FZK111 - Physics I Physics and measurements; vectors; coordinate systems and frames of reference; motion in one and two dimensions;
Newton’s first law and inertial frames; Newton’s second and third law; circular motion and other applications of Newton’s laws; work and
energy; potential energy and conservation of energy; linear momentum and collisions; kinematics of a rigid body; rolling motion, angular
momentum and torque; static equilibrium and elasticity.
FZK121 - Physics Laboratory Numerical analysis and error calculations; experiment of measurement and drawing graphics; components of
a force and static equilibrium; a particle with constant acceleration; motion in a plane and frictional coefficient; simple pendulum and
calculation of gravitational constant; conservation of energy; conservation of lineer momentum; investigation of angular momentum and
torque; Hooke's law and investigation of simple harmonic motion.
KMY103 - General Chemistry I Introduction of general chemistry; chemistry and matter; atom, molecule and ion; molecules formulas and
nomenclature; stoichiometry, mole, chemical equations; solution stoichiometry and chemical analysis; gases; chemical thermodynamics;
quantum chemistry; periodical tables; chemical bonding; orbitals; liquids and solids.
KMY163 - General Chemistry Laboratory I First day in general chemistry lab.; common and specialized laboratory equipment; purification
techniques; titration of acid bases; indicators; stoichiometry; diffusion of gases; redox reactions; solubility; an equilibrium constant;
chemical synthesis.
MAT101 - Calculus I Definition of functions, kinds of functions and plotting their graphs; limits, continiuty and differentiations; derivatives
of functions and their applications; velocity and other rates of change; mean value theorem, rolle theorem; properties of exponantiol and
logarithm functions and their graphs; techniques of integration; evaluating definite integrals; evaluating volume; lengths of curves; method
of slicing, disks and washers; areas of sufaces of revolutions.
FZK112 - Physics II Physics and measurements; electric fields; electric potential; capacitance and dielectrics; current and resistance; direct
current circuits; magnetic fields; sources of the magnetic fields; faradays's law; inductance; alternating current circuits; RLC circuits;
electromagnetic waves.
FZK122 - Physics Laboratory II Physical measurements, accuracy and precision, probability distributions, mean values; standart deviation,
error analysis, propagation of errors, errors in the mean values; conductors and insulators, charge polarization, charging by conduction and
induction; use of multimeters for electrical measurements; current in series and parallel dc curciuts; Kirchhoff's law; batteries and
voltages in series and parallel dc curciuts; ohm's law; measuring current, voltage and resistances with a multimeter; wheatstone bridge;
condansators, measuring of capacitance; RC curciuts; magnetic fields and inductors, RL circuits; internal resistance and electromotive force;
KMY104 - General Chemistry II Phase diagram; property of solutions; chemical kinetics; chemical equilibrium; acids-bases; application of
aqueous solutions; electrochemistry; classification of organic compounds; amino acid, carbohydrate and protein.
KMY164 - General Chemistry Laboratory II Amphoterichydrolysis crystallization; preparing of solution; acid-base titration; chemical
kinetics; factors influencing reaction rates; neutralization; buffer solutions; soap preparing.
MAT102 - Calculus II Numerical methods, Newton’s and Simpson’s rules; limits and L'hospital rules; infinite sequences and series;
convergence of sequences and series; systems of coordinates and calculations of areas; classifacation of differetial equations; solutions of
methods for differential equations; vectors in space; vectoral functions; vector algebra; gradient, diverjans, green, stoks theorems;
functions of two or more variables; chain rule and differentials; evaluating stasyoner points; related subjects with physics.
BSP231 - Computer Applications I Introduction to computer; introducing and using the packet programs and Mathematica; basic numerical
calculations; some mathematical functions; complex numbers; assigning variable; making lists and tables; algebraic calculations; assigning a
value to a variable and replacing; transforming algebraic expressions; picking out pieces of algebraic expression; symbolic Mathematica;
taking derivative, differential, integral and limit; equations and solutions; series; listing and tabling; vectors and matrixes; list related
functions; sketching graphics.
