TFA Gender Roles Poster

Things Fall Apart Gender Roles Poster (20 project points)
One thematic concept expressed in Things Fall Apart deals with gender and Okonkwo’s perception of masculinity and
femininity. Throughout the novel, Okonkwo expresses his dislike for feminine traits that he associates with weakness and
inferiority. His ideas are based on his experiences with his father and his desire to be different from him. In this chapter, the
reader views various incidents that reveal Okonkwo’s pride in his masculinity.
Objectives: Recognizing and identifying thematic concepts.
Compare, contrast and discuss perceptions of gender roles of the Ibo culture in relation to our own
Part 1: Complete the chart below. Find three more examples with your group.
Okonkwo shows his manliness by
participating in Ikemefuna’s death.
Okonkwo is shamed by his grief.
Obierika’s son, Maduka, shakes
hands with Okonkwo, and
Okonkwo wishes his own son
Nwoye were more like Maduka.
Obierika relates the details of
Ndulue and Ozoemena’s deaths.
Okonkwo’s Reaction
“‘I cannot understand why you refused to
come with us to kill that boy,’ he asked
Obierika.” (Pg. 66)
(pg.65- 66)
Okonkwo wants to illustrate his
manliness by relating the story of his
participation in Ikemefuna’s death.
Okonkwo realizes that his grief has
caused him to become dependent on others‚
sulk‚ and become idle. He is ashamed of
his reaction and responds with indignation
at the thought.
Nwoye is not the strong young man
Okonkwo wishes him to be; he wishes
Nwoye were more like Ikemefuna, or that
Ezinma were his son instead.
“‘It was always said that Ndulue and
Ozoemena had one mind,…He could not
do anything without her.’ ‘I did not know
that,’ said Okonkwo. ‘I thought he was a
strong man in his youth.’” (Pg.
Note: Each group member should be responsible for finding their own example and placing it on the poster.
Part 2 [Comparison Analysis]: After you place your individual examples, quotes and explanations on the poster. You need
to compare and contrast the perceptions of gender roles here to the ones we have in our culture. Your comparison needs to be
a paragraph explanation as to whether our perception of gender is more similar or more different to Ibo culture. After you
write your paragraph add a giant plus sign to show that you think our cultures are more similar in the way we view gender.
Add a big minus sign if you believe our culture is more different than the way our vultures view gender roles. Remember:
Okonkwo does not always have the same views as his culture. Consider this as you write your paragraphs.
Example on poster: (remember each group member needs to do one of these individually once complete, you will glue it to
your poster)
Example: Okonkwo shows his manliness by
participating in Ikemefuna’s death.
Okonkwo's Reaction: “‘I cannot
understand why you refused to come
with us to kill that boy,’ he asked
Obierika.” (Pg. 66)
Explanation:Okonkwo wants to
illustrate his manliness by relating the
story of his participation in Ikemefuna’s
Name __________________
Okonkwo shows us that masculinity is
definied through action and violence. In
contrast, the sympathy displayed by Obierika,
to Okonkwo is regarded as feminine. By
comparison, much of what it means to be
masculine in our culture also has to do with
violence and action, but not to the extent we
see in Okonkwo. Emotions like pity or
sympathy in the context of death in our
culture seem to be an attribute shared by
both males and females, while perhaps being
less acceptable for men in the Ibo culture.
This may be inferred by the number of men
who accompany Okonkwo in his task to kill
Part 3: Include an illustration of 1 example of gender roles from the poster. Include an illustration of an example of
gender roles within our culture.
Part 4: Group discussion and analysis: As a group discuss the three examples you provided from the text. Weigh
the examples here and create a Venn Diagram comparing similarities and differences between gender perceptions of
Ibo and American Culture Include at least 4 differences and three similarities.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
4 points
3 points
2 points
Examples, reactions and
explanations are displayed
thoroughly. Each section is
written in complete
sentences. No grammatical
5 points
Examples, reactions and
explanations are displayed but
may be missing an element.
The show a few grammatical
Content needs work.
Content written is
not expressed in
complete sentences.
Content is confusing and
Content written is not
expressed in complete
Paragraph references an
example from the text and
correctly illustrates masculine
and feminine perceptions
within cultures. The
paragraph is at least 4
sentences and states an
opinion about whether our
cultures are more similar or
more different. No
grammatical errors
Illustrations are neat and
clearly display content
discussed on the poster.
Paragraph references an
example from the text and
illustrates masculine and
feminine perceptions within
cultures but could use clarity.
The paragraph is at least 4
sentences and states an
opinion about whether our
cultures are more similar or
more different. 1 to 2
grammatical errors.
Illustrations are neat and
vaguely display content
discussed on the poster.
References to the
text are somewhat
vague and could use
clarity. The
paragraph is short of
four sentences.
There are more than
3 to 4 grammatical
The paragraph is vague
and unclear. The
paragraph is short and
there are 5 or more
Illustrations are
sloppy and display
content on the
Illustrations are sloppy
and do not display
content on poster.
Venn Diagram meets length
requirements. The examples
are well thought out.
Venn Diagram falls short on
one of the length
requirements. The examples
are well thought out.
Venn Diagram falls
short on two or
more of the length
requirements. The
examples do not
require much
Venn Diagram falls
short on three or more
of the length
requirements. The
examples do not require
much thought.