April 11, 2013 To: From: Date: Subject: MCC Students, ENGL 1020 RC Hoover, Instructor, ENGL 1020 February 9, 2016 Example Sentences with 'To Be'--Original and Revised Below, asterisks separate sets of sentences. The first part contains one or more "to be" words. The second part shows the first part revised to eliminate "to be" words. ** We do have the freedom to choose; however, if we make a choice that is deemed harmful to either ourselves or others, there are consequences to pay. We do have the freedom to choose; however, if we make a choice that harms either ourselves or others, we must pay the consequences. ** The students are being asked to complete the assignments with certain objectives. Teachers assign students certain objectives. ** As the matter approaches the black hole, its temperature is raised millions of degrees by frictional heating. As the matter approaches the black hole, friction heats the matter millions of degrees. ** In school girls are praised for how they look not how well they do academically. Boys on the other hand are praised for being good in sports. Which give children the idea that girls should look pretty while boys should be tough. We teach our boys to be tough and not cry, if they do they are called sissy and ridiculed. Girls who are tough we call tomboys, stating again that strength is not a good attribute for a female. School reinforces these traits. At school, girls receive praise for how they look. Boys receive praise for acting tough, especially in sports. Boys who cry--or otherwise display "unmanly" traits--receive ridicule, and risk receiving the label "sissy." Girls who act tough--or otherwise display "unladylike" behavior--receive ridicule, and risk receiving the label "tomboy." This combination of praise and ridicule tells children that girls should look pretty while boys should act tough, and it reinforces the idea that women should not be strong. ** RCH