FZK211 - Physics III Universal law of gravitation; fluid dynamics; vibrations; wave motion; sound waves; principle of superposition;
temperature, heat and first law of thermodynamics; kinetic theory of gases; second law of thermodynamics; optics.
FZK213 - Physics Laboratory III Significant numbers; types of errors, standart deviation, and error calculation; presentation of experiment
sets; determination of specific heat of metals; measurement of viscosity coefficient using the falling ball in the gliseride; thin lenses;
refraction of light; passing of light from the materials with parallel surfaces; measuring of sound velocity; resistance and inductance of an
inductive coil.
FZK231 - Mathematical Methods in Physics I Linear equations; echelons; matrices; vectors, space vectors, matrics; basis and dimensions;
complex matrices, elementary row operations, congruent matrices; square matrices; vector spaces; subspaces, linear spans; inner product
spaces; orthogonality, inner product and matrices; determinants; minors and cofactors, Cramer's rule; eigenvalues and eigenvectors;
FZK251 - Electronics I Electrical elements and circuits, power and energy transfer; electrical sources, basic circuit laws and resistive circuits;
source illustrations and transformations; circuit analysis methods, loop current and node voltage methods; Thevenin and Norton theorem;
superposition principle, basic circuit reactions; steady state alternating current circuits, periodic functions; vector notations of quantity,
frequency reaction of circuits; resonance effect; physics of semiconductors, charge flow processes; pn junction theory; pn junction diodes
and their physical operational principles; zener and tunnel diodes; applications of diodes.
FZK253 - Electronics Laboratory I Introduction to laboratory; laboratory safety instructions; the usage of instruments and devices;
investigation of oscilloscope and signal generator; resistance/capacitance-RC circuits; resistance/inductance-RL circuits;
resistance/inductance/capacitance-RLC-circuits; diode characteristics; zener diodes and ac to dc converters; input/output empedances.
BSP232 - Computer Applications II Introduction to programming; introduction to algorithma; Do loop and applications; conditional
expressions and applications using If, While and Which commands; importing and exporting of data; write a program using Function
command; Mathematica packages.
FZK212 - Modern Physics Einsteins theory of relativity; relativistic dynamics; black body radiation; photoelectric effect; compton scattering;
wave-particle duality; Heisenberg uncertanity principle; introduction to quantum physics; basics of quantum mechanics; Bohr's hydrogen
atom; theory of solids; superconductivity; nuclear physics
FZK214 - Modern Physics Laboratory Determination of the sound velocity using Kund's tube; characteristic curves of a solar cell;
characteristic curves of electron tube; interference of microwaves; diffraction of microwaves; electron spin resonance; spectra of twoelectron systems; Franck-Hertz experiment; absorption of gama rays; energy loss of alpha particles in matter; black body radiation; motion
of electrons in the magnetic field and the electric field.
FZK252 - Electronics II Operational amplifiers; introduction to nonlinear circuit elements; three terminal devices and basic circuits; bipolar
junction transistors (npn ve pnp); physical structure, characteristics and applications of bipolar transistors; physical structures of field effect
transistors; characteristics of field effect transistors; junction field effect transistors; analysis of transistor circuits; differential amplifiers;
MOSFET and JFET differential amplifiers.
FZK254 - Electronics Laboratory II AND and OR logic gates; zener diode characteristics and zener diode regulators; operational amplifiers;
collector current and voltage in a transistor, and characteristics of collector current; the dc / ac current line of a transistor; the amplifier of
a common based transistor and in-resistor; applications of transistors; Darlington connection; differential amplifiers; FET characteristics
and FET amplifiers.
MAT202 - Differantial Equations Classifation of differential equations; exact differential equations; serable differential equations; special
integrating factors and transformations; linear and Bernoulli equations; the homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients; the
method of undetermined coefficiens; the Cauchy-Euler equations; applications of second-order linear differential equations; power series
solutions about singular points; the method of Frobenius; Bessel's equations; Laplace transform; Laplace transformation of linear systems
FZK311 - Mechanics Fundamental laws of newtonian mechanics; applications in one dimension; harmonic oscillator; dynamics of a particle;
the two body problem; Centipetal force; Kepler’s problem; collisions; motion of a system of particles; Statics, kinematics, and dynamics of
rigid bodies; Euler's angles; D’alembert principle; Lagrange's equations; symmetry properties of Lagrange's equations and the laws of
conservation; theory of small vibrations; Hamilton's equations; canonic transformations; poisson paranthesis; small infinitesimal canonic
transformations; theory of Hamilton-jacobi, Liouville's theorem.
