Front
B. At the equator
D. From 5-20 latitudes
F. By the subtropical jet stream
140. _____ What is the sequence that correctly lists tropical development?
A. Hurricane, Tropical Storm, Tropical Depression
B. Tropical Storm, Tropical Depression, Hurricane
C. Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, Hurricane
D. Tropical Depression, Hurricane, Tropical Storm
141. _____ What scale is used to measure the intensity of a hurricane?
A. Fujita Scale
C. Moh’s Scale
E. Richter Scale
B. Saffir- Simpson Scale
D. Mohorovicic Scale
142. _____ Where is the wind speed the highest in a hurricane?
A. In the eye
C. In the outer bands
B. At the 750 millibar level
D. In the eyewall
E. Same all over
143. _____ What conditions are necessary for clouds to form? Select all that apply.
A. Air must sink
C. Air must cool to dew point
E. Pure dry air
B. Air must rise
D. Air must be dry
F. Condensation nuclei must be found
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144. _____ Which is not a factor for a thunderstorm to be considered severe?
A. Winds 58 mph or greater
C. Tornado
E. All are factors
B. Hail ¾ inch or larger
D. Frequent lightning
ES 13
145. _____ Which is the best estimate for the age of the universe?
A. 4.5 billion years
C. 10.5 billion years
B. 7.5 billion years
D. 14.6 billion years
E. 19.3 billion years
146. _____ Which theory is more accepted to explain the origin of the universe?
A. Nebular Theory
C. Big Bang Theory
E. Small Implosion Theory
B. Sol Theory
D. Black Hole Theory
147. _____ Which theory is described in the Figure A?
A. Nebular Theory
C. Big Bang Theory
E. Small Implosion
B. Sol Theory
D. Black Hole Theory
Figure A
148. __________ The mass of a star will control which factors about that
star? Select all that apply.
A. Evolution sequence
C. Lifespan
E. Death sequence
B. Apparent Magnitude
D. Distance from Earth
149. _____ The cloud of interstellar dust and gas that may form a star is called a(n):
A. Constellation
C. Nebula
D. Black Hole
B. Asteroid
D. White Hole
150. _________ The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shows
the relationship between absolute magnitude (Luminosity)
and surface temperatures of stars. What relationship is
shown by this diagram? Select all that may apply.
A. Spectral classes are determined by temperature
B. The hotter the star the lower the absolute
magnitude generally is
C. The higher the temperature the higher the
luminosity generally is
D. Most White Dwarfs are in Spectral Class M
E. Main sequence stars are the most common
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151. _____What is a large system of stars in a collective body called?
A. Solar system
C. Pangaea
E. Galaxy
B. Black Hole
D. Pathalassa
152. Write the proper galaxy type in the box below each galaxy.
Types of galaxies: Elliptical
153._____ What is the name and type of galaxy our solar system is in?
A. Newtonial Galaxy- spiral type
D. Milky Way- spiral type
B. Newtonial Galaxy- elliptical
E. Milky Way- elliptical
C. Newtonial Galaxy- irregular
F. Milky Way- irregular
154. _____What is the distance that light travels in a year called and how far is it?
A. Parsec- 6 trillion miles
D. Parsec- 6 million miles
B. Light year- 6 trillion miles
E. Light year- 6 million miles
C. Parallax- 6 trillion miles
F. Parallax- 6 million miles
155. _____ Where do heavier elements like Iron even heavier elements like Gold form?
A. In very small star cores
D. In supernovas
B. In a nebula
E. During the Big Bang
C. In the core of planets
F. At the surface of a star
156. __________ Which of the following star types may our Sun eventually become? Select all that apply.
A. Red Supergiant
D. Red Giant
B. White dwarf
E. Supernova
C. Black Hole
F. Neutron Star
157. _____ Nuclear fusion occurs in the core of a star. What is the “fuel” of most nuclear fusion in a star?
A. Hydrogen
C. Iron
B. Helium
D. Gold
C. Nitrogen
E. Calcium
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158. _____ Flat areas of the deep ocean floor covered in sediment (the flattest areas on earth’s surface) are
A. Seamounts
D. Abyssal Plains
B. Guyots
E. Mid-Ocean ridges
C. Oceanic Trenches
159. _____ The apparent shift in wavelength due to stars moving away from each other
shown in the diagram to the rights is called?
A. Blue Shift
D. Milankovich Shift
B. Red Shift
E. Light shift
C. Bernoulli’s shift
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