to a copy of the charging policy

Charging Policy 2014
National Leaders of Education,(NLEs),Local Leaders of Education,
(LLEs) and Specialist Leaders of Education,(SLEs).
National Leaders of Education, NLEs
NLEs are outstanding headteachers or principals who use their skills and experience to support
other schools. NLEs own schools are outstanding, with consistently high levels of pupil
performance. NLEs support schools in the most challenging circumstances. The focus of the NLE is
to assist the supported school in making significant and sustained progress. Support could be
provided by working alongside the existing headteacher or through consultancy support, with some
staff from the National Support School (NSS). Four headteachers within the alliance are NLEs:
L. George- Prince Bishops Community Primary School
L. Patterson- Etherley Lane Nursery School
F. Gowland- Our lady and St Thomas RC Primary School
A. Lupton- Crook Primary School
Local Leaders in Education, LLEs
Local Leaders of Education are serving headteachers or principals with at least 3 years of headship
experience whose schools have good outcomes in attainment. LLEs work outside their own schools,
providing support to another headteacher. The two headteachers work together to drive forward
improvements. LLEs also provide support to new headteachers in their first two years of headship
as part of the Head Start programme. Six Headteachers within the alliance are LLEs
Mr D. Brown- Ramshaw Primary School
Mrs J. Sarsfield- West Cornforth Primary School
Mrs S. Taylor- Burnopfield Primary School
Mr S. Whelerton-Staindrop CE Primary School
Mr D. Eason- Fishburn Primary School
Specialist Leaders in Education, SLEs
Specialist Leaders in Education are outstanding middle and senior leaders such as assistant
headteachers, key stage leaders or subject leaders with at least two years of leadership
experience. SLEs have an excellent knowledge in a particular area of expertise and a successful
record of supporting other middle and senior leaders in other schools. The SLE focuses on
developing leadership capacity so that other leaders develop the skills to lead their own teams
more effectively. The alliance has 15 SLEs.
Specialist Area
Mrs K. Bushby
Miss A. Grayson
Mrs E. Sturrock
Mrs T. Kidd
Mr P. Atherton
Mrs L. Cooper
Miss R. Stanhope
Mrs K. Costello
Mrs K.A. Lee
Miss A. Clough
Mrs J. Crosby
Mrs C. Speight
Mrs J. Madgwick
Mrs K. Lee
Mrs R. Newbold
Mr P. Robertson
Crook Primary School
Chilton Primary School
Ramshaw Primary School
Prince Bishops Primary School
Deaf Hill Primary School
Sunnybrow Primary School
Burnside Primary School
Vane Road Primary School
Prince Bishops Primary School
St Benet’s RC Primary School
Ludworth Primary School
Langley Park Primary School
Etherley Lane Nursery School
Hartside Primary School
The Oaks Secondary School
St John’s School and 6th Form
Financial Management
Different organisations will commission support from SLEs, LLEs and NLEs and teaching schools.
The most likely commissioners include schools, academy chains and local authorities. A teaching
school may commission support for a school within its alliance. The commissioning body will usually
fund the support.
The broker for the support is effectively the matchmaker- a school, individual or organisation that
matches an SLE, LLE or NLE to the supported school and negotiates how the support will work.
For each deployment the brokering process will involve:
Finding the right SLE, LLE or NLE to undertake the specific support
Agreeing the objectives and expected impact
Agreeing the support approach
Agreeing the time commitment and financial terms
The SLE, LLE or NLE is deployed to support another school.
The deployment could take different forms depending on the needs of the supported school.
Quality Assurance and Review
The broker is usually responsible for ensuring that any support is delivered to a high standard and
for reviewing progress against agreed objectives. The National College is responsible for the
review of LLEs and NLEs. Teaching schools are responsible for the review of designation of SLEs.
Funding for NLEs and LLEs is available as a bursary from the National College or through the
bidding process as part of the NLE/LLE Deployment Fund. Schools in receipt of funding are
responsible for managing their own funds.
 If the teaching school alliance commissions support to a school it will usually fund the support.
 For schools brokering their own support from a NLE the cost will be £550 per day, a rate that
has been agreed across the 12 regional local authorities.
 Schools brokering support from The Durham Teaching School Alliance will be charged £50 per
day of the deployment as an administration fee.
 The NLE will receive £150 per day
 The NLEs school will receive £350 per day.
 When charging schools the NLE will give consideration to the type and duration of support and
may offer some concessions.
 If the teaching school alliance commissions support to a school it will usually fund the support.
 The daily rate for an LLE is £400 per day.
 Schools brokering support from The Durham Teaching School Alliance will be charged £50 per
day of the deployment as an administration fee.
 The LLE will receive £100 per day
 The LLEs school will receive £250 per day.
 When charging schools the LLE will give consideration to the type and duration of support and
may offer some concessions
 The Teaching School Alliance may commission and fund support to schools.
 SLEs can only be brokered through the teaching school alliance.
 SLEs will be charged out at £300 per day, £175 per half day or twilight.
 The SLEs school will receive payment of £250 to cover supply costs/preparation.
 The SLEs school will determine whether the SLE receives remuneration or preparation time..etc
(payment to the SLE will be made from the allocation made to the school)
 The Teaching School Alliance will retain £50 per day of the deployment for administrative
This policy was adopted by