FZK321 - Electricity and Magnetism I Vector analsis; differantial calculus; integral calculus; electrostatics; electric field and its differantial
properties; electrostatic potential; electrostatic energy of charge distributions; conductors; electrostatic boundary conditions; methods for
potential calculations (series expansions, dipole moment); Laplace equations and their solutions; method of separation of variables;
electrostatic in matter.
FZK341 - Quantum Mechanics I The birth of quantum mechanics; black-body radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Bohr theory,
wave paticle duality; wave packets and the uncertainity relations; the Schrödinger wave equation and probability interpretation; wave
functions in momentum space; eigenfunctions and eigenvalues; potential problems and tunneling; Kronig-Penney model; harmonic
oscillator and hermite polynomials; Dirac notation, vector spaces, operators; commutators and properties, harmonic oscillator with
operators; many particle systems, identical particles, Pauli principle, Slater determinants; the Schrödinger equation; central potential
problems; free particle in spherical coordinates; angular momentum and spherical harmonics; hydrogen atom.
FZK312 - Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics I Zeroth law; equation of state and ideal gases; work, heat, internal energy and first law
of thermodynamics; heat capacities and enthalpy; quasi-static adiabatic processes; second law; entropy of an ideal gas; third law; free
energies; Maxwell relations; free expansion; Joule-Thomson process; Carnot, Otto and Diesel cycles; probabiliy concepts and random walk;
Binomial, Poisson and Gaussian distributions; statistical methods, microstates and entropy, microcanonical distributions; entropy of ideal
gas; entropy of mixing and the gibbs paradox; canonical distributions; equipartiton and virial theorems; harmonic oscillators; magnetic
systems, paramagnetism, negative temperature, magnetization and susceptibility; grand canonical distribution; non-interacting particle
systems, Maxwell velocity distribution; Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics.
FZK322 - Electricity and Magnetism II Magnetism and Biot-Savart law; magnetic vector potential; magnetism inside matter;
electrodynamics; induction and Faraday law; magnetic field and energy; dynamic boundary conditions; electromagnetic fields, and energy
and momentum content of fields; electromagnetic waves and Maxwell equations; optics; radiation electric and magnetic dipole radiation;
theory of relativity; electromagnetism in Minkoswky space.
FZK352 - Digital Electronics Digital & analog quantities and digital waveforms; basic logic operations and integrated circuits; decimal,
binary, hexadecimal, octal, numbers; bcd and grey code; logic (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EXCLUSIVE-NOR) gates; Boolean algebra, truth table,
Karnaugh maps; 7-segment display; combinational logic and the usage of NAND and NOR gates; basic and parallel adders; comparators,
encoders and decoders; multiplexers and demultiplexers; flip-flops: edge triggered and master-slave flip-flops, and characteristics; 555
timers; counters: asynchronous and synchronous, up/down, cascaded; shift registers.
FZK354 - Digital Electronics Laboratory Introduction to digital laboratory; safety instructions and basis of the digital electronics; the usage
of instruments and devices; analysing logic gates; Boolean algebra and digital circuit design; displayers; arithmetical operation circuits;
combinational circuits; flip/flops; counters; shift register.
FZK421 - Optics and Waves I Simple and damped harmonic motion; forced oscillations and resonance; characteristics of waves and power
of a wave; classical wave equations; superposition of wave; standing waves; resonance; characteristics of sound waves and longitudinal
waves; doppler effect; shock waves; Fourier analysis of waves; Maxwell's equations; electromagnetic waves and light; Poynting vector and
radiation pressure; single slit, double slit, and diffraction grating; polarization.
FZK451 - Solid State Physics I Crystal structures; reciprocal lattices; crystal bonds; crystal bonds; phonons; thermal properties of phonons;
free electron and fermi gas; energy bands; semiconductor.
FZK442 - Atomic Physics Atomic models; Bohr Theory of atom; energy levels and transitions; wave function of hydrogen atom; solution of
Schrödinger equation-spherical harmonics; angular momentum and spin (Stern-Gerlach experiment); spin-orbit interaction and fine
structure; ground state terms-Hund's rules; Zeeman effect and hyperfine structure; Starck effect; multielectron atoms; helium atom;
periodic table.
FZK462 - Nuclear Physics Einstein's principle of relativity; introduction to quantum mechanics; uncertainity principle; hydrogen atom; spin
and orbital quantum numbers, and exclusion principle; nuclear structure and properties; nuclear stability, nuclear spin and magnetic
moment, nuclear magnetic resonance; binding energy; nuclear models: liquid-drop model, independent-particle model, collective model;
radioactivity: half-life, unit of activity; decay processes; alpha, beta and gamma decays; carbon dating; electron capture; natural
radioactivity; nuclear reactions and scattering; neutron interaction; nuclear fission and fusion; nuclear reactors; plasma and its
confinement; radiation damage in matter.
FZK331 - Mathematical Methods in Physics II Linear differential equation systems; Laplace transformation, Convolution and integral
equations; Fourier Series; Partial Derivative Differential equatios; complex analysis; Cauchy-Riemann equations; derivative of analytical
functions; Cauchy, Morera and Liouville theorems; Laurent series; rezidue theorem.
FZK381 - Introduction to Atmospheric Physics Solar end terrestrial radiation; mechanisms of heat transfer; temperature; world distribution
of temperatures; moisture and atmospheric stability; hydrologic cycle; forms of condensation and precipitation; cloud classifications; air
pressure and winds; circulation of tha atmosphere; observed distribution of surface pressure; air masses; weather patterns; warm-cold
FZK391 - History and Philosophy of Science I Science, philosophy and the philosophy of science; achient science; science and existence;
universe; new age science and birth; science in east ad west; Impetus Science and classical physics; Ibn Sînâ, Jean Brudan, Gazzâlî and
Descartes; big crisis in physics and birth of modern physics; modern physics.
FZK336 - Numerical Analysis in Physics Numerical solution of some problems in physics and mathematics; solution of linear and nonlinear
differential equations; matrix problems; solution of some problems in physics using computer and development of solution methods.
FZK342 - Quantum Mechanics II Interaction of electrons with electromagnetic field; Hall effect; flux quantization and Aharanov-Bohm
effect; operators, matrices and spin; paramagnetic resonance; spin and orbital angular momentum; Clebsch-Gordan coefficient; timeindependent perturbation theory; degenerate perturbation theory; Stark effect; hydrogen atom and relativistic interaction; spin-orbital
interaction; anomalous Zeeman effect; variational principles; helium atom; exclusion principle and exchange interaction; hydrogen
molecule ion; WKB approximation; alpha-decay and Gamow theory; time-dependent perturbation theory; golden rule; scattering theory;
partial wave analysis; optical theorem; Born approximation; rutherford scattering.
FZK356 - Structure and Properties of Matter Crystal structures; elasticite theory; crystal deformations; plastic deformation and cracks;
phases in metallic systems; phase diagrams; diffusion in metals; phase transitions; annealing process and mechanism; electronic structures
and physical properties.
FZK382 - Introduction to Air Pollution Elemens of air pollution; effects of air pollution; origin of air pollution; particulate matter; air
pollution meteorology; atmospheric energy balance; air pollution chemistry; atmospheric photochemical reactions; photochemical smog;
aeresol processes in the urban atmosphere; micrometeorology; basic equations of atmospheric fluid mechanics; atmospheric diffusion;
Eulerian approaches.
FZK392 - History and Philosophy of Science II Science and truth; Science mistism, syantism; classical and comtemprory science philosophy:
1. Compte and classical positism, Vianna circumtances, logic positivism and truthfulness; 2. Karl Popper and wrongfulness; Thomas Khun,
structure of scientific revolution and paradigma; Paul Feyerabend and anarshist science theory; Imre Lakatos and scientific research
programs and methodology.
FZK453 - Introduction to Superconductivity Classical theory of conductance; Fermi surfaces at conductors; special methods for cooling
near zero Kelvin; discovery of superconductivity; electric and magnetic properties of superconductor; Meissner effect; London equations
for electrodynamics in superconductors; type II superconductivity; magnetic vortices; magnetic levitation and stability. Applications.
FZK455 - Laser Physics and Applications Introduction to lasers; stimulated transitions; atomic velocity equations; laser pumping and
inverse population;linear and nonlinear pulse transition; laser mirrors; optical beam and diffraction; laser equations; Q-switching.
FZK479 - Plasma Physics Plasmas in nature and its definition; concept of temperature; debye shielding; criteria for plasmas; nuclear
fusion; a particle drifting in uniform and nonuniform E and B fields; guiding center drifts; adyabatik invariants; the tecniques confining
plasmas: magnetic field confinement and inertial confinement (magnetic mirror and tokamak); plasmas as fluids: the fluid equation of
motion; kinetic theory; derivation of the fluid equations; Boltzmann-Vlasov equation and Vlasov-Maxwell equations; MHD equations and
FZK422 - Optics and Waves II Wave optics; interferometer; holography and Frourier optics; lasers; electromagnetic and polarization; wave
energy propogation, vibration; forced oscilation and resonance phenomena; propagation and absorption in three dimensions; Fresnel
representation of interference; beat; speed of the sound in the air and strength and pressure relation; spherical propogation of sound;
Doppler phenomena; physical properties and application of ultrasound.
FZK444 - Atomic Spectrum Simplest line spectra and elements of atomic theory; empirical hydrogen terms; Bohr theory of Balmer terms;
energy level diagrams; wave mechanics and quantum mechanics; alkali spectra; spectrum of helium; multiplet structure of line spectra and
electron spin; physical interpretation of the quantum numbers; Zeeman effect and Stark effect; periyodic system of elements; finer details
of atomic spectra; hyperfine structure of spectral lines.
FZK452 - Solid State Physics II Fermi surfaces and metals; superconductivity; plasmons; polaritons; polarons; optical process and excitons;
dielectrics and ferroelectrics; surfaces and interfaces; nanostructures.
FZK454 - Applied Superconductivity
FZK456 - Semiconductor Devices Semiconductor properties; semiconductor joints and diods; basics of transistors; defects distribution; high
frequency properties of transistor; semiconductor band structure; high current density and charge carriers; field effect transistors;
composite joints; microcircuits.
FZK476 - Special Relativity Michelson-Morley experiment; some thought experiments (gedankenexperimente) and results; absoluteness of
time; Lorentz transformation and matrix representation; electric field transformation; energy and momentum conversation; Compton
experiment; general relativity.
FZK478 - Fundemental Particles Relativity; beams and interactions; Gauge invariance; non-Abelian Gauge theory; Dirac equation; standard
model; leptons; quarks; electroweak theory; quantum chromodynamics; Higgs mechanism; W and Z bosons; muon decay; accelerator;
detectors; isospin invariance; scattering and structure functions; test of standard model; grand unification; supersimetry; SO(n) and SU(n)
groups; string theory.
FZK482 - Atmosferic Measurement Methods General description of atmosphere; mechanisms of heat transfer; vertical temperature
distribution; world distribution of temperature; atmospheric chemistry; hydrologic cycle; atmospheric aerosol; cloud classifications;
radiation; atmospheric thermodynamics and vertical stability; distribution of surface pressure; cloud physics; weather patterns; warm-cold
FZK492 - Philoshopy and Methods of Physics Physics, mathematics, and philosophy; conceptual analysis of philosophy of physics; dual
meaning of physics and philosophy of physics; universe and physics; physics as a science; antique, classic and modern philosophy and basic
problem area of philosophy of physics in terms of theories: 1. being known, oneness and existance of universe; 2. basic phisical catagories:
time, space.